Hoseok- Sir Today we also have a meeting with Mr. Kim Taehyung. I think you didn't check the schedule properly. (He said the last sentence in a low pitch voice)

Yoongi- I did Mr. Hoseok,you know me I don't like to attend these stupid project discussion meetings.(he said while capturing the beautiful outside in his eyes)

Hoseok- (slightly grin) Yes Sir. But I thought you would attend today's meeting. Don't worry I'll be there for you.

Yoongi- Last time was different, I wanted to make sure that he would've attended our event with his family and see it worked. She was there.(Duchenne smile) You know she was looking like an absolute Nymph, when she sniffed the Plumeria bouquet that I arranged just for her; I felt that she sniffed my cologne.(closed his eyes and roamed his right hand on his shoulder) and then she walked on the pathway which they decorated in my presence; it was just as I thought for our wedding. When I saw her walking on that I visualised her in a beautiful white wedding gown,holding the bouquet and coming inside to be my wife.Then the perfect moment came and we danced. I can still feel her soft breast which was covered with the silk gown and tube bra on my rock chest. I can't wait to see her again and soon I'll make her mine.(one sided love or maybe attraction can make you sick! Very sick.. Don't try this in your life)

Hoseok- But sir, what about her husband and son?( he walk towards and stood beside Yoongi)

Yoongi- (smirk formed on his face and he opened his eyes and glared at Hoseok) I am Min Yoongi, owner of one of the most powerful and successful companies in Asia. I hold this country's GDP and in listed in the top 10 business tycoon's chart in worldwidely. I can buy people like Taehyung in one snap of my index. He is nothing but just a greedy businessman,soon I'll offer him to buy my Mexico's shares at a low price. He told me he wants to grow his business in North America,he will surely divorce her for this deal.(he honourdly shared his plan of how he will get Y/n in his embrace)

Hoseok- But she has a son. How you gonna deal with that boy? I don't think so she will leave her son for you.

Yoongi- That baby(he turned to face him) come on Mr. Hoseok the boy is cute I don't mind him.(he chuckle)

Hoseok- and what about Taehyung? What if he decline your proposal?(he questioned)

Yoongi- Then I'll give him a new surname..(shared a glowy sarcastic glance and a side smirk with him)

Hoseok- What do you mean?(glance flickered in confusion)

Yoongi-(both palms tucked in armpits and said in a rhythmic vocal) Late. Kim Taehyung.

(Hoseok's jaw dropped and face became pale when he perceived his dangerous Intentions

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(Hoseok's jaw dropped and face became pale when he perceived his dangerous Intentions. Yoongi sliding his fingers on the mirror by just looking at his aura in it. His stubborn love feeling sensing something dangerous in future)

Her Sweet But Psycho Husband(JJK)(Series2)Where stories live. Discover now