Chapter 7

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I- 700 reads already?! wtf-

I've remade this chapter like, 4 times, my perfectionist ass is not satisfied.

I'm also supposed to be in class rn, but like........ n o. You know?





Finally, class is over.

Nothing was really difficult, but I could tell that the teacher was trying to "involve me in the activities". She kept calling on me all throughout class! Maybe she had good intentions, but that just made it a worse class for me.

There were so many other students, I didn't even raise my hand once, and I was sitting in one of the far back rows in the alley seat! I even made sure not to make eye contact whenever she asked for a question! How did she end up calling on me so much?

Okay... never mind, don't think about it. It doesn't matter, at least I was paying attention and didn't give the wrong answer to any of the questions. That would be even worse.

I stood at my desk and started to pack up. Apparently they serve dinner here, Its weird for me. The last time I was in school I didn't get that. But I guess it makes sense since we live on school grounds in dorms... Also the last time I was in school, I was 5, and was only there for about a year.

As I was packing up, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked around and saw that wolf girl that I sit next to. Juno I think. I thought she had left.

I took off my headphones and looked up at her. "Did you need something?" I asked. I was obviously tired. "Oh, no, I don't I just need anything. I just wanted to ask if you were okay." I furrowed my brows in confusion. "I'm fine, why wouldn't I- ohhh." I realized what she was talking about.

"You're talking about earlier when I fell?" I said as I continued fixing up my things. "Well.. You obviously didn't just fall, I saw Mira trip you."

"Oh.. that, well it isn't anything that important. I expected something like that to happen on the first day to be honest." I said, not really wanting to talk about it. "... Well, still, if Mira happens to do something like that again, you can tell me." She said with a smile.

I turned and looked up at her suspiciously. She's too nice. "Thank you for the offer. I'm fine though, no need."

"..Okay then. Sorry if I pried too much." She said while bowing before taking her leave. I watched as she walked off with a group of other people that were waiting for her.

Maybe I shouldn't be that rude, she didn't seem that bad, and didn't say anything bad. I'm just too defensive I guess...


A couple minutes after Juno left, I was ready to take my leave as well. I walked into the hallway. There were so many other animals. I thought if I left a little later, there'd be less people, maybe other people had the same idea.

I sighed and tried my hardest to blend into the crowd. At least it's easy to blend in because I'm smaller then most of the people here. I looked at my phone.

'3:27, If I make it to my dorm in... lets say 10 minutes, I should have a couple hours to actually unpack and settle down before I leave for dinner.' I nodded to myself and put in my earphones. I scrolled through my music playlists on my phone and selected one to listen to before continuing my walk.

Soon, after a lot of hardships and claustrophobic moments, mainly in getting downstairs, I made it outside.

You know, before today, I never realized how short I was. Last I checked I was... 3'8? 3'9? Either way, I'm still the height of a toddler. I can't imagine how claustrophobic it must feel for any animals smaller then me.

Anyways, as I made it out, I took a breath of fresh air. I looked around, now that I'm free, I wanted to buy one of those school papers. Almost everyone was looking at it earlier, and I'm curious of what happened.

'There they are.' After a couple seconds of looking, I found the hyena from earlier that was selling them. I took my wallet out of my bag and walked over.

"Hi, can I get a paper please?" I asked. He looked up at me an stared in confusion for a second. "Oh, uh sure, this was the last one we're selling today." He said. I sighed in relief. "Guess I'm lucky." I said. "Yup, that'll be 285 yen (about $2.50)."

I didn't have any coins, so I handed him a 5000 yen bill, (about $40) which was all I could find to pay for it. "Oh I don't think I have change for-" I cut him off "It's fine, you can have it." I said. It wasn't a big deal.

He looked surprised. "Are you sure?? I mean..." He said. "Uh yeah, I don't think I have anything smaller, and I'm kinda in a rush..." I said while sweat-dropping. I wasn't really in a "rush" per say, but for the sake of keeping on my mental schedule, I was in my head. "Okay then, if you say so." He said, as he took the bill and handed me the paper.

"Thank you!" I said as I walked away. I looked down at the paper and read the headline that was in big bold letters.


"...Oh..... Well okay then......"


(Word Count: 932)

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