"I don't want to make the same mistakes I made before, Lou. I've been thinking about it, and if you're willing to try things out, I promise I'll try to be better." I said, looking into her eyes.

I gulped. She was silent, looking at me, with a blank expression that I didn't know how to read yet.

"I've been getting better, I've been working on myself." I added, "I've meditated all of what I made you go through, and I know I've asked for forgiveness, and I know I've talked to you about this before, I know... I just, want you to know I haven't forgotten my promise, that I'm trying. That I want to try."


"I still have feelings for you, strong ones." I said, rambling. "I want you just as before, more than before. I don't think I've ever missed someone like I missed you, and I don't want to take things too fast, I don't want you to be with me if you're not sure."

"Diane, shut up." She said.

Her blank expression had turned into a small smile and a blush. Her eyes were shiny, and looking at me.

"I want to be with you, too. Can we just... let things happen? Take things as they come. Not fast, not slow... just when it feels right?" Lou said, tilting her head slightly.

"That's the problem, it all feels right." I chuckled nervously.

"Then do something about it."

"Like what?"

"Like not to stop kissing me." She said, and leaned closer. "Like don't hold back what you want." She held onto my jaw and brought me closer to her, "Do what feels right."

She kissed me, and I decided maybe I should do just what she wanted me to. Not hold back, do what felt right. And kissing her now felt so right.

And holding Lou against the refrigerator felt right too, kissing her down her neck was too, and hearing Laura moan was just right.

It felt right to take off her shirt, to run a hand through her hair, to kiss behind her ear, to bite her ear, to tell her I loved her, that being in love with her was so beautiful yet so hard.

It felt right to want her, it felt right to tell her so, and it felt right to kiss her soft lips again.

"This feels right." I told her, and kissed her again, running my hands up and down her sides.

She squirmed, and sighed against my lips, "It does," Lou ran a hand through my hair and held my face close to hers, "What else feels right?"

It felt right when she wrapped her legs around my waist and asked me to take her back to my room.

Surprisingly I was able to open my bedroom door while holding a horny 19 year old in my arms.

And it felt amazing to do so, to eventually have her laying on my bed, holding onto me like a koala with both her legs around my torso, and her hands massaging my scalp, kissing me with just as much hunger as I was kissing her.

As she lays before me, I dip my mouth to hers, again and again.

I could never get tired of kissing those lips, it's like taking a sip of heaven itself. So soft, so full, so tentative, and then she relaxes into my kiss and those lips become eager.

I ran a hand up to the curve of one of her asscheeks and her thigh.

"Keep telling me," Lou said, "Keep telling me what feels right. I wanna know."

I kissed down from her lips, to her collarbone, "You. Your skin feels right. Kissing you feels right." I licked her sensitive skin, and then kissed her lips one more time before I took off my top.

Madame Williams ( teacherxstudent )Where stories live. Discover now