Chapter 1

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10 years later...

Juniper POV

"Ms. Morin, wake up, we're here."

I slowly opened my eyes when I felt someone shaking me awake. It was the chauffeur, who was a goat if you were wondering.

"We have arrived." He said as he moved out of the way to let me look. I sprung up and looked past him at the giant school.

'Woah.' I thought as I took off my headphones. It looked so... intimidating. I haven't been to an actual school.... for 10 years, all I had was the private teachers that mom had hired. In fact, I was barely even allowed to leave the property at all growing up... So yeah, very sheltered.

"Thank you." I said to the goat who was only a little taller than me. He nodded. "Do you want me to grab the rest of your bags?"

I looked up and shook my head. "It's not that much, I'm fine." It's only my violin, an extra backpack of clothes, and my laptop, I'd just be giving him more work for no reason when he could be relaxing.

Mom always needs to leave and travel a lot on business trips, I don't imagine that it's really anything other than tiring and draining.

He nodded. "As you wish, the headmaster should be waiting for you in his office." He said.

"Right, right..... So where's that?" I asked. "The secretary in front of the school should tell you where to go."

"Oh, Okay. Thanks." I said as I got out of the car. I walked to the back of the car to the trunk to get my things.

I opened it and put on my backpack, and grabbed my violin case.

I put back on my headphones after I closed the trunk and stared at the school building again. Yup... Still intimidating.

I looked back at the driver. "Thank you for driving me." He nodded. "If that's everything, I'll take my leave, are you sure you have everything, miss?"

"Yep. Please tell my mother that I got here safe and that she doesn't have to worry." I said. "Yes mam, I will, goodbye, and good luck."

"Thank you, goodbye." I said back. With that, he went right back to the car. I sighed to myself to calm down and un-paused my music as I began walking up the long path.

When I was about 1/4 of the way there, I could hear the loud car engine turn back on through my headphones, and soon fade out of my ears.

I sighed as everything sunk in again. This is my first time going to school in a decade, I've barely interacted with any person outside of my house... To put it simply, my social skills are freaking trash.

I'm a hybrid of 2 hybrids, a mix of 2 carnivores, and 2 herbivores. I'm either going to get bullied by other carnivores because I'm part herbivore, or be feared and isolated (again) by herbivores because I'm half carnivore.

'God, why did I decide to do this? I could have just finished high school at home.' I thought but mentally slapped myself.

'No no, shut up brain. I need to have a normal life now. Mom worked really hard to get me healthy enough to be able to go to school, I gotta make her proud or everything she's done has gone to waste.'

I sighed at my thoughts as I continued looking around to distract myself. There were tall trees lining the path. It made me feel smaller than I already was.

Everything looked normal, as I looked around, I saw people were everywhere outside. Groups of people talking together. I could see people's curious gazes at me and whispering at each other. It made me feel nervous. I ignored it and kept my head lowered as I continued walking

I continued walking, I'm tired already, why is this path so long?


After another at least 2 minutes of walking, I made it to the door of the building and slowly opened it.

I looked around, I saw the desk, but I didn't see anybody there. I looked around, down the hallways. Nobody.

'What do I do? I really need to get to my dorm and put this stuff down, it's actually getting really heavy now' I thought.

I sighed. 'Maybe... Maybe I should... NO I'll wait.' I thought. I was gonna resort to asking somebody, but nah. I can't. Why? I have too much social anxiety. Again, I can not stress this enough. I have literally never talked to anyone outside my house in 10 years.

My mom has basically engraved it into my mind that other animals are the scariest thing ever. So thanks mom... I guess?

I sat down in one of the chairs that were along the wall, put my violin case in my lap, arms crossed. And waited.

and waited......

aaaaand waited.

10 minutes later




"Goddamn it, he's probably just waiting for me now. Fine." I said as I moved my violin off my lap, and stood up.

I walked out of the front area, and started down the hallway, looking around for anybody to help me, or better yet, just find the office myself.

I looked around at the rooms down the hallways.. Just then did I really realize how big this school is, and this is just one building! This may take a while, I shouldn't have waited.

Hopefully, I'll find it soon....

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