The Dragon of Crystal- Lisbeth

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After helping Asuna improve her weapon, a shadowy figure entered my shop.

"Hello? Anyone home? Can I get some goddamn service in here?" Came the voice.

I hurried to the front of the shop and greeted my customer.

"You're the blacksmith?" The cloaked figure asked.

I nodded, noticing the type of cloak he was wearing.

A concealing cloak, which hides the player cursor from other players and NPCs alike.

"What can I do for you?" I asked.

"Can I get something custom made?"

"Sure! What did you have in mind?" I smiled, this was going to be one of the easier requests, it seemed.

"Can you make vambraces with hidden blades attached to them?"

I froze.

Was that even possible?

It must be, since he asked for it.

"O-Of course! May I be so bold as to inquire why you need hidden blades?"

He sighed, "I'll consider telling you if you can make a good pair. Your payment can range from five col to ten million and an explanation."

"Sure, what material did you need for the blades?"

"Do I look like a mineral expert to you? Something as powerful or even stronger than this dagger."

He whipped out his weapon and handed it over to me.

"Whoa, you have the Blood Blade? Sheesh, that's going to be tough." I muttered, then I turned my attention back to my customer,  "There's only one type of material that I can think of, but I don't have any at the moment. Could you wait for me to get a supply drop from one of my friends?"

"What do you need? I can make a milk run for you."

"W-Well, it's on the 55th floor, on West Mountain. And the material is so hidden that a blacksmith needs to be in the party for it to drop-" I tried to explain, but he cut me off.

"It's a mineral, and you're a blacksmith. You're coming with me."

I tried to protest, but he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the 55th floor.


"Why is it so cold?" I asked, I didn't even know that temperature was a thing in SAO.

"I dunno, because its a fucking mountain?! Jeez. You women and your dramatic outbursts." My customer, X, muttered.

"Well, why aren't you cold then, asshole?!" I yelled, irked that he spoke of women in such a way.

He turned to me, "Well, that's because I equipped a great mountaineering item called PANTS. Really, it's amazing what common sense can do for you."

Then he went into his inventory and produced a coat, "Here."

He threw it to me and turned around, "It's no pants, but it should keep you warm."

Huh, he might not be that bad, actually.


We found the boss room.

"Blacksmith, get your teleport crystal ready. We're nearing the dragon." X said.

"I have a name, you know." I muttered.

"And I don't care. You're clearly not suited for combat, so you go hide whilst I take down this thing. Shouldn't be too hard."

I shook my head, "You don't understand, that Dragon is too powerful for you! You only have two thousand HP! Even less than me!"

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