3 - Finding Out About Phil

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TW // Abuse, Shouting

I followed Jack into the office. This was nothing new. Used to happen pretty much on the daily.

"A family was here earlier."

Oh god. I knew it would be something like this. Conversations like these never go well. Usually ends up with me storming out and going up to my room. I nodded at him not really paying attention.

"They had a look at everyone's file and found yours the most interesting." Jack said with half a smile.

"Ok and?" I was moody. I couldn't be arsed with this shit today. It'd just end up like all the other families. All nice and smiley in front of Jack and Sam and then when we get back to the house the abuse starts. Hitting. Kicking. Punching. Bottles smashing. The smell of dope and alcohol stinking the place out.

"This nice family with a dad and 4 boys wants to foster you." He said to me.

"They will probably be like all the rest of them." I answered him back. I wasn't wrong. Or at least that's what I thought.

"Give them a chance. I can assure you they are not like the rest."

I snapped at Jack. I didn't mean it. I was just sick of being told the same thing every time and it all turning out the same.

"You said that about the fucking rest and look what fucking happened!!"

I couldn't help it. I now had a sick feeling in my stomach. Some of the other kids that lived here came and looked to see what happened.

"Y/n get upstairs to your room and calm down." Jack said very calmly.

I done exactly that. I went up to my room. Slammed the door and started crying into my pillow. I felt so bad. Jack doesnt deserve the amount of shit he gets from me. He's the one that actually makes staying in place worthwhile.

Around half an hour later there was a knock at my door. I didn't say anything. There was another knock. I again didn't say anything.

"Y/n I'm coming in." I heard Sam say.

"Fine." He came and sat on the edge of my bed. I sat up but avoided eye contact.

"You should give these next people a chance. They aren't like the rest."

"How would you know. I doubt you've even met them more than once."

"Ages ago about a year before you came the dad of the family fostered these twin boys. Wilbur and Technoblade. They were only 9 at the time. Now they are 16 and Wilbur is an aspiring musician and Techno is starting out on YouTube and he's growing."

"Jack said that he had 4 boys though?" I asked confused.

"Yes he has another 2 adopted kids, from another orphanage. Tommy who is 9 and Toby who is 7. They were both 6 and 4 when Phil fostered them."

"They sound ok."

I was thinking. My brain whirring. If Wilbur and Techno lasted 7 years with Phil he can't be to bad. If he was abusive Techno and Wilbur would've escaped by now as they are both 16. I could give them a chance. I can try. I'd be willing to try.


"Yes y/n."

"I'd be willing to meet the family and try. I'd be willing to try with them."

"Ok I'll see If I can arrange something. If Phil is able to does tommorow after school sound ok?"

"Yes that sounds good."

"Ok. Try and behave." He leaned into my ear and whispered. "I know you skived your class today. I didn't tell Jack."

"How'd you know?"

"I was on my way downtown to get shopping and seen you and Alex sitting at the top of the slide at the park." Sam said with a hint of disappointment in his voice.
"Oh. We did go back for the last 15 minutes."

"I know. Now that you've calmed down I'd advise you to come say sorry to Jack."

I walked downstairs and into the office with Sam behind me making sure I didn't run off.

"I believe y/n has something they want to tell you." Sam said.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you Jack. I just was mad. I'm willing to give the family a chance."

"I accept your apology. I'll contact Phil and let him know you're willing to try." He said it with a smile on his face.

"Ok cool." I said with an awkward smile. I walked back up to my room and checked my phone. I had notifications from Alex and notifications from the gc.
Are you ok?
Is Jack being a bitch again?

I replied,

Heyyy I'm fine
Jack was speaking to me about meeting this Foster fam
A dad w 4 kids

Alex: Oh ok, are you going to meet them?

Y/n: yeah I'm going to give them a chance. The boys have been there for a good few years now, they would've escaped if he was abusive.

Alex: that's good then, give them a chance they might be different

Y/n: yeah that's what I'm gonna do

I checked the groupchat.

Sapnap: Hiii did everyone make it home ok

George: yeah I did though when I got in my mum started yelling at me and grounded me cause I 'accidently' put food colouring in her shampoo and now her hair is bright green lmao

Sapnap: haha nice one George

Alex: How u texting George if ur grounded

George: backup phone that I hide

Alex: pog

Alex: has anyone heard from y/n

Sapnap and George: nope are they ok?

Alex: They haven't been replying I'll go message them now

I messaged back the gc

Y/n: Heyyyy everyone I'm alive

Sapnap: ayyyy

Alex: Hiiiii

George: why weren't you answering were u ok?

Y/n: yea I was fine Jack was talking to me abt meeting another potential foster fam and I stormed off but then Sam came and talked to me and I was ok and I'm meeting them tommorow after school!

Sapnap and George: oo I hope it goes well for u :)

Alex: Same hope it goes well :D

Sapnap: guys I got a new lighter it came in when I was at school

George: oo let's see a pic

Alex: yeah Sapnap show us

Sapnap: *sends pic of lighter in the shape of a white monster can*



Sapnap: Sorry Quackity imma have to politely decline

Alex: BRUH



Sapnap: I got it off amazon

Everyone: Cool

Y/n: I have to go now, food is ready I'll text yous later :)

Everyone: OK byeeeee

A/n: this is again a filler. The next chapters will be better I promise

𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎? 𝚈/𝚗 𝚂𝚋𝚒 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 (UNDER EDITING)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя