22 - Running Away

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No ones POV
Phil sat thinking. He didn't know what to do with y/n and Techno.

He admired y/n's bravery. It would take a lot of guts to plan a whole ass food fight and get half the school in on it without anyone else finding out but then again it couldve been dangerous. It could've knocked someone out if an apple was chucked with enough force for example.

Wilbur and Techno. Well it's not that bad? They only got expelled for a week. All they need to be doing is revising for exams. They can do that at home right?

Phil was overthinking this wayyyyy too much. He never had to deal with anything like this in the whole 8 years he'd been a parent.

Me and Techno were just talking up in my room.

"Techno are you ok? You look mega stressed."

He was sitting in the middle of my bed. His leg bouncing up and down with a hand on his forehead like he had a headache.

"Oh yes I'm totally fine. Fine about the fact YOU got me expelled and now I'm probably going to fail all my exams." Holy shit that was aggressive.

"Woah. Its not my fault you and Wilbur didn't hear when Mr Halo said the first time that anyone who doesn't stop would be expelled. And it's not my fault you and Wilbur decided to join in in the first place. And it's not like you're going to fail all your exams just from missing a week which would probably be just yous revising for shit anyway. Its fucking Easter surely yous would've learned all the shit you'd need to know for exams considering they are next month. You can revise at home so you're not missing out on anything."

"If you hadn't have started the fight in the first place me and Wilbur wouldn't have not heard Mr Halo. Revising at home isn't the same."

"It's still revising at the end of the day. And if your school hadn't treated me as shit as they did I wouldn't felt the need to start the fight."

"Fuck you. You know if Phil hadn't fostered you none of this shit would've happened. Me and Wilbur wouldn't have got expelled, Phil would never have been acting weird and everyone would still be happy."

No. That wasn't true was it?

"You know. Phil didn't even want you. He only fostered you because he felt bad because he knew about all the shit you'd been through. He wasn't planning to keep you. He said to me the other day that he was planning to send you back soon cause you're a little shit." Techno continued.

"Fuck off Techno. Fuck off."

"Fine. Fuck you. You've ruined this family." Techno walked out my room and slammed the door.

What the fuck. No this couldn't have been true. I kept trying to convince myself that it wasn't but it all made sense now. Techno was right. If Phil had never fostered me everyone would still be happy.

I grabbed some clothes out my wardrobe. 2 pairs of jeans, around 2 t shirts and 2 hoodies. I grabbed a shitton of boxers and socks. I folded everything up as neatly as I could and put it in my schoolbag. I took all my school shit out except for my pencil case. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush, a small tube of toothpaste and a small bar of soap. I took my dinosaur teddy and my red fluffy blanket off my bed and put it in my bag. I also got my phone charger and headphones and put them in the bag. I had money in my bank although I wasn't completely sure how much. I think it was over £20 so that'd do me for a while.

I ripped out a bit of paper from my English book. I quickly wrote:
"Sorry :(" on it and left it on my bed. I gave my room one last look around. I sure was going to miss it.

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