chapter eleven

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avery's car seat from this chapter ^^^

Avery's POV

"Almost done, little one. Then we'll get you in some nice, warm clothes." Mommy told me. I felt him wipe my down there parts making me shiver from the cold feeling.

I've been in the hospital for a few days and being with mommy and daddy has been amazing. They've been right next to me the whole time, feeding me bottles, changing my diapers, and tucking me in for bed at night.

I've had a few nightmares the past couple of nights but mommy and daddy haven't made me say anything about them. They just call me my special names that I love and give me warm cuddles. It was comforting enough for me to temporarily forget about Master and the accident.

Even though everything's been awesome, I can't wait to leave. Mommy and daddy are going to take me to their house and I'm so excited! They said I get my own nursery and a playroom!


"All done, sweet boy. We'll go out and get you some new clothes tomorrow, but for now it looks like you get to wear some of mommy's clothes. Does that sound good?" Mommy tickled me lightly after strapping my diaper on, making me giggle.

"Yesh, mommy. Thankies." I grinned up at him, showing off my teethies.

"You're so welcome, lovey. Thank you for being such a darling little boy." When mommy said words like that I got all warm and fuzzy inside and I loved it.

"Mmmm, wove mama." I told him, snuggling down into the mattress when he started cleaning up the changing mess.

Charlie's POV

"I love you too, bubba." I replied, ruffling Avery's hair lovingly as I walked passed him to the bag next to his bed. I quickly grabbed him one of my sweatshirts and a pair of my sweatpants. My clothes would be big on him but they're better than nothing.

The past couple of days have been an absolute treasure with Gavin and Avery. We've all bonded a considerate amount and today we get to take our baby boy home.

With everything going on here though, we haven't had the chance to get Avery's nursery or playroom ready. Gavin went out and bought a car seat and diaper supplies for him while I finished the sketch for the mural in his playroom, but that's about it. Neither one of us wanted to leave Avery for that long so we figure we can go out together tomorrow, once Avery's settled, and get him everything he needs.

"Arms up, lovey." I told him quietly as I slid the sweatshirt down his small body followed by tying the sweatpants around his waist. I had to roll them up four times so that they actually fit him.

"Would you like me to do your hair, sweet boy?" I asked him once I got some slippers on his feet. His hair was just long enough for a short ponytail or some pigtails, maybe even some adorable littles buns.

"Yesh pwease mommy." He said calmly. It's odd, he doesn't do many typical little things other than holding onto his stuffy and cuddling. Gavin and I would love him no matter what but I'm hoping when we get Avery more little supplies he'll explore his headspace some more.

"Do you want piggies or bunnies, little one?" I helped him sit up on the bed so I could get to his hair better.

"What dat mama?" He asked, head tilted to the side, looking up at me curiously.

"Piggies are two ponytails and bunnies are two buns." I explained to him as I brushed his hair gently.

"Bunnies pwease?" It was a question rather than a request.

"Of course, baby." I told him sweetly as I used the brush to part his hair down the middle. He whimpered quietly when I accidentally pulled on his hair so I attempted work even softer than I already was. "It's okay, hunbun, just a few more minutes." When his hair was nice and neat in two cut little buns, I picked him up under his armpits and placed him on my hip.

"You look so adorable, lovey." I complimented him, craning my neck to peck his cheek.

"Thankies mama. I's feel cutesie." He beemed up at me. I chuckled as I began walking back and forth through the hospital room. We had some spare time before Gavin got back from signing Avery's release forms.

"Are you excited to go home, baby?" I asked him after a few minutes of mindless pacing.

"Yesh mommy. Wanna not be in da bowing (boring) woom (room) anymowe." His face formed a small pout.

"I know, sweet cheeks. You did so well these past couple of day, though. Daddy and I are so very proud of you." I praised him quietly and he soaked the kind words up, snuggling close to my body after they were said.

"Are my darlings all ready to go?" We suddenly heard Gavin's voice as the door opened.

"Did you get his formula from the pharmacy?" I asked, making sure everything was good to go.

"Yes, love." He assured me, holding a brown paper bag with the hospital logo on it. He quickly gathered our things as I secured my hold on Avery, getting us all ready.

Gavin lead the way out of the room and to the sliding exit doors of the building. Before walking out, I used my hand to guide Avery's face to my neck and held it there. It was the middle of winter and freezing outside. I don't want my little one to get too cold.

We kept our movements nice and slow, as to not startle Avery, and we got everything packed into the car. Gavin opened up the car door revealing Avery's new car seat. I slowly lowered him in, supporting him fully until I knew for sure he was safe and strapped in.

"Is everything okay, little one?" I asked him when I noticed his small arms clutching Splootise tighter. He had a panicked look on his face as he glanced around the car.

"M-Mama?" He whimpered out brokenly. I felt the sad tone stab straight through me.

"Oh, what is it, darling? What can I do to help?" I asked him frantically. He looked like he'd just woken up from one of his nightmares.

"S-stay wif me pwease?" He asked, looking down at his lap where his baby blanket was held.

"Of course, lovey, it's alright." I told him, softly shutting Avery's car door and moving around to the other side. I got in and sat in the seat right next to his car seat.

"D-daddy?" He asked in the same sad tone.

"Daddy's in the front, bubba. He's going to drive us home." I told him, glancing up at the front mirror to be met with Gavin's worried gaze.

"Daddy be otay?" He asked as his breathing picked up.

"I'll be just fine, sweetheart. We'll all be super safe, I promise." Gavin was quick to reassure Avery. Avery didn't seem completely fine with the answer however, he accepted it, still looking quite distressed.

To help soothe him I grabbed his hand in my larger one and traced over it with my fingers. "Just think of home, little one, and we'll be there before you know it." I told him in a soft whisper.

Obviously, a car has something to do with his past experiences based on his reactions to Gavin and I sitting away from his reach. I couldn't help but spend the whole car ride home wondering how I could help my precious boy.


a/n - hey guys! i don't really remember writing this chapter because I'm pretty sure i wrote it at like three in the morning a few weeks ago sooooo i don't know if it's any good...

anyways... thank you so much for reading and i hope you liked the chapter :) don't forget to vote and comment letting me know what you thought of the chapter and what you think of the book so far! I hope you all have a lovely day/night <3

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