He Did What?! - Sinon

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"He did what now?" I asked, still confused.

X sighed, "Death Gun, bad player, has normal gun, shoot famous players. Has partner in real life, kills the victim with euthanasia. That simple enough for you?"

"No, but how does he know where they live?" I asked, "I understood everything else, but what's up with that?"

"Isn't that obvious? He looks at their home address when we register for the BoB." He asked, with an expression that screams 'Are you stupid?' at me.

"No-one catches him in the act?" I asked, because it's impossible for someone to look at the registration screen on the terminal without looking incredibly suspicious.

X flicked my forehead, "Dumbass, he has optical camouflage, how else do you think he escaped that quickly?"

Suddenly, X drew his knife, I flinched, but he sliced a bullet in half with it.

"Hold that thought, I need to beat the shit out of this guy over here." He said, "Think you can snipe him?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Sweet. Just make sure you don't miss."

As I got into position, X drew his pistol and began shooting all around himself.

I was confused at first but then I realized what he was doing.

He was destroying the bullets he couldn't reach with his knife.

Amazing. This guy has some insane skills up his sleeves.

The enemy reloaded, and I took that opportunity to shoot.

The sniper bullet carved him into messy halves as his upper body flew into the bushes behind him.

Then, the marker appeared, announcing that he was dead.

X sighed, "Good shot. Personally, I would've shot earlier, but you do you, Little Miss Squealer."

Seriously, this guy is unable to stop mocking me. 

"Would you like a bullet to the grill? Because I can do that for you." I growled.

"Eh, no thanks. Tracking down Death Gun takes precedence."

Suddenly, he produced a different menu than I remember seeing, "Kazuto, you there?"

He paused, "Alright, we have eyes on Death Gun, I took a good look at his device IP, I'm going to send it to you so you can decode it and track it to his apartment, alright?"

Another pause, "Sweet, see you later."

He closed the menu and looked at me, "Before you ask, no, that's not a feature in GGO, but considering I have some administrative power, I was able to hack into Kirito's phone through the game so I can get into contact with him before the tournament finishes. He should be decoding the player ID as we speak and finding Death Gun's real name and location."

I nodded, because what else could I do? The guy in front of me literally has enough administrative power to contact the outside world through the game. Who is this guy?

"Alright, let's see, he went off into the city, by the looks of it. He might've victimized someone else already. Come on, let's go." He said, putting his weapons away.

He walked towards the city, and looked back towards me. "Well? Come on. Society ain't gonna save itself."

I grumbled as he relentlessly mocked me. This is gonna be a long day.


The city was huge.

X had asked me whether there were any names that I didn't recognize in the registry. There were three: Jushi X, Sterben, and Pale Rider.

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