Laughing Coffin - X

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I quickly hit the ground running and slit open the throats of the Laughing Coffin members that were attacking, but the one with the chain knife was able to keep up with my speed, albeit with great difficulty. 

"You're good, what's your name?" I asked, "I'd like to know the name of someone who's worth fighting."

"I go by the alias of Mask. Those who don't know me personally call me Chain-Knife Mask."

I grinned, "Well then, Mask, prepare to die. Remember the name of the player who is about to kill you..."

I quickly rushed behind him, "X."

Then I slit his throat.

Or at least, I thought I did.

He somehow managed to block the strike with the chain on his chain knife, throwing the knife at me.

I was able to effortlessly deflect the knife, but the attack still caught me off guard.

"You're the first player who can actually keep up with my speed. I guess I'm gonna have to get serious." I grinned maniacally at the smiling mask he was wearing.

I could see he flinched, but he almost immediately recovered, "I'm calling your bluff!"

Good, he didn't believe I could get much faster.

But I never move with my full speed. How can I? I go so fast that I can barely control it.

Time slowed down around me, and I moved behind Mask once again and stabbed at his nape.

At this point I was using around 70% of my full speed. This is probably the fastest speed that I can tap into without losing control.

Mask managed to knock my dagger aside and took a stab at me, but he clearly didn't account for my hidden blades.

I flicked my left wrist, stabbing Mask in the shoulder.

"I'll see you in hell, brother." I muttered as I slit his throat.

I sat down heavily, "I am never doing that ever again."

I looked at Kirito, "You good, buddy? Sorry, I don't have any curing crystals."

He just sighed, "I didn't expect you to, but hey, you saved the rest of us, didn't you?"

I laughed, "I didn't save anyone, it just so happened that I prevented your deaths by fulfilling my mission and killing any Laughing Coffin member I see."

"Well, whether you intended for it to happen or not, I'm glad that you were here." Kirito smiled, "Thankfully no-one else had to die."

I snorted, "Yeah, thankfully."

Suddenly, my entire body tensed.

What? You don't get cramps in SAO.

So why...?


I see now.

I looked at my leg, where the chain knife embedded itself.

"Well, I'm going to get paralyzed now. We're all gonna die. I didn't think that he would survive a slash to the critical weak spot, but he must have a lot of HP or defense." I muttered as I fell over face first.

I heard Mask laughing hysterically from behind me, "Wow, you are an idiot! Just because your attack kills everyone you use it on doesn't mean it will work on everyone! You didn't even bother checking whether I actually died or not! The Soul Reaper? More The Stupid Reaper! How did everyone else die to you?"

Yeah, laugh it off. Asuna's coming soon, so you won't enjoy this victory for long.

I rolled over as best as could, since I was, you know, paralyzed.

"Your victory will be short-lived, Chain-Knife Mask. Reinforcements are on their way." I grunted, desperately trying to move my arms to throw... something, at him.

"Hah! You think I'm going to be threatened by a group of measly soldiers?" Mask kept laughing. He was laughing so hard that it was impressive he was still standing.

Seriously, how can these Laughing Coffin guys laugh so hard?

I suppose they are LAUGHING Coffin, it's literally in their name, but still, it doesn't seem necessary for them to be able to laugh hysterically. Or maniacally, for that matter.

But he seems to be under the impression that 'reinforcements' means a group of people.

So sorry to burst your bubble, Mask, but the reinforcements that are coming consist of only one warrior: Asuna. Also known as The Flash.

As soon as that thought crossed my mind, Asuna appeared and knocked Mask away.


I immediately sprung to my feet, switching to the Death Sickle and rushing at Mask.

"Chain-Knife Mask, you sly son of a bitch. Prepare to die." I grinned, swinging it at him.

He seemed to panic. Well, I couldn't see his expression very well underneath that mask, but his actions alone were clue enough.


Nevermind. He has some insane strength.

Even though there's no pain in SAO, I could feel the impact of me getting thrown into the side of the cliff.

My HP gauge fell down to about 50 HP out of 1000.

Yeah, no, I am not re-engaging at this little health.

I watched as Mask and Asuna danced around each other, weapons flying.

The chain knife especially.

It flew past my cheek and embedded itself into the side of the cliff once before retracting.

Great, Now I'm literally at 1 HP.

I quickly sipped a potion to recover some HP whilst watching the fight between Asuna and Chain-Knife Mask.

It's going okay, but at the same time... Asuna isn't a killer.

So when she had Chain-Knife Mask at his knees, she spared him. Like a complete idiot.

She then turned her back towards him.

Goddammit, Asuna, you do not turn your back towards a red player, I thought you knew this.

My avatar was once again paralyzed by the paralysis poison on the chain knife, but it wasn't as severe, so I could at least move my arms to drink a potion.

Chain-Knife Mask stood up behind Asuna and stabbed at her.

A literal backstab.

But, well, Kirito came in, forcing the chain knife through his left palm, and kill Chain-Knife Mask.

What happened next was...


Oh god, what am I watching?

I can't even turn my head, so I can't look away.


A/N: A little bit of humor.

Also, sorry this story took like a week to update. I was incredibly busy.

Anyways, how are y'all? Good? Good. Bad? Hopefully better. 

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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