Chapter One: Part 14: The Final Step

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Flynn's POV:

We raced outside to Jamie- Noah almost slipping because of his socks. After opening the door rather harshly I looked around the grill to find him, but he wasn't there. "Jamie!" I turned to where Noah was beside me- only to realize he'd taken off in the opposite direction. It took barely half a second for me to see Jamie lying on the snowy ground just at the bottom of the steps.

When I got there Noah was already on his knees looking our love over for injuries. Jamie groaned. "Are you injured? Where does it hurt Angel?" I knelt down beside Noah, helping Jamie to sit up as he coughed. "I-I'm fine.. it just knocked the wind out of me." Noah tried looking him over once more checking the back of his head for any signs of pain- but Jamie huffed, swatting his hand away. "Love, what happened?"

"Mmm, I-I was going to check the bird feeder, but slipped on the second step and fell." Noah opened his mouth to fuss over him, but before he even got a word out Jamie pulled his face close and crashed their lips together. I could almost feel the hesitation he had before Jamie grabbed the back of his hair and pushed him closer. I know he has a thing for hair pulling, so I wasn't surprised when he instantly kissed back- all hesitation seemingly forgot as their lips moved in sync.
When Jamie finally pulled away and kissed his nose softly Noah sighed.
"Okay.. but if you start hurting anywhere, tell us."

"I will, promise." I stood up picking Jamie up in the process and kissing his forehead lightly. "Try to be more careful, Love." He sighed, nodding. I sat him down (with much protesting from my wolf) Noah walked off to check the bird feeder while I helped Jamie back up the stairs. Keeping a close eye on where he stepped.
"Have you been feeling okay recently?"

"Hm? What do you mean?" I pursed my lips, trying to think of the best way to phrase my question without offending him. "Well, you've had quite a few incidents with injuring yourself lately. I can't help but think that your having trouble?" He sighed, resting his head against my chest. "You're not wrong, I have been worrying about telling my parents." Suddenly it clicked. Of course that was bothering him, I had almost forget that conversation was yet to be had. "Mm, do you think maybe it would be better to just get it over with though? If you keep procrastinating it'll just get harder, Love." I wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head against his soft hair. He took a shakey deep breath and nodded. "Okay.. but I want you and Noah to be there when I call them." I nodded, taking a breath of his scent as I heard Noah walk back up from checking the bird feeder. "Why don't you just get it over with now Angel?" Jamie tensed. Before finally a few seconds later he nodded and pulled out his phone, getting ready to dial the number.

"Do you not have it programmed into your phone already, Love?" He shook his head. "No, I got a new phone since we last spoke. I never bothered to put it in because I had stopped talking to them already." I nodded, watching as he shakily typed in the number.




"Hello?" A rough sounding male voice answered and I could see Jamie visibly tense.

"Hi, um, dad it's me.."

"June..?! Really?" Jamie winced at hearing his dead name and looked to me and Noah. "Y-Yeah.." his voice was quiet and small, there was a  commotion on the other end, then a woman's voice spoke. "June?! My god, baby where are you? Your father and I have been worried sick!" He smiled slightly, albeit a little guilty (for worrying them I assume) "hi mom, I'm sorry for ignoring your calls. I just needed time to figure myself out.." the woman sighed, sounding a little tired. "Well, I am just glad you're alive."

"Where are you dear? Your mother and I can come get you?" Assuming that was his father, I felt nervous about their reactions to hearing Jamie's news. "W-Well, I am actually in town, do you maybe have time to meet up with me somewhere..? I-I have people you need to meet."

"Oh, of course baby! The park you always loved? How does that sound?"
Noah smiled at the eagerness in the woman's voice. "That sounds good mom, I can meet you there in an hour?"

"Yes, yes. We will see you soon baby."

"Bye, dear."

"Bye dad, mom."
They made kissy noises and Noah chuckled quietly. after Jamie hung up there was a lingering silence in the air. I worried he might be freaking out again. "Love?" He took a deep breath and looked up to me, surprisingly with a smile and teary eyes. "I-It's been so long since I've heard their voices.. I didn't realize how much I missed it." A few tears rolled down his cheek and Noah pulled him into a hug.

Hopefully this meeting goes well..


"Noah, can you grab his jacket?"

"Got it!" I looked down to Jamie who had his face laying on my shoulder; his cold body pressed against me as he slept. It was a hard drive here for him, already being afraid of driving on icey roads plus the nerves from meeting his parents. It was all too much and he had an anxiety attack on the way here. "Here. have you got the keys?"

"Yes, the doors locked?" He nodded as I managed to maneuver the jacket onto Jamie's sleeping form without waking him entirely. The cold wasn't a problem for Noah and i, but our poor Mate was unusually sensitive to it. His fingers, nose, lips and ears were already slightly blue from the snowy air. I believe he's allergic to the cold, but he refuses to see a doctor about it.

We walked into the park, looking for the water fountain Jamie said to meet his parents at. Eventually we found it, but it was already occupied by a couple. The woman looked oddly familiar until I realized I had met her on the walk to the house that one time. She seemed jittery and nervous about something, it didn't even cross my mind that she might be Jamie's mom, until she spoke.

Jamie instantly tensed. I just hope he can take this Final Step; It's been a long few months to get him here, to this point.

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