Chapter 0: Prologue

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(Honestly, I just free styled this entire first page since I couldn't think of anything else, and you can tell....)

Juniper (POV), Age 5

I was sitting on the edge of my 'new bed', just... thinking. Its been 3 weeks..... Why did we leave home? Mom still hasn't told me and I need to know why we left dad, I can't stop thinking about it. She's been pretending that everything's normal, I don't understand why when nothing is normal at all anymore.

My mom is a doctor, and she said when I was born, something was wrong with me, I guess Its something to do with blood since I get blood taken a lot, usually once a week. But now its every other day...

I looked down at my bandaged arms and legs. At this point, it's more bandages than fur. As I was thinking about that, my mom knocked on my bedroom door. "Can I come in?" She asked on the other side of the door with her calm and pretty voice. "Mhm..." I hummed as I heard the bedroom door open.

"I just needed to come get you, we need to go get your blood tested again with Mr. Sebastian. Okay?" I nodded but I didn't look at her. Mr. Sebastian is mom's friend, from work he helps her with my tests.

She must have noticed because she started talking again. "Whats wrong? Are you feeling sick?" She asked as she came over to me. "I'm okay.." I said while looking at my hands in my lap.

"No you aren't, I can tell, come on honey, whats wrong?" She asked again. "Why did we leave dad? And why am I taking so much more tests than usual... It used to be only once a week and now its almost every day, and it hurts now...."

I heard her sigh as she put her arm around me. "Well... Its okay for you to ask, and so its fair, I'll give you an answer." She said, but her tone had changed slightly.. "Dad did something very.... bad to me, and aren't going to live together anymore, so you're gonna live here with me now, okay?"

Did dad really do something that bad? That's why we left? Mom and dad had always been happy, I don't understand..

"As for your tests, well...."

She paused for a couple seconds. "I... don't worry about it, okay? You'll be fine, you just need to power through it for a little while." That wasn't an answer, she basically just told me to stop complaining...

"Anyways, speaking of your tests, we need to go or we'll be late, okay?" I sat there for a while, then nodded.

"Good. Now, we need to go." She said as she stood up. I looked back at my hands with furrowed brows. I don't want to get tested, where else can they get blood anyway? Isn't the amount I've given enough yet? My arms and legs are bandaged everywhere, and it hurts. Mom must have noticed that because she started speaking.

"But, I have a meeting today with a new business partner, and he has a son around your age, so, how about right after we're done, instead of dropping you off here, I'll bring you along with me so you can play with him while I'm working. I know it's been a while since you've spoken to anybody your age, and you've been so good so far with all these changes."

I looked up at her with stars in my eyes. She looked back at me with a closed eye smile and put her hand on my head. I was happy at the thought of talking to someone else. I... I just hope they aren't like the people from my old school.

"Yeah! Thank you!" I said as I happily stood up.


She always knew how to make me stop questioning her, huh? I guess that's why what happened actually happened.

She always knew how to lie, she made her way to the top and convinced everyone that she was perfect. She wore her mask amazingly, she convinced her own daughter too...

Well enough for me to never notice anything at least.


I can't help but look back and see every red flag that was clearly planted...

I didn't ask enough questions.

I didn't piece together enough small details.

I trusted her with my life...

Now my life is a bloody... really, really bloody, Bloodbath.


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