Chapter 126 - Outskirt Showdown

Start from the beginning

Owen couldn't move his arms and standing was difficult and unbalanced. Still, he stared at Alexander, savoring his breaths. How was he still alive? Something was keeping him alive far longer than it should have. But he couldn't afford to die yet... So, that worked out.

"Can you even hear me anymore?" Alexander said. "Wake up. Feel this. You—"

"You really can't control that power... can you?" Owen wheezed, looking up. He couldn't really tell, but he suspected his throat was going to hurt later from all that wailing. "It's controlling you, isn't it?"

Alexander furrowed his brow, like he didn't understand. There was something frenzied about him that felt... uncharacteristic. All he'd heard about this tyrant was that he was cold and calculated; when he tried to torment someone, it wasn't with this kind of primal disregard. But Owen couldn't afford to spend time puzzling over that now, staring at him, helpless. He had to distract him. There was just one part left of his plan to execute. He'd saved it, never needing that desperate gambit for Dark Matter after gaining that upper hand.

"Don't think you know what I'm capable of and what I'm not."

This was getting tiresome. But Owen wondered, in the back of his mind, if that was what Alexander wanted. Owen wasn't afraid of Alexander. He was furious. But he didn't have the power to strike back... And now, Alexander was a hair's width away from losing himself to the darkness he'd just acquired. Was that better, or worse? Maybe he could take advantage of that...

His thoughts were cut off by another crushing blow to his sternum. Several deep cracks echoed and he wheezed out a bubble of blood, falling again.

"I'll show you how weak you truly are," he finally said. The Hydreigon's main head sank its fangs into the back of Owen's already broken shoulder. Something cold ran through his blood like ice, like it was trying to grasp at something inside him, pull it away, corrode it, encapsulate it... Defiantly, Owen fought back. His muscles couldn't move, his mind felt muddled from the pain, but something else fought back in full and unrestrained force.

And, like some reflex, Alexander sputtered into his shoulder and reeled backwards. His mouth was coated in blood, but the blackened color... That wasn't Owen's blood. His jaws were agape with confusion as sludge dripped from his melted teeth and blistered tongue.

Yes... Light. He couldn't break past Owen's light.

Never lose... that smile, little flower...

"Something wrong?" Owen asked, his voice a pathetic rasp. "Too... spicy?"

Alexander brought his good minor head to his face to wipe some of the sludge away, wincing. "You..."

"So long as you don't break my spirit, there is going to be no way you'll ever claim it." Owen coughed out a laugh. "Dark Matter might have been defeated, but I won't be. Not by you... No matter what you try."

Alexander was trembling with frustration, but not fear. It was a standoff. Owen wondered if he could turn off his light at all, should the torment be too much, but it was only a fleeting thought. Alexander was thinking. If he could wait it out a little longer...

Yes, Alexander was thinking of ways to break Owen's spirit, now. Owen had inadvertently give that hint, though he wasn't really sure if it was true. This light was innate. Even at his lowest, it had always been there. Xypher had said as much, during those last dying breaths. He couldn't lose his light, even if he wanted to.

How could he use that, how could he use that? Owen puzzled over this while Alexander stared him in the face. Owen wondered if he'd try tearing it off. He wouldn't put it past the savage thing.

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