Capture the Flag

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After the legendary tour Percy gave her, she was thoroughly impressed. Once they got to her cabin a girl with brown hair gave her a change of clothes.

"Here, your clothes are dirty and you need to freshen up, we are playing capture the flag and I doubt you're ready so come hurry and get dressed." She walked away.

" That's Clarisse, she's a child of Ares, they are very aggressive so be careful." Percy warned.

"Got it. Imma get dressed real quick." y/n stated. Percy nodded. Inside the cabin everything was made of marble and ivory. It looked so grand and regal she almost didn't want to stay. The floor was cold and uninviting. It was dusty and looked unused for many years.

The clothes she was given were an orange Camp Half-blood t-shirt, and washed denim jeans. She kept her dirty sneakers and pulled up her hair(unless you can't or dislike your hair up. Just ignore that). She walked out and saw Percy kissing a girl. She had long blonde hair, black leggings, boots, and a purple shirt. When they pulled away Percy called out to y/n.

"Yo, y/n, come meet my girlfriend. Don't worry she doesn't bite...I think." He called waving to her. y/n walked over examining the girl head to toe and the mysterious girl copied.

"Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Annabeth. I see you were chased by Polyphemus. Him and I go way back." She mentioned and giggled.

"It's good to meet you too Annabeth, I'm y/n."

"As you know we're playing capture the flag but you know demigod style," said Percy

"So like weapons and stuff?" y/n asked

"Yep. The cabins are split between two groups; Zeus, Poseidon, Hades(if he's here), Athena, Hepheastus, Dionysus, That's group one. Ares, Aphrodite, Demeter, Apollo, Hermes, Iris are group two. All the minor children kinda fill in wherever." Annabeth explained.

"Hades, what do you mean 'if he's here?"

"Nico kinda comes and goes. But usually he's here. Now come on, we need to get you geared up." As they walked to the armory Percy told y/n about his first capture the flag game. And was it crazy; Annabeth tried to kill him. Man they really have come far in four years. He also told y/n that she could read greek. And something about how her brain was wired that made it that way. Percy really gives information in the worst ways. She thought.

"We are here, let's get you suited up." Annabeth said. When she walked in she was almost decapitated by a rogue sword. But, thankfully, she ducked in time. When they got to the armor section Annabeth showed y/n how to put on the armor.

"Alright time to choose your weapon." Percy said in a game show host-like voice. Annabeth rolled her eyes playfully. Annabeth seems to really like Percy. y/n thought.

"Okay, would you like a bow n' arrow, sword, spear, knife, dagger? There are many pro's and con's to each weapon: a bow n' arrow..." Annabeth went on. y/n already knew, a bow n' arrow. If she wasn't too great she could manipulate the air to control the arrow's speed and aim.

"I'll take the bow please." Annabeth gave her the bow and they went to the range for her to practice. And to her surprise she wasn't awful. She was a little rocky in the beginning but she got a hold of it.

" Hey guys...I'm here..." a voice said. The three of them turned to see a boy with shaggy, messy black hair, dark brown eyes with eye bags and pale skin. He wore a skull t-shirt, aviator jacket, jeans and black boots.

"Yo Nico, good to see ya. Where have you been?" Percy asked the boy.

"The underworld, dad's been real busy lately. And needed some help."

"Cool beans. Come meet the new half-blood. Y/n this is Nico, son of Hades. Nico This is y/n, daughter of Zeus."

"'s a pleasure to meet you Nico." y/n awkwardly smiled and put out her hand for a handshake.

"Likewise." he shook her hand hesaintly.

"Alright you two let's go play. It's almost time."

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