Chapter 20: Just you and me

Start from the beginning

Finally you ended up inside the palace's training room, where you and Frigga had once spent a whole day learning spells and figuring out your magic. You looked around for a while before sighing and finally sitting down in the middle of the room.

You tried one last time to find your link with Wanda but it was completely gone. You felt a tightening feeling on your neck but managed to hold everything back. There was not room for sadness and desperation at that point. You had to focus and do the spell right.

You closed your eyes and started mumbling the words that would allow you to return to the world of the living, when something suddenly made you stop and open your eyes widely. A big earthquake happened out of nowhere and you immediately stood on your feet and looked around.

That was definitely odd. You got out of the palace and wandered around, looking for any possible changes in the space but found nothing. You continued walking for a while, when you suddenly came across the something you weren't looking for.

At the garden where you had first opened your eyes you saw a woman's form laying on the ground. She seemed to be unconscious but still breathing. You carefully approached her with a purple ball of energy in your hand.

The closer you got the the unconscious woman the more familiar she looked. Finally, when you were only a few feet away from her you realized who she was. You gasped and took a lot of steps away from her.

How the hell was Frey here?

While you tired to work out what could've happened during the spell Frey started to move and you quickly got ready to defend yourself. She moved slowly, she seemed weak, but finally managed to stand up. She looked lost for a second but then turned to you.

She had a mischievous smile on her face. She took a few confident steps towards you, which made you take a few back. You still hadn't managed to figure out what the hell was Frey doing in Limbo. And if she was really there that would mean that the whole spell was ruined. The whole point was for her to be alone in your body so that Loki could take it out and put it inside the new one safely.

But now that she was here everything was over.

Maybe she even was in danger and that worried you as well. You didn't want her to be in danger. You had looked over thousands of different scenarios so that she would stay alive after the spell. No matter what she had done she was still your sister, even though she didn't want to admit that.

"Well hello there." She suddenly said, the smile still on her lips.

"Hey Frey." You were skeptical. "What are you doing here?"

"What, you thought I was going to sit back while you and you little group dragged me out of my body?" She laughed.

"Frey how did you come here?" You sighed.

You were really anxious to get a reply to your question and Frey was on to that. She laughed in a mischievous way and paused for a few seconds.

She decided not to talk for a while. She wanted to make you suffer and she was successful. She enjoyed making you nervous even at the very end.

"Okay, okay let me put you out if your misery." She finally said. "I am not really here."

"What?" You were extremely confused.

"I am not really here you idiot. My soul is still inside the body. I managed to bring my consciousness in Limbo. Just to see you."

"You've missed me that much, huh?" You said as you vanished the purple ball off your palm.

You knew very well that Frey was powerless at that point. If her consciousness was the only one in Limbo you were in no danger. She had no power in that state so she could not hurt you.

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