The Threads of Apollo Adventure II: Howdy Partner

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'I'm not gonna leave you I promise.' Those words rang in his ears louder than any bell. And made more impact on him than he thought. He felt all warm and tingly even though they were 5,000 feet in the air. Nico's heart was ringing in his ears. What the heck was happening to him. Why was he feeling so-so weird? All he knew was that y/n made him feel weird but he liked it. He liked the weird feeling.


When they got to Dallas it was about 3:45.

"Let's have an early dinner so we can knock this thread out ASAP." y/n suggested. Nico just nodded in response. He wasn't really hungry, he was just lost in thought. "Hey, Nico. Are you okay, you haven't talked to me since we landed?" She asked him about it. It's been awhile since someone was this concerned. The only person that really was, was Percy. Hewas about to talk when he was interrupted by a cowboy.

"Howdy you two! Tonight the first hospital in Dallas is showcasing its 200 year anniversary with a carnival! With a special surprise! Hope to see y'all there!" The man handed them a flyer and repeated the message to the next group of poor souls.

"That's where that thread is." Nico said in a monotone voice. "The carnival. That was a telkine. They are trying to set us in a trap. But, we are smarter. I have a plan."

"How in the he- I mean Tartarus(right tartarus?) how do you know this stuff.What are you?"

"A demigod with an attitude problem. You?"

" I guess we have something in common." The two both laughed for a minute. Then they got back to business. "Alright wise guy what's your master plan?"

"Simple. We go," Nico hesitated, "on"

"WHAT?! A DATE?! WHy?!"

"So we blend in with the crowd. If we act like a couple we can easily slip in and so we don't look suspicious when we look around." Nico said with ease. But he failed to mention that he just wanted to spend time with the prettiest girl in the world.



The sunset was setting but the fun was just beginning. Y/n and Nico entered the carnival purchasing the tickets. The two needed to pass the time until the tread was shown to the public So they did carnival games and went on rides like it was an actual date. How long do we have until we need to kill some monsters? It was 6:30 pm. Nico and y/n rode every ride. They said the "surprise" would be unveiled at 7. They had time for one more ride. The two had one left. The ferris wheel. Nico gave the ticket clerk his last four tickets and they got on. On the wheel, Nico told y/n about his life at camp half blood and his time in the labyrinth. Basically all the cool stuff she wasn't there for.

"Wow. Never a boring day huh?" y/n smiled softly.

"I guess not." He giggled. They reached the top of the wheel. y/n could see things for miles. But the lights from the carnival were by far the most gorgeous.

" The lights are beautiful aren't they Nico?" y/n asked.

"They sure are." He responded dreamy. y/n looked over to see Nico quickly whip his head away from her. y/n thought this was the most cliché moment in her life. Then she realized something. Would there be a kiss? Granted she wanted a kiss from him. But she wasn't sure if it just was teenage hormones. Nico moved closer to y/n. She felt his hand touch hers. This sent y/n into full panic. What was she gonna do? Nico began to lean in. y/n did the same. What was she doing. She doesn't need a guy. She already had her heart ripped out and stomped on but she felt different with Nico. She felt safe. The two were centimeters apart. The ferris wheel began to move. The two moved away and sat in an awkward silence.


She blew it. She should've leaned in faster and not waited. They walked to the stage and watched the telkine from earlier announce the unveiling. Nico and y/n walked around the crowd to the back stage. They spilt up. Nico went right and y/n went left. It took her a jot minute but she found it in a glass case. She broke it with the hilt of her dagger. The glass shuddered and fell to the ground with a clang. Next thing she knew, three telkines stormed in hissing. She stuffed the thread in her pocket and charged toward the monsters. On her first attack she used her wind powers to through them off. She went to the one on the left. She stabbed him in the stomach. But she was scratched in the back by one of it's friend. She let out a hiss of pain but quickly turned around and sliced his chest. They both turned to dust. She was tackled from being. The last telkine brought her to the ground scratching her. She tried to stab him but her knife was knocked out of her hand. She tried to use the wind but it wouldn't obey. This is it. I might die here. Then the telkine had a sword through his chest and faded into dust. Nico looked down at y/n and sat her up. She tried to speak but he pulled her into a tight hug.

"You can't go anywhere without me. Got it?" He said in a cracked voice. 

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