Chapter Twenty Seven

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Hunter ~

As soon as Hunter disengaged the alarm and unlocked his front door, a deep aggressive bark echoed from within the house.

"It's just us bubba." Kenzie answered in return causing a big wiggly Zeus to come sprinting down the hallway toward the door.

Ignoring Hunter completely Zeus showered Kezie with kisses, wiggling and whimpering with excitement to see her.

Good to see you too, traitor.

Forgetting his manners slightly, Zeus raised up on his back legs, jumping on Kenzie, trying to reach her face, knocking her off balance slightly, but Hunter's deep loud voice reminded him who was in charge.

"Get down." Hunter commanded loudly, causing all four of Zeus' paws to immediately hit the floor as he sat at attention, looking up at Hunter for his next command.

Hunter palmed the top of his head, rustling his as he passed him, noticing how Kenzie left numerous lights on in the living room and kitchen.

The entire place had a different feel to it, like the air was made of something different - something warm and comforting that hadn't been there before. A few of Kenzie's items were sprinkled around the house - a blanket on the couch, some jewelry on his coffee table, a jacket hanging in the hallway. He noticed the new additions instantly and didn't quite understand why the sight of them was so comforting.

Making his way to the laundry room, Hunter dropped his bag and unzipped it as he pulled out items that needed to be washed.

"You're going to do that now? Aren't you tired?" Kenzie asked from behind him.

When else would I do it? My clothes need to be washed so I'm going to wash them.

"Of course I'm tired, but this shit is dirty." Hunter muttered as he continued pulling clothes out of the bag.

"It's almost could come watch a movie with me and just do your laundry in the morning." She said with a smile on her face.

"Technically it is morning, and I'm already in the laundry room. It'll only take a sec."

Kenzie let out a small laugh and rolled her eyes at him, but instead of leaving him to do his laundry in peace or arguing with him further, her small body appeared next to his as she crouched down and started to pull things from his bag as well.

"You don't have to do that." He said quickly.

"I know." She returned with a smile, pulling his clothes from his bag.

"Seriously Kenz. I can do my own laundry."

Letting out a sigh, Kenzie kept her smile intact and turned to face him, unfazed by his harsh tone and expressionless face.

"If I help you, it'll go by twice as fast. And I can't wait to snuggle you in that big comfy bed of yours. So if this speeds things up. I'm all for it."

Her genuine smile and sweet words made Hunter's heart swell and pump warmth throughout his entire body. Reaching down he placed his hands over hers and took the dirty shirt from her grasp, tossing it onto the floor beside them.

"Really?" Kenzie said with a laugh.

Before she could say another word, Hunter scooped her up into his arms, stepping over the duffle bag that was overflowing with dirty clothes with Kenzie against his chest.

Her smile grew wider at his gesture and she laced her fingers behind his head as he walked effortlessly through the house, loving the way she fit in his arms - like she belonged there.

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