Bleed and Die, Bitch - Kayaba Hibiki

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As soon as I logged out, I immediately traced Shino's address through her Amusphere. I had a bad feeling that she was still in danger.

I quickly got onto my motorcycle and rode off into the night. 


When I got to her apartment, the door was chained shut. Sinon didn't answer.

That's a red flag, right there.

Something slammed into the door, and I tried it again.

Then I could hear it.

"Asada-san! Asada-san! Asada-san!"

Whoever was saying that is clearly unhinged.

I kicked down the door and rushed in, surveying the situation.

Shino was pinned down on her bed by a crazy-looking dude holding a... device.

I quickly ran at him, my pounding footsteps causing him to look over just as I threw a punch into his nose.

The impact of my fist clearly broke his nose with a sickening crunch.



I looked over at Shino, "Shino, get away. I'll deal with this fucker."

I stepped back and shifted into a fighting stance, keeping my palms open.

"You! You can't just steal my Asada-san like that!" He screeched.

"And you can't just harass her like that either." I retorted before sweeping his legs out from underneath him, "Now leave, before I... accidentally... end your life."

I am prepared to murder this fucker if it meant Shino could avoid even more trauma troubling her.

I grabbed him by his collar and punched him in the face, hauling him up to his feet, "You gonna leave?"

He showed no intentions of leaving.

"Alright, then don't blame me if I get carried away."

I rushed him, but before I could attack, he poked my chest with that device.

I felt a bit of a prick, but nothing more.

I was still able to get one more attack in before I collapsed.

His head flew into the corner of a table as he was finally knocked unconscious. 


I laughed, albeit painfully, "Just call me Hibiki. Anyway, what's the deal with that guy and his syringe?"

I could only see Shino fussing over me, lifting my shirt up and checking my ribcage.

Suddenly, my chest felt wet, then I realized why.

"Oh, would you look at that. My amulet saved my life." I muttered, drying up the liquid with my sleeve, "Well, as much as it could, anyway."

Yeah, I had a jade amulet that I wore everywhere, and it just so happened to have a hole in the middle of it by design. The syringe still managed to prick me, but it only injected a minuscule dosage. 

I let out a breath that sounded more like a death rattle, "Well, I guess I'm still alive. You okay, Shino?"

"I'm fine, but are you? He injected you with that... euthanasia!"

I lifted my arm, "Feel my pulse, does it feel like my heart has stopped? Well, maybe temporarily, but I'm not dead, so there's a positive."

She stared at me, dumbfounded. Suddenly, I felt arms around my chest.

"You idiot! You could've died, you know?"

I sat up, "Hey, be grateful, if I didn't trace your address through your Amusphere, you'd likely be dead."

And then my torso got wet all over again, "Oh, jeez. You're actually crying? Come on, I'm alive, you're alive, everyone's happy."

I ran a hand down her spine, hitting a few pressure points along the way to help her relax. 

"Hey, hey. Calm down. I'm fine. Maybe a bit weak on my legs, but I'm fine. Okay?" I chuckled, "You're okay. Everything is okay. We'll get this fucker arrested and you won't be in any further danger. Sound good?"

Shino only slightly nodded her head.

"Alright, sounds good. Now can you please let go of me? I still need to call the cops, you know."

It was as if Shino was attached to me with superglue. Try as I might, I couldn't pry her arms off my torso.

I sighed, "Well, I guess we're staying in this position for a while longer."

I took out my phone and called the one who commissioned Kirito and I. 

Kikuoka Seijirou. 

"Hey, Kikuoka? Yeah, I have one of the Death Gun accomplices here," I told him the address, "Come quick, I don't know how much longer this guy's going to be unconscious for. Kazuto should have the actual player's address for you soon."

"That's great. We'll be there in five minutes."

"Sweet. Bye."

I hung up just as the fucker stirred.

I slammed my foot down on his skull, silencing him again.

I probably killed him. Eh, whatever.


After the cops took the unconscious kid away, I turned to Shino.

"Hey, I'm gonna have to go now, okay? If it makes you feel better, I can come pick you up from school tomorrow."

Shino finally let go of me.

"Good girl. Be good now. And remember: You don't take shit from other people."

She managed a soft laugh, "Yeah, you taught me that."

I smiled, a genuine one this time, "Hell yeah I did. Anyone picks on you, point them out to me. I'll kill them if need be."

"You don't have to do that."

"I want to."

Shino chuckled, "Get away from me."

"I don't want to hear that coming from someone who refused to let go of me."

The friendly banter continued until I was sure that Shino was going to be okay by herself, then I left.


"Sachi, I'm back!"

"Where did you go?"

"Had to save a kid from being euthanized. Sorry for the abrupt departure, but if I got there any later, she likely would've died."

Sachi sighed, "Why is it that you always get caught up in some kind of fight at least once a week?"

"Apparently danger is a clingy child who refuses to let go of me. Kinda reminds me of a certain someone." I muttered, thinking back to how Shino refused to let go of me after I knocked Death Gun's accomplice out.

Granted, I almost died, but hey, I'm still alive.

I noticed Sachi beginning to get flustered.


She must've thought I was referring to her as a child. 

"No, I'm not referring to you, I'm referring to the other kid. The one that I had to go save." I smirked, immediately noticing Sachi's uncomfortable squirming. 

Heh. It's fun to tease people.

A/N: So that happened. I'm gradually losing my mind writing these chapters. Not in the 'going insane' way, I mean in the 'too many ideas' way.

So yeah, that's a thing I'm gonna have to deal with sooner or later.

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye. 

Timeless_95, signing out.

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