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Hello Readers!

This is your Author Joonie_blue12. How are you all? I hope you all are doing well in your routine life.

As many of the readers of this book didn't follow me neither they check my announcements so obviously they will not be able to catch the updates of this book. I am planning to write the first chapter in the end of this year as I also have works in my to do list.

I prepared the poster and also looking for a trailer shop for this book's trailer.

Till then I am sharing the season3's poster here and also give you the trailer when I publish this book.

In meantime you can check my other works if you wanted to stay connected with me and wants me to keep writing cuz obviously every writer needs motivation and support.

Love you all and share your thoughts and reviews on the poster and don't hesitate to correct me if you find any fault.

Love you all and share your thoughts and reviews on the poster and don't hesitate to correct me if you find any fault

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Her Sweet But Psycho Husband(JJK)(Series2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя