Chapter 2: How Bowser was Introduced to The Story

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So this is the author speaking right now(which is me). What do you think of the first chapter? Was it good? Was it horrendous?Well I want you to tell me. It would make sense if it was vile. Anyways, lets get back to the story. I need to stop bantering about these things.

While Thanos is searching for the illusive Matt, there was another person, in another part of the universe coming to play.

There is a place in this universe that everyone should know. It has mushrooms, blocks and a plumber in a red hat and overalls. In that place there is a castle, surrounded by lava, gray bricks covering it all around. Except the dome of the castle. The dome is shaped like a giant turtle with spikes on his shell. The face of the owner on top of the door, raising his ego more and more (we all know he has a big one 😉). The plumber's journey is reaching its end. He knows what he has to do. He has been doing this for more than 35 years. The doors are open, waiting for him to enter. He goes forward and goes through the entrance. As he walks down the hallway he sees the doors closing, insinuating that he can't back down. He brings out his fire flower from his pocket. He eats it and its power changes his entire outfit, making him have a white hat and red overalls. As he goes to the main room, the thing he's pondering on his mind right now is "I need to-a get the princess."
As he walks into that room, the first thing his eyes lock on to is a big turtle talking care of his kids. He yells at him and says, "GIVE HER BACK-A BOWSER!!!"

The turtle looks at him in shock. He talks softly, "Hey, hey Mario. C'mon man. What do you want? I'm baking some cookies for my koopaling kids until my husband Kamek comes back."
"You-a have a...HUSBAND?! Why did you nev-a tell me this? And Kamek?! Isn't he like your caretak-a or like your guardian?" Mario says.
"First of all, don't assume. He isn't my guardian. There are other Kameks like him. And second, I already told everyone in my blog. You should've seen it."
A goomba marches by to look responsible to Bowser. He wants a promotion real badly and is trying to be a stuck-up to him. The Goomba starts talking, "Yeah Mario! Why aren't you looking at the blog? Everyone uses it."
Bowser stares at the goomba and gives him a thumbs-up to show he appreciates the back up. The goomba winks at him and tries to give a high five to him by using his head. Bowser hits him back. The goomba now knows he's going to get that promotion.
Mario watches everything that happens and tells Bowser, "Hey-a mate. *cough* *cough* You know that you and the other people in this castle are the only people that read your blog?"
Mario changed his voice in an instant. Instead of his voice sounding like a fake italian, his voice turns into a middle aged, tall man with black hair. Bowser starts to freak out and scream like a mouse that got stepped on. He says, "Whats with your voice Mario?"
"I've always had my voice like this. Its just I had a very bad sore throat."
"For this long?" Bowser asked in fear.
Mario never gave him an answer. But he went on to search for the princess. He lifted his left arm and brought a fireball out of thin air. "I always question how you do that," Bowser says.
The koopalings enter the scene and ask, "HEY DAD! ARE THE COOKIEEES..."
All 7 of them, Larry, Iggy, Lemmy, Morton, Wendy, Roy and Ludwig saw Mario. Even Bowser Jr was there and witnessed this. Mario glared at them with a menacing look. They all ran away with a cry that could be heard across the room. Mario told Bowser once more, "Give her back Bowser. Shes gonna bake me a cake."
"Is that all you care about? I can just bake you a cake right here. I have been taking classes."
Mario chuckles. He laughs at Bowser. "C'mon Bowser. It's been over 20 years since our first battle. Do you still think that I would save Princess Toadstool just for that reason? It's more than that. I want to have a lover. The people of Mushroom Kingdom need her. But you just want to ruin that. I have never asked you this question in my whole life. Why do YOU want the princess? Huh? Just to mess with us? It doesn't matter anyways. I'm gonna kill you once and for all. And I won't back out."

Mario throws the flame in his hand. His flame running on the ground, jumping up and down just hitting Bowser in the chest. He doesn't feel anything. "If its a fight you want, then its a fight you get. HEY KAMMY! COME HERE I NEED YOU FOR A SECOND!"
The magikoopa goes towards him in glee. He brings out his wand from his pocket and says, "Hey hubby. I know just what what you need. bipitee boppitee...."
Before he could even say the spell he was about to cast on Bowser, a portal came before him. It was a blue swirl and it was going towards him. Mario ran away as fast as he can to avoid what was going to happen. As that portal goes closer and closer to Bowser, Kamek uses his wand to cast a spell. He made a rope appear on the palm of his hand and gave it to him to hold on. Bowser grabbed the rope. The portal became stronger and stronger, SUCKING him in (if you know you know😏). As the portal was reaching close to him, he said, "I don't think your strong enough to hold me. Just let go."
Kamek started crying. He said, "NO! DON'T SAY THAT. I LOVE YOU! JUST KEEP HOLDING ON A little"
As he said those words Bowser responded, "Don't worry. It'll all be fine. Just live on without me."
He uses the last bit of strength he had in his body. He looked at Kamek's beady, blue, beautiful eyes and kissed him on the lips. "Its fine. Just. Let. Go."
As he smooches his lover on the lips, he let's go of the rope and enters the portal. The portal closes.

Kamek stares at the ground and starts sobbing and never stops. "Who did this? Who made that portal? I need to know."
His tears were imprinted on his face. As he lays down, all the troops hear the commotion. They walk towards Kamek and ask, "Where's Bowser?"

All the koopas, lakitus, goombas and the others go to Kamek to comfort him. He was gone forever and Bowser got a grave from the troops. His grave has the words, "For Bowser. He was a great leader. And a great father. He never won but he was loved. Loved by his children and Kamek."

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