“What happened to the Nick that always chased girls?” I cock an eyebrow, confuse of Nick’s actions.

     “We made a bet,” Logan says, still chuckling, “The first one to go out with a girl owes the rest money.”

     “Also, we betted within the bet of going with a girl first of who would crack first.” Nick says.

     “Huh?” I raised my eyebrows in his use of bad grammar.

     “He means,” Joseph explains, “We made a two bets. One is we can’t go out with any girl, and the other is on whoever does, will lose first. Like, we all betted on another person.  For example, I bet that Austin will be the first one to lose the bet. He would owe the rest of us money, and the other guys would owe me money, because I was right. Also, the last person remaining wins additional money for lasting the longest.”

     I shake my head, amused. “You guys never stop betting do you? Don’t start gambling now, you hear?”

     The guys chuckled.

     “Who was that girl, anyways? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her before. Did she join our school after I left or something?” I ask the guys.

     “No, I’ve never seen her before either,” Joseph tells me, “I think she’s from one of the other feeder schools. The surrounding towns also have students attending this school.”

     “Oh,” I nod, “So are you guys the only people from our school that transferred here?”

     “This is actually all of the town’s home high school now,” Logan says, “Remember that everything in this town is old? Also do you recall that incident that happened when we were 10? Well, another episode happened in the time you were gone and they said the school was no longer safe, so they built this school.”

     “Oh.” I simply say.

     “Hey, are you guys planning to go to the orientation thing in the evening?” Austin asks.

     “It sounds lame.” Jack says.

     “I feel you.” Logan says, pounding his chest.

     I give Logan an odd look. He gives me one back.

     “Nah, I don’t think it’ll be a good idea, especially for Nick.” Joseph says.

     “And why is that?” I ask

     “The bet,” Logan reminds us. “Nick will probably lose all control and release his animal on them.”

     I stifle my laughter, and the guys grin. Nick looks offended.

     “Excuse me, but I can control the beast within, it’s Austin we should be worried about.” Nick elbows Austin.

     “What?” Confusion written across my face. Austin was shy around girls, along with Joseph.

     He pinks a bit and refuses to make eye contact with me. “He’s just joking around.”

     “Are you kidding me? Austin’s the man!” Nick raises his hand for Austin to high five but he ignores him.

     Joseph chuckles, “He thought he had saw Austin do something, but it was nothing.”

     “Do what?” I ask, curiosity starting to build in me.

     “Can we not talk about it?” Austin glares at the guys, and they back off.

     “What is there to do now? I’m bored.” I complain.

     “Hey, let’s go to the school’s community centre and swim or something.” Logan suggests.

     “Is there a library?” I ask, suddenly eager.

     “You’re so lame.” Jack rolls his eyes.

     I give him a death glare, “Fictional characters are my life.” I whisper to no one in particular.

     Nick laughs, “Let’s do something we all enjoy doing. Remember how every summer we hung out at Logan’s pool? Well since Ash is back, we can start the tradition again!”

     We all thought it was a good idea so we all started to get up to go back into our rooms to change. I froze, flashbacks replaying in my mind and my stomach felt queasy. I no longer felt like going swimming.

     “Actually, guys…can we not?” I ask desperately.

     Austin stops and looks at me with concern, “Why, are you alright?”

     “Yeah, I’m just not feeling all too well.” I give the guys a small smile.

     They all looked at me and Jack speaks up, “Are you menstruating?”

     I glare at him and in lightning speed I pick up a pillow from the couch and hurl it at him. It hit him in the face. Ash: 1, Jack: 0.

     “No, I’m actually not. Also, you’re not supposed to ask girls if we’re on our period.”

     “Well you’re acting like it and technically I didn’t ask if you were ‘on your period’, I asked if you were menstruating.”

     I try to jump on him but Austin grabs me by the waist, “Don’t be a smart ass.” I sneer.

     Austin spins me around so that I’m facing him, his beautiful enthralling cobalt eyes peering into mine, looking for the answer as though they were lying in my eyes.

     “It’s –never mind. I’m good, let’s go.” I drop the subject, because I didn’t want to explain anything. I guess I’ll survive.

     I speed-walk over to my room before the guys could say anything and I close the door. I hesitate for a moment before changing into a swimming suit. I go into the bathroom and look at my reflection in the mirror. I didn’t like the image before me. A loud bang came from the door outside and I jump.

     “Are you done yet?” A muffled annoying voice spoke.

     I immediately felt anger pool my stomach. I swiftly grab an oversized t-shirt and slip it on. I open the door and push past him.

     “Took you long enough.” I ignore him.

     The other guys were already waiting on the couches. I waver before going over and stand at the back of the couch. The guys are too engrossed in their conversation to notice me.

     “I don’t know, should we ask? It could be serious.” Logan whispers.

     “Ask what?” I nose into their business.

     The guys jump and slowly turn to me.

     “Nothing, Ace.” Logan says.

     I stare at them, hoping they’ll give me an answer. When none of them made eye contact with me, I sigh and walk to the door. Jack walks out of the bedroom and all the guys got up to follow me.

     As we walk to the community centre, I wonder what they were talking about. The curiosity was burning through me, and the flame was igniting bigger for each step we took. The guys usually don’t leave me out of the conversation; we were the best of buddies and told each other everything, –well except Jack, he doesn’t say anything to me except to offend me. I guess that was hypocritical of me of what I’m not telling the guys, but it’s for the best. I rather not bring up the past, for this is the present and I should leave the spiteful memories behind.

Please comment and vote, I would appreciate it! I would also appreciate you guys telling people to check out my story! Thank you for taking the time to read this note.

-A :-)

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