It was now a month later. My mother was still heartbroken about the whole thing with Dr. Nongogo. Even though I was still hurt, I now understood her way more better by putting myself in her shoes. But the trust and comfortability I had were gone. She tried calling me a number of times but I never answered her calls. It might be harsh but I was done with her. I told myself to forgive her and move on with my life. And that's what I was busy trying to do. It was going to be hard to find another therapist that I can trust and be comfortable with but I was going to search until I find her. The king had taken care of everything as he had promised. He hadn't even wasted time. The very next day he came back and said "It's done little beauty." And that was it.

I can't believe that next month was going to be the wedding. That I was going to be the king's wife and him my husband. To be honest, I couldn't wait even though I was scared and nervous. I was at the king's place and we were making out. I was getting more and more comfortable with his touch now. I still got scared and overwhelmed when the touching got too much but I was slowly getting there bethu. And it helped that my man was very patient with me. He could read me when and knew when to stop. His hand now was under my dress and his fingers were busy working their way up excruciatingly slow pace to my underwear. One of his fingers brushed my coochie over my undies and my body jumped as  arousal like I've never felt before spiked through me making me moan into his mouth. His finger kept on brushing my coochie again and again. My nails dug on his arms as my body quivered with pleasure.
Me: "My King..." I moaned loudly as I dug my nails deeper into him.
Kumkani: "if you could see how sexy you are right now beautiful. Fuck."
Me: "Please..." I begged.
Kumkani: "What do you want? Tell me beautiful."
Me: "Please..." I begged again. I didn't know what I wanted, but I wanted it. Badly. The king pushed my undies to the side and his thumb swiped over my clit and gasped out loud and keened.
Kumkani: "Fuck beautiful. You're soaked and feel so fucken warm. Is this what you wanted?" I just moaned in response. Something was building inside me. I could feel it. The king's lazily strummed me with his fingers and I couldn't help my lower body as it moved together with them and their rhythm... "open those thighs a little wider for me beautiful." I did as he ordered... "yes...fuck...can't believe I'm finally have my fingers in my woman's pussy and she's enjoying it as they please her." His voice! ... "thank you beautiful. I will treasure this gift for the rest of my life." He gave my clit a pinch and then I came screaming on the top of my lungs. Yes, screaming bethu. My orgasm went on and on for the longest time and the king never removed his hand from where it was. He just kept on petting me as I was came down from my high like he was rewarding me or something. And then I started to sob. I honestly didn't know why I was sobbing. But I was. It could've been because I just experienced my very first orgasm and it had been life shattering or it could've been that fact that I was feeling a lot at that moment making my emotions to be all over the place. I really don't know. The king didn't say anything. He just gathered me in his arms and held me.

The king and I were on his way to his parents'. Today was his father's birthday party. My parents were also invited. They were following behind us on their car. The king had told me that the whole family was going to be there and also other people who were his father's business acquaintances and friends. So you can just imagine. It was going to be a packed. I  guess the time for me to meet with the women had come. We were now inside and It was packed alright. Very packed. But luckily my man was there to clear the way for us. He led my parents to the front and then we stood by some corner away from other people. We were the same in the regard the king and I. We didn't like crowds. When we arrived it had been in the middle of one of the speeches. An old white woman was talking. From her speech I guessed that she was the king's grandmother. As she said her speech, some other woman who was sitting next to Isiqhamo kept throwing in remarks interrupting her making some of the people in the audience to laugh. I couldn't hear properly what she was saying but the king's white grandmother wasn't liking it at all. She kept pausing and giving the other woman a dirty look but the other woman never stopped. In fact she every time the king's white grandmother would pause and look at her, she would cackle like it was the funniest thing ever.
Me: "Who's that woman?" I whispered to the king.
Kumkani: "My grandmother."
Me: "I know that. But I'm asking about the black woman that's sitting down next your sister."
Kumkani: "She's my maternal grandmother beautiful. My mom's mother."
Me: "Oh really?" He just nodded... " why am I sensing some bad vibes between the two of them though."
Kumkani: "They hate each other's guts." Interesting.
Me: "Who do you like the best between the two of them?" I asked after a short while.
Kumkani: "My maternal grandmother of course. She's fun to be around..." He told me... "and she was the nicest to me growing up."
Me: "Really? Then I also like her." I declared. The king smiled. The speeches went on and on for quite a while. When they came to an end we were told to enjoy the food and drinks. People were now divided into small groups talking as they drank the champagne that was being served around by waiters in trays. Some people had moved out to the backyard. The king led me to where his father was to wish him a Happy Birthday. He had once again smiled at me bethu. Maybe the king was right when he said his father liked me but I was still terrified of him. Then he led me to where his maternal grandmother was sitting. As we got close to her, I could see the spiking resemblance between her and her daughter. She didn't look as old as I thought she would be. Next to her was standing a man who was as big and tall as the king's father. And he also looked terrifying as hell. He followed the king and I with his eyes as we approached like we were his prey. Yeesh! I looked away from him and decided to focus on the king's grandmother. She was smiling at us.
Her: "Here's my favorite grandson."
Kumkani: "Makhwalo you can't say that."
Her: "Haibo ngoba? Yinyani mos. Abangayithandiyo mabayozixhoma mntakabawo. Tshini zongabinaye ufavorite mzukul' for the why?" The king just hugged her and kissed her cheek in response. [No, why? I'm speaking the truth. Whoever doesn't like the truth can go and hang themselves.] ... "nguye lo, uMakoti wethu?" She indicated to me. The king nodded as wrapped his arm around my waist possessively and she laughed loudly... "ei ke lonto ulifuzile elahlanya lotatakho nesisgantsontso sime encankwam." Did she just... [So this is her, our new wife? You are really like that lunatic father of yours and also like this giant standing next to me.] .... "usengxakini mntanam ngoba nam ndazifaka entweni ngesisgora sime encankwam. I can't even go out in peace ndikhe nam ndiyodlala namanye amaxhekwazi ngoba umntu uhlelinje urhorhozelana nam. Ungavumi mntanam. Ungaze! Yi trap le yalamadoda. But ke ndiyavuya ukwazi Makoti omhle. Kanene ubuthe ngubani igama lakhe mfana wam?" This woman! [You're in trouble my child because I also got myself in trouble when I met this big man next to me. I can't even go out and play with other old women because he sticks to me like glue. Don't allow it my child. Never! This thing with these men, it's a trap, I'm telling you. But I'm happy to meet you my beautiful child. What did you say her name was again my boy?]
Kumkani: "Khazimle."
Her: "Oh Khazimle. What a nice name."
Me: "Thank you Makhulu-."
Her: "Makhulu? Never kaloku. Ndingu Sis' Lindeka or Makhwalo. Uyevha ke mntanam?" [Grandma? Call me Sis' Lindeka or Makhwalo. Do you hear my child?]
Me: "Yes Sis' Lindeka." She laughed loudly.
Her: "Kutheni ingathi ndizokuthanda nje." I smiled. [Why do I have a feeling that I'm going to like you?]
She took my hand in hers... "do me a favor and take care of my grandson here, yes?" I nodded.
Me: "Yes Sis' Lindeka."
Her: "And hound him to visit me more because he rarely does that." I chuckled a bit as she gave the king the look.
Me: "I will do that Sis' Lindeka don't worry." She smiled at me patting my hand and then she let me go.
Her: "Hay hay Taka Aphiwokuhle bulisa umntana uyeke ukuma ingathi uyi bodyguard yasezulwini apha undincede." She said to the man. Oh my gosh! [No no Aphiwokuhle's father greet the child please and stop standing like you're heaven's bodyguard.] The man gave me a chin lift to that. Sis' Lindeka sighed... "Lord, why did you bless me with such a man." She clapped her hands... "forgive him my child. It's the way he is." I just smiled. After that the king led me to his other grandmother. This one didn't even say anything to me. She just raised her uppity nose up at me like I was a grasshopper beneath her feet. The king just introduced me to her and then we moved on. Apparently there was a lot of people who were curious about me. You would swear I was a celebrity. As we moved from person to person, my feet began to hurt since I was in heels. I could see that the king hated this as much as I did. But was only doing it because he didn't want to be rude his parents' friends and acquaintances. Most of the people commented on how beautiful I was and how they couldn't wait to attend our wedding. After we were done, that's when I was free to sit and take a breather. Oh and I had also met Aunt Sophia and Aunt Aphiwe who were both the king's aunts. Aunt Aphiwe appeared to be younger than the king though. The way she was so feisty and loud, she reminded me of Isiqhamo. Speaking of Isiqhamo, she had introduced her husband to me. And I have to say he was fine as hell for a white guy.

I once again found myself stuck with the women. Well more like bombarded. I had been chatting with Palesa and a few of the other wives in the dining room area when they all entered. They did nothing but to stand there looking at me as did their assessment. Even though there was a lot of them which was a bit intimidating, I didn't cower from their stares. I stared each one of them in the eyes. A lot of them scoffed and raised their noses at me like they couldn't believe that I was meeting their stares. 
Me: "You women have a problem?" I finally decided to ask because, wow, the looks they were giving me were getting too much now. I could see that some were taken aback by my boldness... "if you have a problem please say it but if not, please stop giving me looks. It's boring." Some of them made sounds of disbelief and murmur went around.
Hlumelo: "The unmarried women have something to say-."
Me: "Not interested." I cut her off. A lot of shocked gasps went around.
Hlumelo: "What?"
Me: "You heard me. Not. Interested." I said in emphasis.
Hlumelo: "You..." She gritted her teeth not finishing. I laughed.
Me: "You what? You bitch. It's that what you wanted to say? Then why not say it?" I sighed rolling my eyes... "boring." "Just because you're getting married to Lwando, you think you better than us when you're not." Said another one. Lwando? Who's Lwando now?
Palesa: "Lwando is Kumkani. That's the name the unmarried know him by." She informed me whispering quickly in my ear. I couldn't help it, I laughed. Oh my God! Lwando? I was definitely going to tease the king about that later on. "You're no better than us, actually you're worse than us. Lwando deserves better than you." Said another one spat.
Me: "And why is that? What makes you think he deserves better than me when you women don't even know me." "We know all that we need to know about you."
Me: "Ohhh now I know. It is because I was raped, that you guys think that he deserves better than me?" I asked them. Their eyes bugged out as some of them gasped out in shock. They hadn't expected for me to say that... "it is because of that reason isn't it?" I laughed shaking my head... "well..." I shrugged... "what can we do, because my man loves me as this broken and good for nothing woman that I am." And I left them with their mouths hanging open. Fucken bitches.

That night I found out that the married women had known the king as Lwando before they got married. And that it was only after they got married that they came to know his real name but knowing it came with a price. They had to sign some type of agreement first as to not disclose the king's name to anyone. Disclosing his name would lead to dire consequences. I had asked the king if he knew of this name, and he had shook his head frowning which made this whole Lwando thing more hilarious to me. Can't believe though that he would make the wives sign a non disclosure agreement. Now that I think back, I remember my uncles and Anga's father signing some documents the day before the negotiations. Back then I had thought nothing of it. But could it be that he also made them sign the same agreement as the wives had? When I had asked him the same thing, he said nothing.

It was now the night before the wedding. My mother's family and my father's family were here. So you can imagine how full it was. Songs were being sung outside. It was a celebration before the big one tomorrow. I was a bundle of nerves bethu but at the same time I was a bundle filled with joy and excitement. Today, my friends and I had gone to do our hair and nails. We even went to a spa. It had been fun. Even though there was no space, it was decided that they would sleep here with me. The king was going to come and get us in an hour to go polish up our dance moves for tomorrow evening. I was now outside going to get something from one of my aunt's car when suddenly I was grabbed from behind and a cloth was placed over my nose before I could scream. And then I was swallowed in by the darkness.

When I woke up, one of my hands was handcuffed to the bedpost. I sat up and tried to pull off the handcuffs even though I knew it was futile thing to do. I started to shake as I looked around the room. It seemed like one of those hotel or B&B type of rooms. I started to scream for help hoping that somebody would hear me and save me. The door opened and in entered the person.
Me: "Anga...".........

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