"Let me go," he said fiercely, forcing himself to his feet. "I have nothing for you."

"You definitely know something," said Maddy. "Otherwise, you wouldn't be here. I suggest you spill before I go into your mind and get the information anyway."

He sneered, "You can't go into my mind."

"Actually, I can. You're incredibly weak, not to mention that a little torture always helps."

He gulped slightly. "If I tell you, they will kill me."

"And if you don't tell me, I'll kill you. Spill. Now. What the hell do you want with Katherine Pierce? You have three seconds to answer."

"You wouldn't understand," he said sharply. "You know nothing of the Travelers."

"Try me."

"The cure."

"I know about that. It's in Katherine's body right now. The stupid bitch thought to attack my best friend, and she got a mouthful of it in Nova Scotia. What about the cure? Why do the Travelers want it? You're already mortal... all of you. What do you need it for?"

"Aren't you already mortal?" asked Stefan. "What do you need the cure for?"

The man's lip twitched. "Balance. There can only be one of each for what we are trying to accomplish. The Hunters failed, and we cannot."

"The Hunters were supposed to feed Silas the cure and kill him," said Maddy knowingly. "Is that what you're referring to?"

He assented.

"What do you mean, there can only be one of each?"

"One of each doppelgänger,"

"Silas is Stefan's doppelgänger," murmured Maddy. "Kol mentioned something."

"The faces repeat," said the Traveler, who obviously didn't know who Kol was. "The original doppelgängers live, though encased in stone. They must be killed. Silas and Amara will be found and cured, then killed, no matter what you attempt to do."

"Who's Amara?"

"The first Petrova doppelgänger. Silas's lover. The woman who became immortal with him, despite the existence of Silas's wife-to-be Qetsiyah, who created the spell for immortality and the cure. Amara and Silas cannot continue to live. There can only be one pair of doppelgängers."

Maddy snorted. "Don't tell Katherine that, she'll point you toward anyone but herself. I'm guessing you plan to kill her?"

"We won't need to. We only want the cure for now. Katherine Pierce means nothing to us."

There was a sudden 'woosh' and a rush of wind as the air shimmered around them, letting them know that someone was circling them. Maddy and the Traveler instinctively moved to stand back-to-back, looking around wildly, but unable to capture a face amidst the random movements.

"Where is Katherine Pierce?"

A new voice had spoken, and both the Traveler and the vampire turned to see a brunette standing beside them. She had to be a vampire, considering how suddenly she'd appeared.

"Where is Katherine Pierce?" repeated the woman, a cold expression shot toward Maddy.

The other woman crossed her arms. "Who wants to know?"


"And who are you? Because if you're here to kill her, then please get in line, I've been wanting to murder her for ages."

The woman simply continued to glare. "Where is she?"

"You're not too far, you can find her yourself."

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