(22) The First Shatter

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Before I start this, I am truly sorry for not updating. I won't come with excuse because the truth is I'm lacking motivation to finish this, but I'll try. Pinky promise lovelies. Enjoy.


I woke up to find myself in the same position I have for one too many times now; in bed cuddled up in Elijah.

I must've fallen asleep crying because I can't remember anything else than sobbing and Elijah caressing my cheek untill I stopped. He was really comforting in a way that I didn't really understand; I didn't know why he was doing it. Was it for sex, his own pleasure? The whole thing was confusing because he refused to fuck, which led to me being even more embarrassed. I can't believe I got stood up, that's a first at least.

I watch his beautiful face which I don't get to often. He looks so peaceful while asleep; almost normal. That would be a dream. Being normal with Elijah. My thoughts run away to a future with Elijah, a possible relationship, possible future together. I don't get it but I feel suddenly more drawn to Elijah, as if this is right, it feels right to be in his arms. But I could never do that. I have AJ to take care of, not to mention an entire mafia. I've never really cared for it like that, I didn't feel like I had to take over the lead but I'm the only heritage until AJ turns 18 at least, if he wants it by then.

That kind of makes me smile because I know how much AJ loves to hang out around us, and even though he should be scared, he loves anything to do with fighting or even remotely close to beating. Sometimes I wonder if it's all a game to him. All I want in life is for AJ to be happy and safe, obviously there are rules to come, but if he is certain he wants to take over I'll give him that.

My gaze shift to Elijah's lips as he grunts. His eyes go crazy under his eyelids and I can tell he's starting to wake up as he moves a little. He's beautiful, I can't say it enough, but he is. My feelings for him have completely developed that will lead me to a path where I've strictly forbid to go down again. It's been two years, I would've given her the world, anything she desired for.

His mouth twitches a bit into what seems is forming a smile. Is he awake? I have to leave. I didn't want to prolong this anymore than needed, he'd already gotten too close to me. I've been wreckless all this time.

Looking at the fancy black clock on the wall above the bed I notice it's my work day. It's 3 PM, normally I wouldn't sleep in so late, but this was different. Because I was sleeping in bed with Elijah. Honestly, it would be good to get some time away from Elijah and all my problems. Apparently the strip club recovered back into normal, we'll probably have less customers though. After what happened last time I don't think people are thrilled to go back.

Luckily, I'd have all of my clothings transfered here. I open the door slipping out before giving him any more time to wake up and stop me. I walk down the hall which leads me to my closet. Without wasting time, I put on a white shirt and a pair of black chinos. I put my hair in a ponytail and spray it. My mom had always put my hair in a ponytail, she said it made me look better. I put my shoes on and slip out of the closet.

''Where are you going?'' My heart almost stopped. I look at the tall man infront of me and acknowledge Theo's brown, boyish hair. It was fluffy and curly which reminded me of Justin bieber's hair in a way. I smiled at him.

''I need to catch up on work, I haven't been there in a long time.''

''You know you don't need to work?'' He says, almost reminding me as if he has all the money in the world to provide me with.

''It makes me look casual and desperate for money, Theo. No one can know that 'The Reaper' is a woman. It'd turn into a war.'' This was true. Several members of each individual mafia have always looked down on women. They believed their only job was to serve them sexually or as servants, while others loved their wives but would never mix them into the mafia life; it wasn't a place for a woman. It never had been. My father had always been abusive towards me and my mother. We were women. We had no privileges compared to a man. Me being a girl was the only reason my dad hated me, he couldn't pass down the mafia to me. It was forbidden, by the mafia laws and his mindset.

''That's bullshit, you shouldn't have to tire yourself just because you're a woman!'' He whispers aggravatingly. A hiss leaves the last word. His forehead creases out of frustration. This is one of the reasons I love Theo, he's always been a feminist, always believed in equal rights. I think he's even more of a feminist than me, which is odd. I guess he has it from me. 

''I'm not tiring myself, Theo. I promise I'm okay. I just need to blow this over soon, we need to finish this mission and go ghost again. We need to hide and never come back up. I can't risk anymore people.'' He sighs, knowing I'm right. He gives me a slight smile and a nod. And that's how I know he doesn't fully agree with me, but he understands and respects my decision.

I give him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before I pass him and get ready for work.


It's been 8 hours since I got to work and I'm so tired right now. I give a slight glance to the alarm placed in the bar. 11:28 PM. I look back up and watch as old grown men with wives enjoy these beautiful strippers. I could never strip. Not because it's embarrassing, but because I'm too stiff to move like that. I'm comfortable being a waitress.

This gorgeous blonde girl with red satin lingerie is swaying her hips. I guess you could say the men are enjoying their show. The strip club looks back to normal, mostly. Except for the locker room, it's still revamping.

There aren't a lot of people here, maybe like thirteen-fourteen.

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