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A/N: I'm dedicating this chapter to LaurenLove18 ! Happy, happy birthday my friend and I wish you many, many more! You're so amazingly sweet and kind and you deserve every great thing that's come your way!  Please wish them a happy birthday if you can! 💜🎂

Southampton, Long Island (August 11th) (Olivia's Perspective)
"Bye guys, get home safe!" At last, the sleepover was over.
"That was the best sleepover ever." Leia commented.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"Mommy, I'm gonna go to the treehouse, okay? I'll be back for dinner."
"Okay, honey. Have fun." My pumpkin. Leia vanished and I made my way to the kitchen. Since we got the box yesterday, I've been on edge.
"Hey, babe." Elliot said while grabbing an apple.
"Elliot we need to talk about that box. Something...something about it doesn't sit right with me. The letter inside that box was too personal."
"Melanie? That is her biological mother after all."
"No, it isn't." Elliot made a perplexed face.
"But it's someone close to her."
"Okay, but why after all of these years? Why now? She didn't give a damn when she was letting Leia be abused so that Greg could stay with her."
"Remorse." He took a bite of the apple. Why is my gut telling me that it isn't Melanie? It's the only logical answer.
"I don't know, El." He suddenly picked up his phone.
"Alright, I'll be there."
"A case?"
"Yep. Tell the kids that I love them." He said while racing out the door. Why can't I just accept that it's her?
Joralemon Street (Brooklyn Heights) (Elliot's Perspective)
"She isn't more than 14." I said before resting the sheet back on her face.
"I don't get it, who would do something like this?" Detective Tamm sighed.
"Someone who wanted revenge." The medical examiner said.
"Her breasts were cut off, along with two of her teeth being pulled out."
"I think I'm going to be sick."
"There's a trashcan over there." When he was out of sight, the ME asked a question.
"He's always this queasy?"
"Yep....he transferred here a couple of days ago."
"Another detective?!? What's going on over at Brooklyn SVU?"
"Hmmm, let's see. People are leaving left and right. Jenkins left yesterday because of the courthouse shooting, it's just been...hectic."
"I hope it calms down soon. We need a squad for this one." We looked down at the body.
The Morgue
"What's the cause of death?"
"Blunt force trauma to the head with a foreign object. Whoever did this wanted her dead, and didn't stop until she was. The entire left side of her skull is bashed in."
"A foreign object?"
"Yes, I managed to extract shards of glass, the smoothed edges tell me it's a glass bottle but-"
"This can't be good-"
"This color and type of glass are specific to a particular brand of wine, Rosemary's Delight."
"What's that?" I asked.
"An expensive wine brand. Couple thousand a bottle, and a popular choice of drink amongst the Giordano's. One of the biggest organized crime gangs in the city." I stared at the rookie detective.
"What, I had a stint in narcotics."
"This was a good lesson. Thanks, doc for the info. C'mon, we're going back to the precinct."
Briarwood, Queens
"What'd you do with the stealing bitch?!"
"Chucked her near the pier in Brooklyn."
"What pier in Brooklyn?" A tall gentleman with slicked-back hair asked.
"The one near the bridge?"
"Are you fucking dumb? People run over there and shit. What if somebody finds it?"
"They already did. Check the news." The television flashed on.
"A fourteen-year-old girl was brutally assaulted, mutilated, and murdered in Brooklyn Heights yesterday." A reporter said before it quickly flashed off.
"You had one job."
"I-I'm sorry boss, I didn't know. She just happened to be there and-" Nik and Pedro started to crowd me and I could sense an impending beat down.
"Silence! Nik, Pedro, find out who's investigating the case."
Bay Ridge (Nonna's Pizzeria) (Monday, August 13th) (Elliot's Perspective)
"Thank you, come again!"
"Thanks, Mr. Rinaldo!"
"For someone with such a long rap sheet and notorious reputation, he sure does have the most innocent-looking job." Tamm said.
"It's just a front." We walked inside the shop.
"What can I get you today? We have the best pizza in Brooklyn. Margarita, White, Pepperoni, anything you could want, boss." I noticed bandages on his hand and a bruise on his forehead.
"Let's get a slice of margarita and you to go." I showed my badge and he made a run for it.
"Take 3rd Ave, I'll take 83rd." I hopped into my car and sped down 83rd. Surely he couldn't have gotten that far. I found myself on 85th and 2nd Ave when I noticed Tamm and Reggie. Reggie's face was battered and a crowd of people was staring, riled up because we were handcuffing their neighborhood hero.
"What you arresting Reggie for? He ain't do nothing to nobody."
"Stand back before you end up in cuffs too. Back up now."
The Organized Crime Control Bureau
"My face hurts.."
"Well, it's going to hurt a lot more if you don't start talking." I put pictures of the deceased Talia White on the table.
"You did this?"
"That sick get that away from me."
"We know about your involvement with the Giordano's. You used to be their number one man, and now you're working at a scummy pizza shop?"
"Tell what you know about the drugs."
"I don't know nothing about no drugs."
"Then why were you doing a stint upstate for possession?"
"That was a misunderstanding." I sighed.
"Let me be very frank with you right about now. You can keep up this innocent boy act and we could search your house, track your accounts, and pick through every facet of your life and arrest you for whatever we find, or you can tell us what you know and we could speak to the DA if anything pops up."
"Okay, okay." He looked at the picture and sighed.
"That's Talia. I feared something like this would happen."
"She's been caught up in the gang since she was 14. She dated Ricky's son, Jeremy. She was a sweet girl but then started using and became a part of the gang. They'd use her to get to the Bloods and Vipers and they paid her well, but then she started getting greedy. I told her to stop taking the money, I told her to calm down."
"Then what, huh?"
"I don't know man, I got arrested at that point. I can't stay, they still got eyes on me."
"Alright, we'll let you out here discreetly just tell us where they like to hang out, do their business." Detective Tamm said.
"Well, there's this restaurant in Queens...."
Rikers Island (Queens) (Olivia's Perspective)
"Thanks for tagging along, Amanda."
"Don't gotta thank me. I'd do anything for your kids."
"She's ready for you." The guard said. We stepped inside the cell.
"You need to calm down-"
"You can't tell me to calm down, you guys put me here."
"No, I think you put yourself here." Amanda sat Melanie down and I got straight to the point.
"Explain these to me." I scattered the letter and toys across the table. She picked up the letter, analyzed it, and threw it on the ground.
"Know anything about that?" I asked.
"Get that away from me." She began to hyperventilate and walk around in circles.
"Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no!"
"Melanie, what's wrong?" I changed my tone and sat on the floor with her. Amanda picked up the letter.
"I can't be here, I've gotta get out of here, please-"
"Why, why do you have to get out of here?" She mumbled a bunch of unintelligible words before finally making a coherent sentence.
"Protect Leia."
Home (Manhattan) (Bella's Perspective)
"Bye, J." I kissed him goodbye and watched as he walked down the stoop and onto the street. I snuck him over while Lucy did some errands and I'm surprised that I managed to pull it off. I went into the powder room to look at myself.
"Fuck. My neck." Hannah told me something about bananas and hickies... I'm gonna try that. I got a banana peel and rubbed it in.
"Ew, it smells." I whispered. I kept rubbing it in for a couple of minutes until I heard the doorbell. Lucy? She isn't supposed to be here for another half hour. I covered up my neck and raced to the door. There was a box.
"I guess this is Mom's Loft order." I murmured. Except, it wasn't. The box was addressed to me. But I didn't order anything. I don't even have a card, Mom and Dad haven't set that up yet. I remembered the box that Leia got. Maybe it's my turn? Mom was really ticked about it though. I guess taking a peek wouldn't hurt. I opened the box to see a pair of dad jeans. I immediately dropped it on the ground.

"What the hell, I literally talked about buying this with Mom yesterday." This is so freaky. But then again...free clothes...and I kind of need them. There was a hoodie too. I just- Whoever this person is they know way too much. There was a letter here too. I began reading it.
"Dear Bella, I can see that-"
"BELLA COME AND HELP ME WITH THESE GROCERIES!" I'll have to read this later. I have to hide this, ASAP.
88th Ave, Queens (Thursday) (Elliot's Perspective)
"Alright, move, move!!" I ordered.
"What you doing here? We just having a peaceful poker game."
"Ricky Giordano, you're under arrest for drug possession, rape, the first-degree murder of Talia Dunn, and conspiracy in the first degree. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law-"
"You haven't got shit on me."
"I do, if I didn't you wouldn't be in cuffs."
"This isn't over." He said as I put him in a car.
"Something about me that you should know is that I never give up. So if you think it ends here, you're fooling yourself. You're right, this isn't over." I headed back inside the building.
"Elliot look." There was a huge stash of drugs.
"Looks like we hit the jackpot. Keep searching."
"Alright, we've interviewed everyone that was at the house, we can't get Nik and Pedro to eat anybody out but we'll keep pushing. Maybe the night at Central Booking will be enough."
"Good, good." Chief Kendrick replied.
"Yes, Chief?"
"I have to commend you for your work. Your diligence, efficiency. We've been going after them for a long time and yet you, an SVU detective figures it all out within a week. How do you feel about joining Organized Crime? It'd be a fresh start that someone like you could benefit from." Is he offering me the job?
"Uhh, wow..." This is so sudden, what do I say? Will this opportunity come up again?
"Thank you so much for the offer, I'd love to join OC,"
"Then it's settled. Start your transfer papers and we'll go from there."
10 PM (Home)
"Hey, babe." Olivia whispered. Leia was cuddled up next to her and lightly snoring. I kissed her and smiled.
"How was work?"
"We caught him. Not just him, but his entire illegal drug business."
"Wow, that's big."
"I know." I took off my button-up and changed into my pajamas. Leia shuffled and held onto Liv's shirt.
"And something else happened."
"What?" She sat up.
"I got offered a job at OC." Her jaw dropped.
"That is amazing honey, did you say yes?" I nodded.
"We need to celebrate. I'll put something together."
"Oh, Liv-"
"Don't Oh Liv me! This is great, we need to celebrate you! You already don't let us do anything for your birthday. Just let me have this, okay?"
"Happy wife makes for a happy life."
"That's right, and you need to take your Sargent's exam. You've been delaying it."
"You're never going to let it go, are you?"
"Nope." She smiled.
"Fair. I'm gonna go check on our other children. I love you."
"Love you too."

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