Aincrad Liberation Squad - X

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Today is going to be quite interesting.

I was waiting with Kirito for Asuna to turn up. She had somehow convinced the both of us to go dungeon busting with her today.

And of course Asuna is the one who is late.

I sighed, and looked down at Kirito from the column I was sitting on, "Kirito, you can sleep for a while if you're tired, you know. Asuna isn't going to turn up for a while, by the looks of it."

He shook his head, "What if she turns up whilst I'm asleep? I need to stay awake."

Right on cue, the teleport gate flashed and Asuna stumbled out, bowling over a tired Kirito.

I chuckled, "Congratulations, Kirito. You were charge-tackled by a girl. How do you feel?"

Kirito didn't respond, but then I noticed the position of his hand.

I snorted as Kirito squeezed with his hand.

"Kirito..." I said, "Don't do that."

Asuna seemed to react a bit later than I did, and immediately kicked Kirito, who yelped in surprise, away.

Kirito flew through the air and slammed into a column, which displayed the Immortal Object notification.

Kirito glanced up and noticed Asuna clutching her chest whilst blushing furiously, and he looked at his own hand and imitated the squeezing motion he made earlier, and started to realize what he did.

I burst out in laughter, "Yes, Kirito. You just groped Asuna's tits. You gonna apologize, or what?" 

Kirito immediately bowed over and apologized profusely, but then the teleport gate flashed again and Asuna immediately ran behind Kirito.

I narrowed my eyes. It was Kuradeel, Asuna's supposed 'bodyguard'. But if she was running from him, then he can't be good news.

"Commander! I can't keep guarding you if you keep running away like this! Cease this foolishness at once!" He yelled.

Asuna glared at him, "You creep! Kirito, this man was watching me through the windows of my house!"

My left eye twitched.

I jumped down, "Kuradeel, correct?"

He nodded, "What about it?"

I walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Buddy, I understand that it's in your job description to guard Asuna, but it really doesn't justify you watching her every second of every day. Honestly, I would probably be a better bodyguard than you could ever be, since you can't even keep up with her."

He growled, "You know what? Fine! You think you can guard her better than I? Let's duel. If you win, I will back down, but if I win, I will continue my duties!"

I smirked, "With pleasure." And backed away from him.

But then I noticed something, and I zeroed in on it with my reveal skill.

My gaze hardened.

"Actually, can you come here a second? I need to confirm something." I said, walking back over to him.

Like a flash of lightning, my hand shot to his right bracer, and I dislodged it.

Underneath his right bracer, was a Laughing Coffin tattoo.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A member of Laughing Coffin, eh?" I grinned maniacally, "How about this, then. We have a duel to the death. It suits your style, doesn't it?"

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