(18) The First Fail

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Elijah slams his empty glass down on the bar. I'm surprised it didn't shatter.

This is so disgusting, Diego's hands all over me, while the only one I'm thinking about is him. And no one but him. I realize it's shameful what I'm thinking, but it's not in my control. I'm slowly letting my guard down to a guy I don't even know.

Diego tugs on my earlobe with his teeth as he grunts and grinds against my ass. My eyes are still on Elijah's and his gaze is as threatening as ever. I wonder if he's mad at me or Diego. Either way, he's making it obvious. His jaw clenches and his forehead creases a little, causing him to frown. His hair is pushed back so none of it is laying as effortlessly on his forehead as it did when he came in.

Diego thrusts in a little more and I feel myself getting closer to my release as I moan. Elijah's gaze turns to Diego's hand and that's when he realizes the cause of my facial expression. God this is embarrassing. Elijah whispers something to Taylor who is sitting next to him. Before I can think of all the multiple words he could have used, Elijah stands up, furious as he walks over to us.

My heart skips a beat and that's when I realize he's going to blow this. My eyes give him a longing look and my head shakes a little, trying to warn him before he does something stupid. My palms sweaten up and suddenly it's hot in here. Fuck he's going to ruin this.

I look at Elijah and realize he's looking at Diego through his thick lashes. He's mad, unexceptionally mad.

Before anything else happens, a swinging punch from Elijah hits Diego's face. His fingers immediately pull out of me and so does his release as he stumbles to the ground. I swiftly back away as Diego stands his ground, ready to throw a punch aswell.

Diego stands confused, but angry. His gaze traces back and fourth between me and Elijah as he realizes the sudden attack was because of his own actions. He throws a punch but Elijah blocks it, grabbing his wrist and places another hard punch on his face, led by another, and another and then finally, Diego passes out. I gasp.

He just ruined the entire mission. This stupid idiot ruined it out of jealousy. Oh my god. Everyone stopped dancing, chattering and drinking. All eyes are on us and the music volume turns down.

I look up at Elijah who's looking straight down at me. Tearing my gaze away from him I turn it back to the people still staring at us. Diegos men start their way down the stairs as they rapidly try to pull out their guns. 

"Eleodore?" my ear piece speaks up. It's Marcus speaking. "A thousand people just saw us", I whisper as my eyes widen at the sudden realization. "Alright, get out of there. I'll have some men collect Diego." I nod. I turn my gaze to the exit to find Tori looking at me. She's ready to leave and so am I.

I grab Elijah's forearm and pull him towards me. He hesitates but follows along. I keep my gaze down on my feet as I run out of the club with Elijah's arm in my hands. Our limo is still here and Tori opens the door for us as we all hurrily shove ourselves in. Taylor is right behind us, entering the limo as well.

Tori gets in and closes the door behind her as the limo starts driving.

I sigh. This could have gone so wrong so fast. I'm so mad right now. How dare he interrupt? This was his plan, his mission and he held me against my own will to get Diego tonight, and then when he pulls a move he goes crazy? I don't get it. It's not like I'm his, it's not like he doesn't have whores.

He pisses me off so much. He even informed everyone that I might have to get Diego laid. ''Do everything you can to get him to the room'' he had said earlier. That's exactly what I was doing.

I don't know if he did it because he was jealous or just mad at me for doing it on the dancefloor, but either way the plan was doing well. Diego fell for it, he was about to be drugged and thrown somewhere in hell. I was about to seduce him and then sneak out to have his men thinking he was getting laid, but now, now we have got his men following us.

I breathe out as I massage my forehead with my fingers while staring out of the window. I look at Tori who sits in front of me. She gives me an are-you-okay look. I nod slightly and smile in return to ease her worries.

My mind eases a bit when I think about how fast all of this happened, I didn't have to be in there for too long.

For some reason my breathing starts to get heavy and my head starts pounding. I slowly lean against the window as I let yet another memory take me away.

''Let me go, Hades!'' I yell as tears stream down my face. My voice sharp-edged as I cup my face to wipe away my tears.

His strong hands cup my neck as I gasp for air. His brown eyes cut through mine. He's angry. I made him angry again. ''I'm sorry, baby please.'' I beg as the warm tears hit my cheeks, falling in the same trace before the next ones.

''Don't'' he releases his grip on my neck and I gasp even harder for air as I look at him, waiting for his next words. A loud slap enters my face and my eyes widen in disbelief. ''Ever'', another slap stings through my cheek as he slaps me on the same place.

''Scream.'' And another slap. ''Again'', and one last slap before I fall to the ground, allowing myself to feel everything this man has ever done to me.

Several sharp stings occurs on several places at my scalp as he pulls me up by my hair in his fist, forcing me to walk while dragging me by my hair.

He walks only a couple of meter before throwing me in the same dark place I fear everyday, the same dark place that made me want to be out there with him instead of in there, with all my fears and imagination.

He throws me in and I scream in pain. ''Don't! Please I'll be good. I promise!'' I beg as I run towards the door before he shuts it rapidly, just before I can stop him.

I fall to the ground and sob, cupping my cheeks as the realitazion hits me; this is who I married, this is who promised to give me nothing but love and affection for the rest of my life. This is the same man who kissed me and lullabied me to sleep. This is who woke me up, drowning me in kisses while chanting I Love You.

Except now, this is the man who scarred me for life. This is my future. Mine and hers.

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