26 - Caught

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TW // Yelling, Unintentional SH

"Not so fast y/n."

I turned around. Phil was staring right at me from the bottom of the stairs. I turned around to face him.

"Where were you?"

"In class."

"Don't bullshit me y/n. The school literally phoned and asked me where you were. I've been worried sick."

"It's fine I was just skiving cause I don't like RE or PE."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. Why don't you believe me?"

"Techno came in and told me that you were in the city."

"First of all, what the fuck? Second of all, no I wasn't. Third of all, even if I was which I wasn't how the fuck would he know?"


It can't have been. My snapchat location was off for everyone.

"He's obviously trying to get me in shit. 1. My snapchat location is off for everyone and 2. I was nowhere near the city."

"Well then where were you!?"

"Just skiving. Walked about the town for a while and went down the harbour. No big deal."

"Y/n be honest with me."

"I am! I skived cause I don't like RE or PE. Not like they are important subjects anyway."

Technically I wasn't lying. I did skive. Only thing I was lying about was where I had went.

"They aren't important subjects but you still skived so no going out with your pals until Wednesday."

"But Phil-"

"No buts. I also want your snapchat location on at all times for Wilbur and Techno. I need to know that you're safe."

Bruh. Shit. Fucking shit. I could see where he was coming from but yeah. Still a pain in the ass.


I went upstairs, put my bag in my room and went to go see Techno.

I stormed into his room.

"What the fuck dude! Why are you trying to get me in shit for no reason? I haven't done anything and I thought we were getting on better terms."

"Where was you?"

"Why's everyone so fucking desperate to know? I just went downtown ok? Not anywhere else just downtown."

"Then who was that person you met at the harbour?"

How the fuck did he know? What the fuck?

"I didn't meet anyone at the harbour the fuck are you going on about?"

"You did. You got in their car. A grey citron C4. And then yous headed off somewhere."
He had a smug tone. He knew. Fuck knows how but he knew.

He obviously knew that I knew he knew by the look on my face.

"Who was it?"

"No one important."

"Then why'd you go in their car?"

"Can you piss off with the questions Techno for fuck sake!"

"I'm looking out for you. And your safety. Of course if you don't tell me I'll have to tell Phil and you might tell him instead. Its all to keep you safe you know." The smile on his face was sinister. He knew exactly what he was doing.

𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎? 𝚈/𝚗 𝚂𝚋𝚒 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 (UNDER EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora