𝟎𝟗| 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏

Mulai dari awal

Adora sneaked up on a man and drugged him then she began to drag him near a hiding place. She went unsuspected since bullets were flying everywhere. What she didn't know was that it was all a setup. Then she began fighting through the crowd trying to defeat the lower-level gangsters she even got crowded by five men as they began to block her way. She thought it was weird how the two enemies were working together but she had thought nothing of it.

Rae and Nat jumped into the fight to help their friend. Giovanni came and tried to eliminate the competition by taking the men themselves. As everyone is engaged in the fight bullets to ring out.

Adora was so high on adrenaline she didn't know she was shot twice. Adora continued to fight for her and her friends' lives punching kicking anything to save her friends. Seeing everyone fighting and starting to feel dizzy Adora bought her bow and arrow out and decided to shoot it to help out.

She then ran to the upper level of the warehouse to continue shooting. Until three men come and try to jump her. After knocking two of them out the last one kicks her from the top floor after catching her off guard. Adora knew she wasn't completely focused because she was dizzy and angry. She even thought for a second that Giovanni was a rat.

As Giovanni and the girls are almost finished they see a bleeding and helpless Adora falling from ten feet above. She landed on the middle of the floor choking on her blood as her back hit the ground.

The girls ran to Adora while Giovanni took care of the rest of the men. "Sisters—just leave me I'm nothing but dead weight," she said as she struggled to see. Adora noticed she couldn't feel her legs.

"We're not leaving you Luna let's get up," Rae said as she and Natasha tried pulling her up. "You're going to die one day but you're not dying today Adora," Natasha spoke softly and her eyes stung with tears. Adora could barely move let alone breathe. They were worried couldn't make it.

The girls try to make it to the rooftop so they can reach their helicopter as Natasha Carrie's Adora bridal style. Natasha sets her down as they get in. Adora falls to the ground going in and out of conciseness. The girl soon realizes that the fall paralyzed Adora. Whether it was temporary or not they didn't want to leave her. Giovanni tells the girls that he'll handle Adora and they could go without him.

He bends down to Adora's level and tries to stop her from losing blood by applying pressure to her wounds. "Giovanni just let me die"- she coughed out blood, "I'm not going to make it."She thought out of her best friends she recently reconnected with Liv Eric and Ellie. She thought about her parents losing the child they got back. She thought if she did die they wouldn't feel so guilty. But then she remembered how they taunted her by using her mother's sad face as she was begging for her daughter to be bought home.

"You're not dying Dollface, not today, not now, not ever. Here this is going to make you stronger, make you feel better." He gave her two vials of the venom that makes people stronger, durable, but also mad and paranoid. She was already given doses of it in the ARES house. It made her more durable and much stronger, her senses were heightened more.

Her taking it would mean she would not be able to die like she felt she deserved. She hated that she was scared of death even if she was between life and death.

Giovanni saw the girl he loved die slowly and slowly both literally and metaphorically. Adora's skin was no longer the pretty brown shade it was pale and bloody Making him remember Adora's suicide attempt. She tried to overdose and she had slit her wrists and jumped in the pool. At just fourteen years old she was on the brink of death. Giovanni saved her then maybe he'll save her now.

𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang