Chapter 56 - Australia

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"It's still crazy," Keira added, "100 is a milestone a lot of people won't reach and you've done it by 26."

"You will too," I said to her, "I know you will."

Keira and I had to go and do some interviews to advertise the World Cup. Since we are twins, and because our story is so interesting, we are often the poster girls for the major tournaments, to try and get England behind us. I used to hate having to do the videos. I'd always complain to Keira, telling her that I didn't want to have to be in them. But now, I know that when I am older, and look back at this time in my life, having these videos will be amazing for Keira and me. Being able to watch us in our prime, laughing and having fun, and talking about what it means to us to go to a World Cup will be special.

Keira and I were scheduled to go on This Morning. We were let off training early that day, and headed to my room to jump on the video conference. We weren't able to go into the studio, so we video chatted in for the interview.

"So, first of all, we just want to say a huge congratulations to both of you two for your selections into the Lionesses' squad for the World Cup. That's a massive achievement. How are you both feeling?" Phil, one of the interviewers' asked Keira and me.

"Yeah, we're both really excited for the amazing opportunity to play in another World Cup. This is going to be my second, and Ettie's third, so I think we're just going to grab this opportunity with two hands, and make the most of our time in Australia and New Zealand."

"Many thought you may be in doubt, Juliette, for selection, as you had been struggling with a heart condition over the past few years. How did that affect your preparation?" The other interview, Holly, asked me.

"Yeah, I mean, obviously being a professional athlete and having a heart condition isn't two things you want to happen, but I've had to realise what I wanted, and I knew I wanted to make another major tournament, and I knew I wanted to help England win and hopefully take home that trophy, so, I guess, I've made some sacrifices but I wouldn't change anything."

"Now, you two are making history as the first twins to ever go to two World Cups together, what does that mean to you both?" Phil asked us.

"It means a lot," Keira said, "growing up together and playing together, we both knew what we wanted and that was to become professional footballers, and over the past few years, being able to live our dream, together, has been something neither of us can even begin to put into words."

"Do you guys ever think you have an upper hand on the pitch, because you are twins?" Holly asked.

"It's hard to say," I started to respond, "I think it would be slightly more obvious if we were forwards, as I believe our connection and our ability to read each other would be more obvious to just the casual viewer, but as we are both more in the defensive half, we read each other in slightly different ways. I know when Keira is going to try and make a run up the wing, for example, and I know when she is going to try and cross it in from the top of the box. So, I do think we have that connection, it's just sometimes difficult for fans and viewers to fully see that."

"So, Keira, you play as the defensive midfielder and Juliette you play at the left back, but can switch into that defensive midfielder role if needed, or even center back, as we saw at Chelsea a few times over the years, so how does it feel being able to take to the pitch together?"

"I love playing for England, we both do, but it makes it even better when Ett is out there with me," Keira started to say, "I just feel whole, when I'm out there."

"Would you say that is because you are twins?"

"For sure," Keira replied, "Unless you're a twin, I think it's hard to explain that connection and bond you have with your other half. It's unbreakable. If something happened to Ettie, I would feel just as broken." I looked at Keira and smiled, knowing that I felt the same. It was as if Keira and I shared one soul, in a sense. We were one bigger being.

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