Another Fresh Start

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Trevor Day School (Wednesday) (Leia's Perspective)
"Mommy, do I have to go?" I asked as we walked over to my new classroom. As we walked past the other 2nd grade classrooms, I felt sad because I could see some of my other friends together.
"Yes, you have to go to school darling. Education is important."
"I'm happy to learn super cool stuff and not be bored in class anymore, but I wish some of my other friends could be here too." I explained. Mommy sighed and got down on one knee.
"I know baby. Hey, do you remember what happened in preschool with Nellie?" Nellie and I were best buddies!
"We went to different schools for kindergarten."
"That's right, and you were sad about that. So what did we do about it?"
"We had sleepovers and playdates! And she's still my friend!"
"Right! So Leia, sometimes you won't always be with your buddies, but that doesn't mean that you guys can't be friends anymore. You just gotta find a way to make it work."
"I can talk and play with them at lunch?" She nodded.
"Of course, and you can have play dates and sleepovers. Being in different classrooms doesn't mean that your friendship is over honey. Alright?"
"Yeah. I'm ready to go into class now, Mom."
"Alright, let's go."
Chelsea Piers (1:45 PM) (Bella's Perspective)
"My arm hurts. Let me down!" Today I had my gym class at Chelsea Piers and we're doing rock climbing which is fun but exhausting.
"You tire out quick." Nathan said.
"I don't it's just that my arm is sore from practicing last night."
"Oh, I thought you were sore from something else." Matthew said.
"First of all: ew. Second of all: stop being so negative-minded." I said while throwing my towel at Matt. Autumn giggled.
"Well, you can't blame him for saying that. You guys were so lovey-dovey yesterday."
"What an exaggeration!"
"Alright, I'm going to let you guys finish 15 minutes early so you can shower and change. Afterward, you're allowed to self dismiss!" Ms. Tanaka said.
"That was a good workout." I said while changing the topic.
"Right, I'm swamped. Wanna get Starbucks?" I can't, I have my consult today, and Mom's picking me up.
"I would but my Mom's picking me up. She said that she wanted to take me somewhere."
"Ooo, that sounds fun. Tell me how that goes."
Tribeca Therapy (185 6th Ave.)
"Bella Benson." The receptionist said. Doing this again sucks. I don't want to have to open up to another person just for them to go and abandon me again. I'm only here because I don't have a choice...and because Mom said she'd take me shopping if I "took this step".

"This is good for you. Nothing's wrong with needing some extra support. Everybody's different." Elliot likes to say. I disagree.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Rachel Turner. A pleasure to meet you two."
"Hi, I'm Olivia Benson."
"I'm Bella." I said quietly.
"Alright, let's begin, shall we? Dr. Johansson sent over Bella's file for me to look over and I'm going to be honest: we have some work to do, work that has to come from within." She said.
"Are you up for the task?"
"I'm sure that you can be livelier than that." Mom said.
"That's okay, the fact that she said yes is amazing on its own." Dr. Turner explained her plan for me, how many sessions a week I'd have, how Mom and Elliot can help me through this process, etc.
"I think that's it's for the general info. Is it okay if I talk to you privately, Bella?"
"Sure." Mom kissed me before stepping outside.
"Do you have any questions for me?"
"No, I think you explained everything well." She smiled. Dr.Turner seems nice, but I don't like the idea of her. She explained that she wanted to get to know me a bit better before our first official session.
"Do you have any hobbies?"
"I dance, cook, and bake. I like watching TV too."
"What do you watch?"
"Anything. I like reality tv, and I like romance and thrillers too. I honestly could stay up all night and watch tv if no one stopped me."
"What's your favorite show?"
"Well right now I'm watching Reign and I like it."
"Really? So am I." We talked about our favorite characters and most hated characters and I started to feel more comfortable talking to Dr.Turner. I even smiled for the first time during this meeting.
"I think we're almost done here, I have one more question. Do you have any goals?" I hate this one.
"I'm sorry that I've been cold this entire meeting, but I don't feel comfortable talking about any goals..yet. I don't know you all that well right now. I don't mean any disrespect."
"That is completely understandable. We don't have to talk about that right now."
"Thank you." She nodded.
"I'm looking forward to our session next week."
"Me too." I said with a smile.
Saturday, Sept. 15th (UP Thai) (Olivia's Perspective)
"My basketball game's next week, Mom. Are you coming?" Noah asked.
"Of course I am. I'm shortening my hours for the next week so that I could be home for the evenings." Leia clasped her hands together happily.
"Really, Mommy?" I nodded.
"It's your first game of the season?" Bella asked before eating some more pad Thai.
"Yep. Gonna secure that win."
"That should be no problem when your girlfriend is on the sidelines cheering you on." Bella giggled and he rolled his eyes.
"Says you."
"Speaking of that, Bella how was tryouts yesterday? You never told me." I said.
" see, I decided not to go anymore." I raised my eyebrows.
"W-Why not?"
"You know how I got offered a spot on the Majestic's dance team at my studio? I've wanted to be on that team since I was 5 so I couldn't pass it up."
"So what were you doing at school for so long?"
"I signed up for two clubs!" She squealed. Though I was sad that she didn't try out for her school's dance team, Bella getting involved at all makes me proud.
"What clubs?"
"The cooking club and the creative writing club!"
"Those suit you so well. I'm proud of you for putting yourself out there, that isn't easy at a new school."
"Right? Oh, and I'm going to do tennis this spring so we need to play more."
"I wanna play with you. Tania says I'm getting a lot better." Leia declared.
"Alright, we could go to the park tomorrow. Loser has to do whatever the winner says for a week."
"Sounds like a deal." We continued to chat and as the kids talked I reminded myself of how lucky I am. I have three healthy human beings in front of me and they deserve all of my love and attention.
"I'm the cutest! Right?" Leia asked.
"You are all extremely cute. I love you guys."
"Love you!" Noah and Leia replied. Bella had her phone in her hand and she seemed distressed.
"Bella, are you okay over there?" She quickly put it away.
"I-I'm good! Love you!"
Home (Hannah's Perspective)
Me: hey bellz
[Read 1:59 PM]

I sighed. Is Bella seriously not going to talk to me because I was busy for 4 fucking days? It's never that deep.
"What is it?" Knox asked while putting on his shirt.
"None of my friends are talking to me and I don't know why. The one person that I'd expect to say something is leaving me on read. Bella never leaves me on read. She doesn't have receipts on...ever."
"You girls are so fucking dramatic, they're just jealous that you're getting some. Besides, you don't need them. You have me." I rolled my eyes.
"You sure I can't stay five more minutes?"
"Yes, my parents are going to be back soon so you need to go." I walked him to the front door and looked outside before letting him out. When he left I slouched against the front door and checked my chat with Bella again. Still left on read, great.

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