Chapter 2

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My hands were trembling but I kept signing the papers. My beta was pacing the room as she cast me worried glances. 2 weeks. It has been 2 weeks since I first met my mate and I feel restless all the time. I want to be with him. I hear a sigh in the room and feel a familiar hand on my shoulder.

"El," June whispers.

"I miss my mate June,"

"Why haven't you gone to meet him though? You can see him from far right?"

"And how is that going to help? Because I know the moment I see him, I'm going to want to kidnap him and take him away... God it sounds silly when I say it out loud but I want to be cacooned in his arms, I miss him," I say, tears welling in my eyes as I speak.

"Go meet him in your wolf form, Jack is looking over him today, apparently he and his group are in the forest,"

"Don't, just stop, I don't wanna go meet him, I can't meet him--"

I couldn't go around him because I surely didn't trust my wolf to not lunge at him and traumatize him.

"Fuck," Meredith curses.

We both look over her and she is gritting her teeth as she is being mindlinked by someone.

"Two rogues, maybe more are there, Jack is injured and your mate--"

She barely finishes her word and I am running out of my office, shifting in the fields and taking off to where I can feel Jackson is. My wolf huffs out as I take in the surrounding, I find a rogue dead on the grass before I find Jackson lying down on the grass, half conscious, my wolf whines as I move closer to him, nudging him with my snout only for him to whine back.

'You okay Jack?'

'My left side is aching a lot' he gasps in the mindlink.

'Meredith! Bring the pack doctors and get Jackson to the hospital, fucking asshole I'm going to murder anyone and everyone that tries to harm my pack mates!' I growl in the mindlink.

I sense movement behind me before I sensed a rogue. I turn around, snarling at that fucking monster and almost roll over when the wolf, the she-wolf whimpers. I hear humans talking not far away from me and my mind freezes when I hear my mates voice. The she-wolf takes advantage of my distracted form and stalks closer to Jackson, dropping down and licking his bloody snout. I hear two wolves coming and Meredith jumps from the bush and straight onto the she-wolf. The wolf shifts immediately and Yuri, our pack doctor, winced as she stares at the she-wolf because the she-wolf is covered in whiplash and so many bruises.

'She means no harm, bear, I don't know why because of this silver but I feel safe around her,'

"I mean no harm... he's my mate, I swear I didn't fight him, I didn't even know what was going to happen, they just dragged us here, Jojo is there among the humans, please trust me," she says.

'Meredith let her go, keep a close eye on her though, I really can't trust her with Jack,'


She can't finish her thoughts because I hear one of the human scream. She snaps her head in my direction and the look on her wolf form let's me know that she can handle the situation and I should go to the humans.

'You sure?'

'You mate's life is at risk El, go!'

I nod and then run to where I can hear the humans, who are surrounded by not one, like I expected, but three rogues. The moment my paws hit the grass, one of the rogue leaps at me, his mouth going straight to my neck and I snap into action as I get on the ground and roll around to pin that asshole to the ground, biting his neck off. Just as I am looking up from this dead rogue, I hear a woman scream and look up to see as a wolf has my mate pinned down to the ground to the ground. I growl and lunge at the wolf, tackling the other rogue to the ground, I try to snap his neck but he still manages to bit me on my hind leg, this wolf is mocking me as he prances around me. My mind sees red when he once again let's his eyes drift to my mate and I lunge at him, going straight for his neck and killing him in an instant. I am so blinded by my anger that I don't even notice the stinging on my hind legs or the sense that my body is shutting down as I tackle the third rogue and finish him off.

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