"Well then if you looking to throw down I will be happy to give you a fight." I said summoning my swords before telling Serefell to go help the other in which she tried to protest but I told her it be okay. Serefell rushed off along with some of my men but a few stayed behind and formed a small battle circle around the three of us.

"Shall we dance?" I asked

"I will take you on first." Lu Ming replied as she spun her weapon above her head and dropped into a combat pose and so did I. Time seemed to stand still before Lu Ming made the first move and charged at me. I blocked her attack and counter by swinging brotherhood tp parry her her second strike and took Caladbolg and slashed at her causing her to jump back before e cross blades again. The sound of metal colliding with metal filled the air while my men where holding their position in the dueling circle close to us but not to close. I could tell in Lu Ming's eyes she was serious about this fight so I just had to asked what was she for.

"Allow me to ask you something. What is it you fight for?" I asked blocking a overhead head strike for Lu Ming's Spear.

"I seek a worthy foe to test my skills  and maybe give me a warriors end." Lu Ming replied. To be honest the last part that she said didn't sit right with me but perhaps I could make her switch sides. There was a another problem which was Garnet who was itching to fight me.

"Very well then Lu Ming I will end this fight of ours in this next attack." I said as I gathered energy around myself before I charged at her before doing a few flips  before brining both weapons down while she tried to block but the attack got passed her landing a blow that made her  fall to one knee while I had my blades at her neck.

" I said as I gathered energy around myself before I charged at her before doing a few flips  before brining both weapons down while she tried to block but the attack got passed her landing a blow that made her  fall to one knee while I had my bla...

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 "Go ahead deliver the final blow then I'm ready end it." Lu Ming said

No I won't kill you." I said

"Why?" Lu Ming asked before I told her that she is well skilled and hate to waste good. Lu Ming was silent for a few seconds  after I asked her if she like to serve under me and the house Sitri. 

"I admit serving a army that is about to defeated so I will pledge myself to you master and only you." Lu Ming said.

"And what of you Garnet you know the Satan forces are about to lose this war why stay on the losing side?" I asked

"If you think I pledge myself to your house then you got  to be a idiot but I give you a shot for now." Garnet replied. I had gotten two servants in one battle but I wonder how my sister was doing.

3rd person pov

Serafall managed to hook up with SirZechs forces who asked her what was she doing here in which she replied that it was on the orders of her brother Satoshi. SirZechs was a little surprised to hear that Satoshi was here and fighting again after the last war. As Sirzechs, Serafall and Ajuka regrouped together, the three lead the attack at the capital of Lucifaad as the forces of the Beelzebub army and the remaining members of the Six Houses of Lucifer couldn't withstand their power. The trio entered the capital, as they began seizing the main facilities of the capital, eventually reaching Bidleid Bashalun Beelzebub's palace.

Bidleid tried to fight Sirzechs, but Sirzechs used his True Form to overwhelm Bidleid, eliminating one of Bidleid's arms, one of his legs, half of his wings and left him bleeding heavily. Sirzech offered Bidleid a chance to surrender but Bidleid refused, with Bidleid telling Sirzechs; "The blood and wrath of the Satans shall always stand against you", as Sirzechs killed him, thus ending the Civil War. 

"I don't believe it we won." Serafall said while Satoshi caught up with them after taking out the last of the enemy forces.

"I see you ended the party without me." Satoshi said while Serafall saw Garnet and Lu Ming behind him. She was about to attack them but Satoshi told her and the others that they are his servants and they will cause no harm in which both girls nodded their heads in agreement.

After the war concluded and the surviving members of the original Four Great Satans clans were driven to the outskirts to the Underworld, Zekram Bael asked the aces of the Anti Satan Faction Sirzechs Gremory, Serafall Sitri, Ajuka Astaroth and Falbium Glasya-Labolas to become new Four Great Satans. Satoshi was proud of his little sister she had earned it but he wasn't left out as he also played a role in the war if it wasn't for his reinforcements the battle would had gone differently and was offered a reward but he turned it down saying that he has no need for rewards as long as his sister was safe. Serafall ran over to her older brother and hugged him acting like a child while he just sighed and patted her head. 

Due to not having any place to go to after the destruction of her House, Grayfia Lucifuge was taken into the Gremory domain by Zeoticus Gremory's request. Sirzechs Gremory later proposed to Grayfia Lucifuge, which she accepted. When Sirzechs later became the Satan Lucifer, Grayfia became his Queen, true to the last wish of her deceased father as his lasts words were that "Lucifuge must always be with Lucifer".

Without the Satan Clans, the newly formed Great King Faction, under the leadership of the House of Bael, was able to expand its influence as the commanding authority, comparable or even a bit superior to the New Satans, as the two had disputes over the future of the Underworld. This contrasted to the previous absolute rule of the original Satans would result in a political tug-of-war that would remain ongoing for several centuries.

Nearly all of the Six Houses of Lucifer were destroyed in the conflict. Zaorama Nebiros took the resealed Malebranche into a secret place in the Underworld to research them and the phenomenon of the Transcendental Devils. Euclid Lucifuge swore revenge against Sirzechs Gremory for destroying the Satans, his House and "stealing" his sister. A few centuries later, he and his own group; Nilrem would join forces with Rizevim Lucifer's organization; Qlippoth.

The surviving members of the Satan clans that were driven into the outskirts of the Underworld became later the Old Satan Faction. A few years had passed and the underworld had calm down after years of fighting but things had returned for the most part. Satoshi who wasn't helping Serafall with politics  most of the time spent most of his down time reading and writing poetry. He was one of the respected true devils in the underworld ad a season veteran of both of the wars. Many of the younger devils wanted to be like him and had asked him to train them to be strong like him in which he didn't turned them down. One June 7th Annabell Sitri had gave birth to a baby girl she name Sona Sitri. Everyone was happy for The Sitri clan. Satoshi being the oldest was in both of his sisters lives taking care of his baby sister Sona and making sure Serafall doesn't do anything that that might cause problems.

Satoshi's pov

Hard to believe it's been a few years since Sona was born which made me super happy . I spent as much time I had with her from reading her books, playing board games teaching her how to use magic and and so forth. To be fair I was the brother who actually cared about their siblings like most other older brothers who either neglect  or just don't care about them.  Sona had made a friend with the next head of the Gremory family Rias Gremory even through Rias was a bit older then Sona. They where close and  love to run around in the garden and play games. I kept a close eye on both of them making sure they stayed on the right path. 

(a/n: Hope you guys like this chapter let me know what you think of it in the comments. Until then stay safe)

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