S3 Episode 14: This Is Why I Hate Machines

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Then, the twins landing behind them. "You are in a heap of trouble, Autobots! Bringing an organic past quarantine!", Sentinel yelled out.

The female Autobot that was standing beside Jazz, then looked at Fanzone, before getting down on one knee. "Wow! A real organic.", the female robot said, fascinated.

"Hey! I think I know this guy.", Jazz said, while looking at Fanzone. "Then, you probably know how I feel about machines.", Fanzone stated.

"Silence, organic! You have no rights here! And you two should know space bridge travel is strictly forbidden! And your out past curfew!", Sentinel ranted. "How could we have known any of this? We have been on Earth!", Harvester stated.

"You can take your curfew, your fear-mongering propaganda, and all your bluff about Serenity and blow it out your exhaust port, Sentinel Prime Sire! And I don't see a space bridge around here, do you?", Ratchet shouted out. The twins then look around.

"Ah! His point is true.", Jetstorm stated. "No space bridge.", Jetfire agreed.

"Well, if the transwarp energy we detected isn't coming from a space bridge. Then, where is it coming from?", Sentinel asked. "Omega Supreme.", Ratchet answered.

"Omega Supreme? Wasn't that oversize bot decommissioned and melted down for spare parts?", Sentinel laughed. "That's the official story. Yes.", Ratchet stated.

Harvester then moved away from the group, before bringing out her scanner. "He must still be around here somewhere giving off residual transwarp energy.", Harvester said.

She then looked back at Sentinel. "Combine that with this electrical storm and you've got yourself a space bridge effect.", Harvester continued.

"So you two expect me to believe that Omega Supreme is still online and just floating somewhere over Cybertron?", Sentinel asked. Harvester turned away from them and whispered to herself.

"It's more believable than you marrying Serenity.", Harvester laughed to herself. Then, the clouds moved out of the way to reveal Omega Supreme.

Sentinel then rubbed his optics. "Omega Supreme?", Sentinel asked.

"No wonder my scanner didn't pick him up. The storm was interfering.", Harvester stated. "This can't be! I want this planet on full security alert now! You three and coming with me!", Sentinel ordered.

Jazz picks up Fanzone and the twins go to grab Harvester. But, Ratchet pointed his magnetic at them.

"Touch my sparkling and you're scrap.", Ratchet threatened. "It's okay! It's okay!", Harvester said, while trying not to put them in any more trouble than they were already in.

Ratchet relented, as they were all carried off to Cybertron headquarters. In Omega Supreme, the Decepticons watched below.

"Cybertron... At last one of our ultimate goals is at our feet and here was stand aboard its ultimate weapon.", Megatron stated. "Now wouldn't it be nice if we could actually figure out how to use it!", Starscream shouted out.

"The great and glorious Megatron will show the way! Thanks to his brilliance, we no longer transwarp at random! We can transform Omega Supreme into robot mode! And we have free access to and from the ship!", Lugnut said, while placing down the plasma dynamic thruster. "We still can't get the weapons online.", Starscream pointed out.

"As luck would have it, we still have an agent on Cybertron in a unique position to assist us with what we need.", Megatron explained. Then, Shockwave appeared on the computer.

"The activation codes for Omega Supreme may still be accessible, my liege. I only need to get to them.", Shockwave said. "Well, lucky you! Meanwhile, we get to sit up here and get picked off by the Cybertronain defense cannons!", Starscream yelled out.

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