He just shook his head when he walked inside. "You're lucky traffic is bad so I can't leave." He tried to tell me.

He let Koa off his leash causing him to run around. He's house trained so I don't have to worry about him taking a leak inside.

He follows us up to my room to see Mason still laying on my bed. "Mason! I thought you walked out of my room!" I get aggravated.

He started laughing as he sat up. "Oh come on. Can't I hang out?" He was giving me puppy dog eyes.

I sigh as I look at Charlie. He just shrugged as I turned back to Mason.

"We're going to be practicing so don't say random ass shit." Charlie chuckled.

I turned to see he was taking his guitar out of his bag. "You said you wanted to learn Perfect Harmony, right?" He asked making sure.

I nodded my head while sitting down by my keyboard. I've been listening to it non stop so I can learn the words.

"I have most of the words down, I just need to practice with you and the keyboard." I admit.

He sat up so he could start tuning his guitar. "I haven't played this song in at least a year so it's going to be rusty." He grimaced.

I shake my head while looking over at him. "You were pretty dope in the show so I doubt you'll be rusty." Mason spoke seriously.

Charlie turned red as he started strumming. I could tell he needed to warm up a little.

As I watched, I couldn't help but think of something. "You don't have to tell me, but how come Owen is shy of his singing?" I ask.

Charlie took a breath while looking up at me. He continued strumming.

"I think he would just get self conscious around me, Madi, and Jer." He remembered back.

I pouted while thinking about it. I don't know why he would be self conscious, he's an amazing singer and drummer.

"I wouldn't understand why. I think he's super talented." I admit. I'll even admit it to his face.

He sighed while looking over at me. "I've noticed he was getting more confident recently so who knows." He shrugged.

He changed the subject back to the song and we were going to go sing it to see how our voices sounded together.

He started strumming the chords to the song so he could start it.

"Step into my world." I instantly smiled. He was super talented.

You can tell it's not auto tuned. "Bittersweet love story bout a girl. Shook me to the core. Voice like an angel, never hurt before."

He looked at me so it was my turn. I sit up so I can get myself ready. I close my eyes knowing it's a habit.

"Here in front of me. Shining so much brighter than I have ever seen." I started. When I open my eyes, he was smiling towards me.

I could tell he was into it. "The truth is finally breaking through." We sing together.

And let me tell you, our voices together sounded amazing. We sing the chorus together and I can tell we're both into it.

"I feel your rhythm in my heart, yeah!" I sing with my whole chest. I have to go a few notes lower knowing it's a little high for me.

"You're my brightest burning star, woah." Charlie sang his line.

I'm loving this right now. "We say we're friends!" I sing Madison's line while he sings his after mine. 

"You're more to me." His eyes were beaming. "We create." He softens his voice.

"Perfect harmony." We finish the song. I was surprised how well we sounded together.

He had surprise on his face. "Damn. You two killed that." Mason happily complimented us.

"I'll have to agree. I figured you were good but you were absolutely amazing." Charlie complimented me.

I could feel myself heat up a little. I made sure to thank him as we continue practicing.

It was honestly a good day. It was nice to have a little Jam Session with Charlie.

I feel like we were bonding and not even realizing it. I don't think we're gonna be anything more than friends.

Maybe just a sibling bond, he treats me like a little sister already.

I did miss hanging out with Owen though. "So, when were you wanting to film the video?" Charlie asked as he started packing his stuff.

"Thursday, maybe." He said he didn't have any plans so he would come over.

I'm happy I met the three guys. I can tell we're all going to be super close.

Especially me and Owen.

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