chapter four

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Charlie's POV

"So we're really doing this?" I asked Gavin. We were still standing around the boy's bed, the doctor having just left a few minutes ago.

"If you're up for it then I am too." He told me quietly, sitting down on a chair and pulling me onto his lap. I curled up on top of him and nuzzled his cheek, placing a soft kiss on his 5 o'clock shadow.

"I am. I mean, we've been looking for a little for a few years now. I know I've never actually met this little before but I can already feel a connection to him. Do you?" I asked him and he responded by placing a chaste yet loving kiss to my lips.

"Of course I do. I'm glad we're on the same page." He added afterwards.

"But we're not prepared at all. We don't have anything at home to take care of littles. Shit, we don't even have anything here for him." I was starting to panic slightly. "And what if he doesn't like us? What if he doesn't feel the connection?" The weight the situation was fully hitting me now.

"It'll be okay, my love. I'm sure if we feel it, he will too and we'll get everything he needs. We'll learn more about him, figure out his regression age, get to know him. Everything will be alright." He said softly, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me closer, his deep voice calming me.

"Yeah, you're right. Thank you for being the strong one." He shook his head at me, making me sigh. He never let me look down on myself, no matter what.

"You're so strong, darling. The second I called you earlier you left the house and came here with no hesitation. If that's not strong, I don't know what is." A small smile graced my lips at his words. "Oh, I almost forgot! While I was waiting for you to get here, I stopped by the gift shop and got the little one a baby blanket to go with his stuffie." He reached next to the chair and pulled a bag up, grabbing a giraffe blanket out of it.

"That's adorable! God, your going to be such a good daddy to him. Spoiling him left and right." He smiled back at me.

"And you're going to be his perfect mummy." I couldn't help but laugh softly. We'd discussed titles for if we ever got a little and I loved the title of 'mummy'. I've always been more maternal and submissive so it fit me perfectly, regardless of my gender. Gavin's always been the caring, dominate figure in our relationship. Leaving him with the 'daddy' title.

"Mmm, love you, baby." I told him through a yawn.

"I love you too, darling. Now, get some rest." I nodded and settled into his warmth, falling asleep the second my eyes closed.


"I just need you to calm down so we can change the sheets." I startled awake when I heard a harsh voice fill the room. I looked around for Gavin but he was no where to be found. It was only a nurse and the little boy left in the room.

"S-s-sorry, m-m-ma'am." The little looked terrified as the young women nurse peered over him. I didn't know why they were in such a tense situation until I saw the wet spot on the hospital bed and a shaking boy to go with it.

"You should be sorry! Now get up, I'm not going to ask again." That's when she gripped his upper arm and yanked him off of the bed out of the wet covers causing a whimper to escape him. That's when I nearly lost it.

"Watch it! You're hurting him." I told her, louder than I would've liked, as it made the boy even more scared. She let him go when she realized I was awake and took a few steps back. "Touch him like that ever again and I'll be notifying your supervisor. Do you understand me?" At this point I was staring her down and she looked ready to bolt from the room. I might be small for a guy but I could be intimidating as hell if I needed to be. I blamed it on my mama bear instincts.

"Yes, sir. Sorry. I'll change the sheets and then go." She told me, head down.

"Good." I said pointedly and she left the room to grab some sheets. I returned my attention to the little one who was now cowering into the corner of the bed.

"Are you okay, lovey? Did she hurt you at all?" I asked him worriedly and he hesitantly nodded his head, his blonde curls bouncing as he did.

God, he was adorable.

"Do you need some help getting off of bed?" Once again he shook his head but this time with a sniffle. "Are you sure, bubba? What's wrong?" I keep my voice soft and gentle. Hopefully it would show him I'm safe.

"E-e-embarrassing." He squeaked out, covering his face with his arms.

"Why, sweetie?" I asked him, slowly moving closer to him.

"I h-had an a-a-accident." He told me quietly, almost in a whisper. My heart felt like it was about to shatter. This poor boy didn't deserve to feel bad about anything ever again.

"That's okay, hun. Everyone has accidents sometimes but that's nothing to be sad about. Do you know why?" I took my chances on this one and held my hand up, slowly running it through his hair. To my surprise, he didn't flinch away. He just pushed his head closer to my touch.

"W-why?" He asked, head tilted adorably to the side.

"Because, accidents are made to happen on purpose. That way we can learn from them." I continued to play with his hair, gently rubbing his scalp. "Little ones like you aren't supposed to have to worry about having accidents because you get protection. So, why don't we try a diaper? They're soft and comfy. Plus no more accidents." I carefully tiptoed around the topic, not knowing how he would take it.

"Y-y-yes p-please, s-sir." He looked scared at the mention of 'sir'. Almost like he didn't know if the title he gave me would make me mad.

"None of that, love. You can call me Charlie." I told him softly. I didn't want to spring him into the 'mummy' thing just in case the little one didn't like Gavin and I like that. "Now, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name, bubba?" A tiny smile made its way to his lips, making me beam in return.

"M-my n-name's Avery b-but y-you can k-keep calling me those n-names if you w-want t-to." A cheeky blush crossed his face and I moved my hand down to slowly stroke his cheek. Avery was a beautiful name and it fit him perfectly.

"Do you like your pet names, love?" I asked him.

"Y-yeah, they m-make me f-f-feel special." This boy was absolutely precious.

"That's because you are, sweet boy. You're so special to me and-" My words cut off when the bathroom door suddenly opened, surprising the both of us. "My husband..."

To be continued...


a/n - hey guys! so... we finally meet avery... what'd you guys think?? this is kind of when the writing stops getting awkward so i hope you guys liked the chapter!

if you guys have anything you wanna see happen with avery in the future, feel free to comment and let me know!!

anyways... thank you so much for reading :) don't forget to vote and comment letting me know what you thought of the chapter! i hope you all have a lovely day/night <3

Little OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora