It takes me a second to figure out what she's talking about, but then it comes to me. My food.

I shake my head. "He specifically avoided that."

"Good," She nods, raising her voice back to a normal volume. "And I'll take your plates if you want."

"Really?" That's a rare offer. I back up and point at my room. She nods again.

"Hurry up," She shrugs, holding out a hand. I duck into my room and snatch my mostly-empty plate from the floor, then skip over to where Tim's plate lays, practically licked clean, and grab that too. I slide out of my room and place the plates in Lina's outstretched hand, and she pulls it back.

"Thanks," I tell her. She nods.

"Let me know if he," She gestures with her head at the bathroom door, where Tim hums quietly. "Does anything, and I'll take care of it."

I nod.

She trots down the stairs and disappears around the corner. I turn back to the bathroom door.

My mind wanders, and my eyes focus on a spot on the wall as the sounds of Tim's cheerful humming fade into the background. I'm properly zoned out.

What are we going to do for tonight, when we go to sleep? Share the same bed? Is someone going to sleep on the floor? It's even possible that both might end up happening, since I tend to toss and turn in my sleep. I might end up kicking Tim off in the middle of the night. Hopefully that doesn't happen.

"Sorry for taking so long," Tim's voice snaps my mind back to the present as the door opens, and I notice when he walks out that he's very much lacking something on his chest. I blush, but he doesn't seem to notice. "But there should still be some hot water for you."

"Thanks," I try to keep my eyes from straying down, though they desperately want to. Tim studies me for a moment, then he grins. He pats his chest.

"Like what you see?" He asks, sliding his hand down and winking flirtatiously at me. It doesn't have quite the same effect when one hand is holding a bundle of clothes, but it still sends all sorts of thoughts into my brain, begging me to go over and touch.

I snort and slide past him, trying to hide how hot my face has gotten. "Maybe."

"Wait," He reaches out and grabs my waist, swinging me around until I'm pressed against his chest. I gasp, but immediately lift my hands and press them to his skin. It's so soft and warm. When I look up, I see his face flush.

"Yes?" I tilt my head, spreading my fingers across his chest. He swallows.

"Uh, I just wanted to know if you were angry or something," Tim licks his lips. "But I'm gonna take this as a 'no'." He gestures at my hands, resting on his pecs. I wiggle my fingers slightly.

"Why would I be angry at you?" I ask. Did he do something to make me mad?

"I dunno," He shrugs, letting me go. I step back, pulling my hands back down. I adjust the clothes I had tucked under my arm before he opened the door. "Just making sure."

I shake my head and give him a smile. "I'm not mad, but I am going to go take a shower now."

"And you aren't going to pass out," He adds.

"And I'm not going to pass out," I agree.

Thankfully, I manage to have an uneventful shower, and I emerge from the bathroom smelling and looking fresh. I step into my room to see Tim sitting cross-legged on my bed, messing with his phone. When I take another step, he glances up, raises his phone, and takes a pic.

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