Chapter 12

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Juniper POV

Think June... think... Mom taught me how to deal with people like this...

You can get out of this... But, how?

I looked around for anything I could use. A rock, a stick, anything.

Half of me wanted to just give up and accept my fate and just die, but the other half was telling me to just bite him as hard as I can and run.

It's like 2 sides of me are always constantly at war for control of my instincts. It's weird, and very inconvenient for a time like this...

I started going through any possible scenario that doesn't involve me dying...

They're not moving an inch, just breathing in my ear... Very hard... Maybe I can use my size to an advantage... All I have to do is squeeze out... Slowly...

And that's what I tried. I moved my foot, not even 4 inches forward and as soon as I did, the grip around me tightened even more. I flinched.

Well shit, that won't work.

Huh... Okay, calm down. You'll be fine. I just need to wait for an opening... A distraction... Anything...

Maybe a guard or something will walk past... Maybe another student? Anybody, anything it doesn't matter...

I can't panic, I know carnivores can sense fear...

Why the hell did you need to be born a hybrid, if you were full carnivore, you wouldn't be in this situation... You wouldn't be hunted by your own classmates. She's way too weak.


If she were fully carnivore, she'd be feared and hated by society. Just give up. It's a natural death for an herbivore like her in this world.

God... Please stop fighting... This isn't the time.

I looked up and saw the familiar figures standing in front of me.

One was black and represented my carnivorous side... And one was white, and represented my herbivorous side...

These... Things, figures, regularly appear in my head, and whenever I close my eyes to rest, always arguing... Never ending.

You just want her to die without even trying to save her life

And YOU just want her to die painfully by trying to fight fate.

Shut. up. I can't think...

You don't get to just choose everything! She needs to get stronger, this here is a great opportunity!

Me? I control everything? Whenever YOU control her, she ends up in life threatening situations that don't need to happen.

God... Please be quiet...

I'm here to make her stronger, to make her worthy of the carnivorous blood she was born with.

And I'm here to do the same, to give her a chance to live a peaceful life as an herbivore, to not be feared by from society.

I wanted to cover my ears to ignore them both, but I couldn't.

'Please... Stop...' I whispered.

As soon as I said that, I heard a door behind me. My ears twitched up. and the person behind me flinched as well.

A voice called out something... I assume the person's name, but I didn't even pay attention to it.

They loosened up their grip, that's all that matters.

As soon as that happened, I broke out of the giant carnivores grasp. Their claws dug into me and left a giant scar. I didn't even really notice it, and just ran for my life, not wasting time looking back.

I didn't hear footsteps following me. But I heard people talking, a panicked voice, who I assume was asking for help from the person behind me.

I guess he didn't see what just happened before he appeared, and what was about to happen afterwards... How didn't he see me running away though?!

I ignored it, it doesn't matter... I just kept running.

After about 3 minutes of just running, I stopped, panting hard.

I sat down against a tree to regain my breath.

It was then when I finally felt my arm, and all the pain it was in. I cringed and grabbed onto it.

I looked down at my arm and saw 4 deep claw marks, they were ginormous, they almost took up my entire forearm...

I closed my eyes out of pain, and the sight of the. God... I hate my blood.

Why did this have to happen on my first day of school? Why can't I just have a normal life as an animal? Why did I have to be born like this?

I can't answer any of those questions... And it frustrates me.

I sit there on that tree for a while, almost falling asleep because of blood loss, and the adrenaline calming down... I remember that familiar feeling.

Fight it, come on, you can't go to sleep you gotta make it to the nurses office, you could die this time, you were given a second chance, now come on. The coast is clear.

I took my hand off of my wound, and put it on the tree. I used it to push me up again.

The nurses office should be open still... They're open all night, just in case, if I can remember correctly...

One problem though... I have no idea where that is, or where I am for that matter.

I looked around... My vision is getting blurry.

I started walking around, searching for a security guard, that's the best bet so I... You know, don't die.

I walked around for about 5 minutes. It was pretty silent...

My ears lifted, looking for any possible sounds, a twig snapping, a distant voice, maybe a smell? I don't know...

I'm so tired... I kept walking though, despite that.

Can't pass out...


Do NOT pass out.


Seriously, for gods sakes, this is not the time to-



Well shit.

𝘽𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙗𝙖𝙩𝙝 ~~ [ 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚜! 𝚅𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚡 𝙾𝙲 ]Where stories live. Discover now