Eeek..My sauce!

Not giving a second glance to the thing in his outstretched arms, I used my thumb to wipe it off my chin before licking it clean with my tounge. Yummy!

Giving him a victorious smile I showed the thumb at him to give a thumbs up but before I could lower my hand, he grabbed my hand by the wrist and wiped it with the small piece of cloth in his hand.

What the heck is he doing??

I looked at him in wonder. Why is he cleaning my finger? Because I had a little sauce on it? Because I licked it maybe? Or is this is a part of our acting? To show them he cares about me?

After cleaning my thumb he picked another one and slightly wet it with water before wiping it over my thumb.

I was very well aware of the small smile that tugged at the corner of my lips threatening to break into its full form. His face was as blank as ever. His eyes zeroed in on my finger. Not a single trace of care was in his actios but somehow I found it cute.
The way his eyesbrows furrowed a little in concentration and the slightly narrowed eyes indicating that he was not amused, At all.

After cleaning my thumb he looked at me.

"Don't do that"

"What?" I asked with a small smile on my face. He seems like a tough guy. But the way he acts sometimes conveys something else. He makes it seem like he is made of stone, but...I know, I know. I have only met him a very few times. But...

Oh! By the way, if you are thinking anything along the lines of I, Alexia, liking him or at least starting to do so, then I will gladly flush that bullshit down the toilet for you. To exactly where it belongs.

I don't like him. I don't like him at all. But seeing him acting like this made me think that we could at least try to be civil with each other. All his acting is making me see him in a different light. That aura of light around it the glow of tolerance?

"Should I have to remind you that we are acting like a couple?"

"Of cou-" before I could complete, he interrupted me with a hard toungue.

"That means we have to behave like a couple. Somewhere along the way we would have to hold hands. Do you think I will allow you to touch me with that hand of yours that you sucked little while ago? I don't want your saliva on my immaculate suit or anywhere near me."

I looked at him dumbfounded.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

"You already ruined my shoe with your coffee and now you are trying to stain my suit with those dirty hands? Never."

Saying that he returned his attention towards his food.

Is he for real?! This fucking idiot! I gritted my teeth. Civil, my ass! How dare he to talk to me like that. Here I am, thinking of reducing my urge to paint the wall with his Oh so blank face to try and get along with him while he continues to treat me like the dirt on his shoes.

You know what?? Remember the light I was talking about? The aura? Yeah, forget about it.
That was a not an aura...It was just the light from the chandelier reflecting from the cutlery. And cute? Seriously? You believed that?! I was just kidding. Ha! Fooled you. He is an incompassionate arrogant prick of an ass! Anything more. Nothing less.

"So, what do you do Miss. Costello?" Emily asked making me snap out of my refreshing thoughts.

"Oh, please call me Alexia" I said politely. Trying to be sweet. *Gag!*

Hearing me she gave me a smile. Yeah. Fake.

"Ok then. Alexia, What's your occupation?"

"Uh..I..I'm a fashion designer" I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind.

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