Frost and Thunder - X

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Well, shit. 

We're currently in the boss room and, let me tell ya, the room was chock-full of gold.

Like, half of the room was used as storage for the gold, and the giant himself was sitting on top of it.

"Who dares to intrude upon Thrymheimr?! I will eradicate anyone who tries to steal my gold!"

I immediately drew Nigen-Sei. I did not want to risk getting clobbered by this guy.

"Kirito, Klein, you two go and attract his aggro, I'll see if I can sneak around and assassinate him." I said, making the bow arms straight, effectively turning the weapon into a glaive.

As Kirito and Klein ran at the giant, I sidled up to the goddess 'Freyja'.

"You're not actually Freyja, are you, Lord Thor?"

She stared at me, and then chuckled, "Impressive, young mortal. You managed to see through my guise. Well then, what do you need?"

I shook my head, "The better question is: What do you need? I know you're here for a reason. Do you need to find something?"

Thor nodded, "It's a golden hammer. It should be around here somewhere."

I saluted her - him, god, his appearance makes things difficult - and rushed towards the gold.

I quickly scanned the massive pile, and before too long, I found it.

"Found it!" I called over to the god, who also seemed to sense it, because he raised his arm, melting his guise away and revealing the God of Thunder.

His name also changed from 'Freyja' to 'Thor, God of Thunder.'

"Thrym! Your reign ends here!" He roared, slamming his hammer into Thrym's skull, effectively killing the giant, causing a massive thunderclap to reverberate throughout the chamber. 

The shockwave caused by the thunderclap knocked me back into the pile of gold. It drained a little bit of my health but not much.

The God of Thunder turned to me, "Thank you, young mortal, for recovering my hammer for me. As a reward, I will bestow upon you a replica of Mjolnir."

My system pinged.

"Item get: Mjolnir."

I bowed, "Thank you, Lord Thor. Your generosity is greatly appreciated."

Thor laughed and flew out of the pyramid, breaking the wall in the process.

I stared, and I immediately slumped my shoulders.

"God, respect is so tiring." I muttered. I stared at where the giant's corpse was, and sighed.

Suddenly, the ground shook, and icicles fell.

I quickly spread my wings and took to the air as everyone else fell. I'm so glad imps have underground flying.

I landed on the 'Evil God' beast that we rode to get here, which Kirito and Leafa apparently named 'Tonkii'.

I looked back at Thrymheim as it fell. The Holy Sword Excalibur was falling about 200 metres away. I only have about 50m left on my underground flight, then I'm done, so I couldn't get it.

"200 metres, huh?" Sinon muttered, drawing her bow and chanting a spell, turning an arrow into a rope.

She took aim, quickly and quietly, and let go of her arrow.

It flew far, and I could tell that it was going to hit, judging by the trajectory of the arrow and the falling sword.

I tilted forward as I observed the glowing blue rope latch itself to the sword's hilt.

Sinon pulled on the rope, apparently having already put her bow away.

"Here's the sword." She said, handing the sword to Kirito. Then she noticed that he was staring at her, dumbfounded, "Don't look at me like that, I only did that to test my archery skills, not to help you."

Kirito just smiled, "Thank you, Sinon."

I clapped a hand on Sinon's shoulder, surprising her, "Goddamn, Sinon! That snipe shot! And with a shortbow as well!" I laughed, "Really, I'm surprised myself! I didn't think you could calculate trajectories that well!"

Sinon looked away, her cheeks slightly pink, "I didn't think I could, either."

I got off her, "Well, we have the sword. Now what?"

Well, the lady from before showed up.

I immediately stood to attention, but I tuned out majority of what she had to say.

Klein had to be a weirdo and apparently asked one of the ladies out before they propmtly disappeared, screaming out something along the lines of: "No! Don't leave me!"

I clapped a hand over my eyes, "Klein, are you a technophile? You literally asked an AI out on a date, an AI that is supposed to play the role of a goddess."

Klein struggled to answer that one.

I slung an arm over his neck, "I don't know what the hell kind of life you've lived for you to be that desperate for a woman's affection, and I frankly don't care. Don't ask out every woman you meet, dumbass. You'll only embarrass yourself and those around you who call themselves your friends."

Then, it was time to go. The players killing the beasts should've stopped by now, since the NPC who issued the quest is dead.


"So? How's the sword going?" I asked, Kirito was testing the sword out, and goddamn, it looks heavy.

"It's heavy. I'm glad I have my skill points invested in strength and sword proficiency." He commented, "Apparently it's supposed to have some special ability that can be activated once certain conditions are met. I dunno though, it's not working for me."

I sighed, "Lovely, we spent an hour getting a sword that can't even be used to its full potential. What an absolute waste of my time. I could've used that time to do something else. Heck, Sachi shouldn't have even been there."

Kirito then looked over, "Why was Sachi there? Isn't she at a lower level than most of us?"

I shrugged, "Something about wanting to be with someone. I should've just stayed with her instead of risking her losing her experience points."

A/N: A shorter chapter this time, but hey, it's still decent. 

I'm still waiting for an opportune time for some character and relationship development.

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

Sword Art Online: XDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora