53.Happy Birthday! (THE END)

Start from the beginning

"Relax, I can tear that tape," Suga positioned himself behind Annastasia and with much exertion, he tore the tape with his teeths. Once Annastasia was out of it she did the same and helped him come out too. Suga pulled out the tape from her mouth and they filled each other arms.

"I missed you so much, Sugar,"

"I missed you too Yoongi, Iam so sorry,"

He broke the hug to look at her face, "Why? No, please don't say sorry,"

"I had planned so many things for you, nothing worked out..." she was on the verge to cry again,"....even though your birthday has passed, and this can never be a good situation, still..." she looked in his eyes, "Happy Birthday My Love,"

Suga chuckled, making her laugh as well. "I love you so much,"

"I Love you too."

He pressed his lips to hers, at last causing each other to feel some solace in this hell that they were going through. Once they broke the kiss they hugged each other again like they were going to be separated.

And they were.

The door was abruptly opened, men came inside, they took Suga away from her. She cried, shouted, clashed with the men, but her single strength wasn't enough. She was again left in the room alone. She kept screaming his name, asking them not to hurt him. Minutes went. And the door opened again. The same men arrived to take her as well. She walked with them hoping to see Suga somewhere, and when they finally reached a room, she did see him. But not in the same state.

Her lover, kneeled, hands tied behind his back. Hairs soaked, blood dribbling from his temple, cheeks flushed red, lips that she just kissed bruised with blood spots on it.

"YOONGI!!" she rushed towards him only to be dragged behind by Taehyung.

Suga heard her voice and his senses were back again. "Leave her you BASTARD!!!"

Taehyung carried her by her waist while she fought with all her strength to escape his hold.

"Please leave him...." she spoke from her tears, "Leave him.. let him go," she cried.

Chanwoo jeered, "Not before he is dead, "

The word dead frightened Annastasia as well as the man holding her, Taehyung. No doubt he despised the guy kneeling there, in his bloodstained state. But he never desired for his death. This wasn't what Taehyung agreed to.

"I HATE YOU!!!!" she yelled at her parents, "I wish I was never born to you, you people are better off dead for me. You ruined my LIFE!! MY WHOLE LIFE!!!"

Chanwoo and Bongsoon did not react to her accusations like they were heartless. But not until she poke their nerves.

"I wish Yoongi had killed you both. I feel ashamed to call you my father!! " she growled looking at him. "And you!! "She glared at her mother who was sitting there smiling at Yoongi's horrendous state. "You are just a whore, just a flithy dirty wh..."


Chanwoo slapped Annastasia after hearing those words regarding his wife. The irony, he lets her sleep with other men but can't hear the truth.

"Chanwoo!!!" Taehyung turned Annastasia around to face him. He held her face, examining her cheek where she got the slap. "You can't touch her,"

Chanwoo sneered, "Then tell this bitch to shut up. How dare she call my wife a whore. Who the fuck do you think you are?" he continued yelling, while Annastasia kept shedding tears.

"She is your daughter fucker!! At least pretend that you care Bastard!" Suga spits it out along with the blood in his mouth.

"SHE IS NOT MY DAUGHTER!!!" Chanwoo exploded losing it all. Annastasia turned around stunned. Her eyes searched for the lie. Did he say it out of anger or was she really not his child?

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