(13) The First Comfort

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"Let's play a game," Jason says out loud while downing the rest of the tequila, not even needing lime or salt. ''What game are we looking at?'' Kai asks.

They're all pretty drunk right now. I didn't feel like getting drunk tonight so I'm the mom of the group after we call it a night. We're still in the livingroom, sitting infront of the fireplace. All of us are sitting in the couch cuddling because that's how close we are.

It doesn't matter who we're cuddling. Right now, Kai got his hands around my waist as I lay inbetween his thighs. My back pressed to his chest as we lay down. Tori's cuddling with Theo, while Jason and Marcus are tangled. They're so drunk right now, otherwise they wouldn't be cuddling like that.

For some reason, Jason gets really emotional when he's drunk. It's funny and we all have a good laugh at it. ''Let's do never have I ever, please, you must join, Eleodore, you never get drunk anymore."Jason pouts at me.

''Yeah please, Eleodore," Theo joins along, pouting too. I shrug, not wanting to give in, but I kind of want to play. ''Come on, Eleodore, just this once. Loosen up a little," Tori adds. Kai strokes my hair and places a kiss on the back of my head, chuckling.

''Alright alright.'' I give in. They all start grinning and I immediately know it's a mistake.

''Okay I'll go first, never have I ever fucked more than two people'', that one was so obvious, I just knew they were going easy on these to make me drink. Kai reaches for the shots all lined up on the table and downs it; Tori definitely downs it and I down one too.

The burning in my throat makes me cough; I'd forgotten how nasty alcohol is. ''Okay, never have I ever fucked in a public restroom," Tori says while downing her drink, and I look at Kai and see a smirk followed by a laugh as his gaze meets mine. We both reach for the shots and down it too.

''Go easy, Ellie, you know you're a lightweight," Kai informs me and I nod as I lean back on his chest again.

Everyone gazes at me and I was suddenly next. ''Never have I ever-'' I looked around and let my gaze meet Tori. ''Fucked a married man who has children''. She burts out laughing and I join along as she takes the drink and downs it.

All of them looks at Tori with a disgusted, are-you-serious look. ''There's no way you actually did that," Kai says. ''You go girl!' Jason adds and I beam.

Jason isn't the type of guy to let you feel bad for your actions, but rather encourage you. I guess you could say he's the emotional support in the group. I know I might be a mafia leader, but I've never let that get in the way of having friends. I wasn't raised to be a mafia leader until I became older, so it hasn't stuck with me that I shouldn't have friends and let my guard down.

I practically grew up with these people, so I'm stuck with them either way.

''Okay, how about never have I ever taken a shot," Kai says, smirking as all of us reach out for a shot. ''Are you trying to get me drunk?'' I ask, he nods and I shake my head with a smile. I down the shot once more.

I suddenly feel warmer and I realize it's kicking in.

''Hey, we should all do a sixsome, because I really love you guys, and I really think we would bond more..." Theo says as he wipes away fake tears, showing clear sign of emotion. I let out a laugh as I realize how ridiculous it sounds.

''Oh my god, you're right," Jason adds, and out of nowhere he takes off his shirt. I can't help but giggle ''I'm ready!'' Kai immediately places the palm of his hands on my eyes, blocking any sight of shirtless Jason.

I giggle.

Someone's stroking my cheek. I let out a grunt as I open my eyes. ''What do you think you're doing, sleeping in another man's arms?'' My heart skips a beat.

I look at Elijah, whose hand is placed on my cheek as he caresses it. I stand up and look behind me, seeing that Kai is laying behind me as I sit in between his thighs.

We must've fell asleep here. My head hurts so bad. I look back up at him and he's staring down at me intensely. ''What are you talking about?''

"Get up'' he says, tugging me by my wrist as he catches it. ''No, leave me alone, what are you doing?'' I ask, confused as ever.

What does he think he's doing? Waking me up to scold me about sleeping in Kai's arms as if it's the first time. ''I wont repeat myself, get up'' he says, drawing his gun pointing it at me.

What a crazy son of a bitch. I scoff as I refuse and turn my gaze away from him. Everyone must've passed out because Tori is sleeping with Theo now and Jason and Marcus are sleeping on top of each other's as if it's completely normal. My head starts pounding and I realize it's still dark outside.

''Fine, don't say I didn't warn you.'' he withdraws his gun and suddenly, in a swift motion I'm in his arms, he lifted me by my knees and held his other arm under my neck for support. ''Oh my god let me go'' I whisper aggressively to not wake anyone up.

I clasp my hands around his neck and his intense, intimidating gaze meets mine. ''Shut up and go back to sleep.'' He says while still walking through the hall, looking for a room. What the hell does he think he's doing?

In a swift motion he opens the door and closes it behind us. He walks toward the bed and places me down. I'm too tired to argue so I get comfortable in the bed as he pulls the sheets over me.

''You can go now'' I dismiss him and he looks a bit annoyed at my comment.

''And if I don't want to?'' He asks still staring at me. My gaze turns around to behind him at the clock. It's 3 AM. ''I don't care if you don't want to. Leave.''

''But you wouldn't want that, would you?'' The slightest smirk appears on his face as amusement washes over him. Not funny.

''I would, a lot, so'' I say, still too tired to argue but I keep talking. If I was going to be honest, I kind of liked that he was jealous. I don't even know what's happening to me but at this point I'm just attracted to him, something I never wanted.

''Scoot over.''

''You're not coming in bed with me.'' I stand my ground; there's no way he's coming in bed with me.

''Yes I am, scoot over.'' He looks at me as if he's serious and isn't joking. I scoot over, before my sanity reaches my actions to keep me still.

He takes his coat off and places it on the bedside table. He swiftly unbuttons his shirt and kicks his shoes off as he places himself next to me. I turn around facing away from him in embarrassment of my reaction. I can't believe I'm blushing.

''Turn around'' he demands.

"No, just go away or sleep without bothering me'' I close my eyes as I put my arm under my pillow.

''Why do you keep speaking as if you have a choice?'' He asks. I turn around in frustration ''why are you doing this again?'' I ask trying my best to sound unbothered.

"Because I dismissed my whore an hour ago, and frankly I like annoying you.''

My heart skip a beat at his confession; I know someone as attractive as him would be sleeping around with women, I just didn't know it would bother me so much.

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