Vol. 1: Origins (Issue #3: Great Power)

Start from the beginning

Outside, passing students looked at the doors in confusion as they heard angry shouts come from the doors. Even Francine looked concerned.

Back at the warehouse, Y/n was standing prepared before Mason ran in and slammed a wooden plank against his chest. The plank broke upon impact, making Mason laugh in amazement as Y/n looked at himself in awe.

Next, Y/n is seen jumping up and across some pillars and boards. He smiles as he flips around and then leaps off and through the air. He lands on a wall and sticks to it. Then Mason throws a ball at him, making Y/n lose focus as he slips and falls from the wall and down to the floor with a rough landing.

Mason: "So... no Spider Sense?"

Y/n: "I hate you..."

Back at Horizon, Mason had dropped off the web fluid he had made and finished off to Y/n. With that, Y/n was able to start to finally get truly started with his webshooters. He goes to finish his webshooters and then starts on making web cartridges and filling them with web fluid. However, it didn't go all too well sometimes as they blew up.

Y/n: "Motherfuc--!"

At the warehouse, Mason is seen using a sewing machine to make a costume for Y/n. Said Spider-Human is seen exercising as he was doing push-ups, sit-ups, and even pull-ups all across the warehouse, ranging from on the floor to the walls and even the ceiling to practice his wall-crawling abilities.

Later, Y/n is seen next to a piece of machinery as Mason was recording his friend.

Mason: "Strength test number ten. Go for it!"

Y/n nods and turns to the machine. He then rubs his hands together before he grabs the machine from the bottom. He then begins to lift it up and brings it up over his head, making him laugh in shock.

Y/n: "No way!"

Mason: "Awesome!"

Back at Horizon, Y/n and Mason were working together to finish the webshooters. However, they kinda blew web fluid all over their faces.

Y/n: "Gah!"

Mason: "Goddammit!"

At the warehouse, Y/n was punching a punching bag as Mason threw tennis balls at him. He used his Spider Sense to dodge or block them as he attacks the punching bag.

Y/n: "Left, right. Left, right. Duck, dodge. Right, left. Kick, knee. Dodge, duck. Left--Ah! My ass!"

Y/n turns angrily to his friend who only chuckled as he tosses a tennis ball up and down. In his other hand was a tennis racket.

Mason: "Still gotta work on that Spider Sense, man."

Y/n: "You know, my Spider Senses are tingling. Their telling me... to beat your ass!"

Mason: "Oh, shit."

Mason began to run away from Y/n in fear.

At Horizon, Y/n was testing out the webshooters again. After so many fails, he presses the trigger and a straight web line fires out. It hits the walls and attaches to it. Y/n looks at it as he hovers his hands around it, finally happy that the webshooters finally work.

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