Chapter Two: Part Four: The Belated Beach Episode

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Jamie's POV:

"Noah, did you get the sun cream?"

"Yup all ready!"
Flynn chuckled as they shut the door.

"Babe, where's your bag?" Noah gasped and went back to the truck.

"Here, Love." I slipped my arms into the jumper Flynn was holding, then they took my hand and kissed it. My heartbeat a little faster and I smiled happily. ever the romantic's both my people are always doing sweet things like that. Sometimes I still wonder how I got so lucky. "What's on your mind?"

"Oh, nothing~"
They chuckled.

"Are you sure? That's a pretty big grin you're wearing." I laughed lightly resting my head against their shoulder as we watched Noah wiggle his butt around trying to pull his bag out of the truck. "I was just thinking about how much I love you all." They kissed the side of my head. "We love you too."

"I would hope so, we kinda live together." They laughed and I felt fuzzy on the inside at the deep sound.

"What's so funny?"
I hadn't noticed Noah standing in front of us until he spoke.

"Jamie is being goofy."

"How dare you leave me out! I'm offended."

"Hi offended, I'm Jamie."

"Oh no, now you've got him dad joking." Noah grinned widely and weaseled his way between Flynn and I, taking both of our hands.

"To the sand!" He was very excited about this trip, Noah loves the beach. Flynn is indifferent to it but they do enjoy laying in the sun. I also love the beach, it's been far too long since we've had a beach day. Unfortunately it's not warm enough to swim but I'll be happy just walking. Noah on the other hand..

"Don't go in the water! Noah!" He turned around and looked at me. "It's too cold to swim! You'll freeze, I do not want you being all wet on the drive back." He flicked his tail around and barked a protest.

"Jamie's right, let's save the swimming for another day and just enjoy the picnic he packed." He begrudgingly walked back over and flopped down on the blanket beside me. I gently stroked in between his ears- knowing he couldn't resist that and eventually he scooted closer to me. But still wouldn't look at me.

"Oh stop sulking, you don't even have anything to dry off with." He puffed at me and continued to watch Flynn set out the food.

"If you're feeling up to it, maybe I'll play with you after we eat." He perked up real quick after Flynn's suggestion and finally stopped pouting. "Okay, let's eat."


"Are you sure we shouldn't stop?"
Noah sighed, he really had to pee.

"I can pull over, there's a rest stop ahead."

"I'll go with you, I have to pee too." Flynn nodded and merged into the other lane so we could go to the rest stop. It's around an hour and thirty minutes to the beach from our house and currently we're 3 minutes away from town. But Noah drank a large cup of tea while at the beach so we've had to do multiple bathroom breaks. I don't know why he's reluctant to stop now, maybe because we're so close.

Nevertheless we made it to the rest stop. "Do you want me to go with you?" Noah paused for a second.

"No, we'll probably be fine. There's a low chance of meeting one of them." Flynn nodded.

"One of who?"

"Hurry back, I don't want to leave the truck running for long." Noah took my hand- not answering my question and we started walking to the restroom, he acted a little on edge but I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

I was out first and waited outside the door for Noah. Not long after I got out I heard a door being shut towards the vending machines and a large man walked into the room. I payed him no mind and continued playing the game on my phone, but then a shadow was cast over me and I looked up. Now, when I say large, I mean a walking muscle display. This man was at least 6 ft 3 and looked like a bodybuilder.

I thought maybe I was in his way and stopped leaning against the wall so I could move, but then I noticed him sniffing the air. That is very much a shifter trait, one of many I've come to recognize from being Mated to shifters. I got nervous when he just glared at me, so I put my phone away and started to go back into the restroom but he cleared his throat- "Now, forgive me if I'm wrong. But you know a Beta don't you?"

I froze and looked back at him, fairly certain Flynn is a beta wolf. "Um.. yes, sir." He nodded to himself then looked beside me, I felt Noah grab my hand and pull me into his chest.

"Can I help you, Alpha?" He spoke through gritted teeth and turned us towards the door. "This one belong to you does he?"

"Yes, sir." He sniffed the air again and frowned. The silence became awkward and eventually Noah cleared his throat. "Well, we should get going now. Come on, Angel."

We started walking to the door but Flynn came in before we even reached it and Noah ushered me quickly over to them. They started Mind-Linking each other and pulling me out the door. We made it halfway to the truck before the Alpha stopped us again. "Now hold on a second, I won't bite." Noah pulled me into his chest and Flynn stood in front of us, eyeing the Alpha suspiciously. "Can we help you?"

"I was only wanting to know what you're doing in the area? I'm sure you've noticed this is part of my Packs territory. But I have smelled your scent before in town." Flynn nodded still not taking his eyes off the man. "We just moved to town."

"I see, and where's your Alpha at?"

"We aren't affiliated with any Pack, my Mate and i chose to be lone wolves." The man crossed his arms, looking between us three. "You're Mated to both of them?" Flynn nodded.

"Well, I apologize for the interrogation. We've had quite the problem with a few Packs trying to sneak into our territory."

"I understand, no harm done."
The man then smiled. A surprisingly friendly and welcoming smile for having just scared the crap out of me. "My name is Lucius Hayne, Alpha of Pack BlueInk."

"I'm Flynn Queens, this is my Mate Noah Collin, and Jamie Wright." Alpha Hayne watched us and nodded, Noah released me from his death grip and took my hand instead. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat but I have a sister to welcome home. So I'll take my leave, have a nice day you 6." I guess he noticed Noah is pregnant, it's kinda hard to miss at this point.

"You too, Alpha. Come on boys."

We walked back to the truck hand in hand. "So I assume that's why you didn't want to stop." Noah sighed and nodded. "Yeah, we knew this is a Pack territory. Usually if there is any kind of public building within a Pack's territory the Pack runs it."

"Oh, that makes since." Flynn opened the truck and we got in, Noah buckled me up first then got himself situated.
"Well, I'm glad we met him in a semi safe situation. At least we know which Pack we're closest to." Noah hummed in agreement with Flynn and I adjusted the air vents before we got back on the road.

"I'm exhausted, and sticky.." they both laughed and Noah kissed the top of my head. "Sorry, Angel. I was excited." I leant my head against his shoulder. "I'm pretty used to it by now, though I don't think being licked in the face will ever be fun."

"It is a tragedy, truly; face kisses are the best." Flynn chuckled and took my hand. "Well, soon enough you'll have our little pup to give plenty of face kisses."

My heartbeat a little faster. But instead of being utterly afraid, I was actually really looking forward to Noah having our baby.

The family will finally be complete.


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