16 - Talking

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I woke up hungry and hella thirsty. My mouth felt like I'd just swallowed a dessert of sand. I soon realised I wasn't in my room. I quickly sat up and scanned my surroundings and seen I was in Phil's room and I was still wearing my school clothes from yesterday. My phone was lying beside me which I thought was weird because I can specifically remember Phil taking it off me. I looked at the time. 11:43. The fuck? Why wasn't I at school?
The door opened slowly and Phil came in.

"Hey mate did you have a good sleep?"

"Yeah. I have so many questions right now."

"Fire away."

"1. Why am I in your room?
2. Why do I have my phone back?
3. Why am I not at school?
4. Why am I still in my school clothes?"

"Do you remember anything from last night?"

"No. Just I got grounded and you took my phone and Xbox off me and I remember about how much of a little shit I was at school."

"Ok. 1. You're in my room because you fell asleep in here yesterday.
2. You have your phone back because I realised that I was wrong by grounding you straight away.
3. You're not at school because you're clearly exhausted from yesterday and overwhelmed from the fact you've been fostered again.
4. You're still in your school clothes because you fell asleep in them last night."

"How do you know all this?"

"I have my ways." Phil said with a smile. The fuck does that mean.

"Is it ok if I go for a shower and then get food?"

"Yeah mate. You don't need to ask. I'll wash your clothes for you if you want."

"Thanks Phil."

I walked to the bathroom and got in the shower. I couldn't focus. Everything was going round in my mind. Why was Phil being so nice to me when yesterday he was yelling at me? Usually in foster homes when families were nice it wasn't a good sign. Usually it meant that bad shit was about to start. Why hasn't Phil put me to school if it's that important to him we all do good? Did I do something wrong last night?

I got out the shower and got dressed I literally just put on joggers and a comfy t shirt. It's not like I was planning to go anywhere.

I went downstairs and made myself some cereal. Me and Phil was sitting at the table ourselves it felt weird, quiet and awkward.

"I think we need to talk y/n."

Oh shit. This was never a good sign. Fuck.

"So what do you think about going back to Ahs?"

Why was he asking? I thought he already knew? Was I that bad that I had to be taken out of St Paul's after 1 day? My mind was racing. What the fuck?

"It would be nice yeah. Why?"

"Because St Paul's isn't doing you're mental health any good. You had a breakdown last night."

Shit. I can't remember anything.

"Breakdown? I don't remember anything Phil. I never do after having one. All I remember is that you took my xbox and phone away and then I fell asleep and woke up in your room."

"Yeah and between that you had a breakdown. You kept punching Techno and it took alot to calm you down."

"Oh. I understand if you can't handle it and want to send me back."

"No no I'd never do that. I just wanted to see if you could remember anything and see how you'd feel about going back to Ahs. It wouldn't be that much trouble to send you back and if it means you'd be getting better grades and you'd have more a chance of getting into college then it'd be worth it."

"I'd like to go back to Ahs. Nobody at St Paul's likes me not even the teachers. I do feel kinda shit though. I feel really bad. For everything."

"It's ok. I should've never have even tried to jeprodise your education the way I did. And I'm sorry for yelling at you last night. I was understandably annoyed that you done all the shit you did on your first day. I should never yelled at you the way I did and for that I'm sorry. Also I know you were sick yesterday morning. If the school worried you that much to the point you're spewing then it's not worth it."

What the fuck? Did he hear me being sick yesterday morning? Why was he being so nice and understanding? No other family was like this.

"Why are you being nice Phil and how do you know?"

"I know because I could hear you when I came up to check if you was ok and I knew when you wasn't opening the door. And what do you mean by being the being nice thing?"

"All my other families were never like this. They never understood anything. Whenever they were nice it was always a show. It was never genuine. Have you been talking to Jack?"

I had my suspicions because whenever I had done something extremely shit Jack would always be nice and gentle with me. I didn't mind the fact Phil was being nice but it genuinely confused me.

"Yes. I phoned Jack last night for advice because he knows you best."

"It's ok I just thought it was weird cause Jack used to do the same kind of shit with me sit and talk."

I was being dragged into the orphanage by the scruff of my shirt. I was only in S1 (year 7.) I had been caught skiving. I just wanted to try it see if I liked it. It was my first ever time skiving and of course I had to get caught.

I got marched into the office by Mark (the worker that was there when Sam left for a few months) his hand firmly on my shoulder. I never liked him he always gave me the creeps.

"Mark what happened??" Jack said wondering what all the fuss was about.

"This one was caught skiving class downtown." Mark said proudly his hand still on my shoulder. I was swaying side to side trying to get him to move his hand. I eventually ducked under his hand and sat on the office sofa. I was out of it. I couldn't be bothered going to the class so I never went. It was Mark that caught me because I was wondering around the town (dumb move) when he was getting shopping.

He had stopped the car and started yelling at me in the middle of the street. I tried to run but he had a hold of my hoodie and he practically threw me in the car and took me back.

"Thanks Mark you can go now."

"Why y/n?" Jack asked with deep concern and sympathy in his voice.

"Dunno just felt like it."

"I know there's more to it than that."

There was something about Jack's tone that made me feel like I could open up to him.

We talked and it got resolved. Mark got sacked a few weeks later which was a big relief.

Flashback Over
"So yeah that's an example. Jack would always just sit and talk and yeah sure it didn't always improve my behaviour but I always felt better after talking."

"I'm glad you felt like you could open up. I'll get everything sorted for Ahs tommorow. You should still be in the same classes you were before."

"Yeah I sure hope so. Thanks Phil. For everything. I've never been in a foster home as good as you."

"No problem mate."

A/n: Sorry if this chapter is kinda shit it's just the aftermath of what happened.

𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎? 𝚈/𝚗 𝚂𝚋𝚒 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 (UNDER EDITING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin