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Another Person's POV

Ming walked to the basement and stared at the man in front of him tied tightly.

"Witch clan King, you knew that it's against the rules to tie an advisor from another clan...."

"Not if he did a crime..."

Ming smirked and sat down in the chair.

"I don't believe in torturing people but I can't say anything about him."

Ming said and the fear which started developing in Nightingale's eyes made him chuckle.

"Who's the new successor of Nightingale Clan?"

Ming asked him. He shut his mouth like someone pasted glue in his lips. Ming looked at Kimmon who nods his head. He took out a knife from his pocket and handed it to Ming.

"What are you implying to do? I am telling you, I won't tell you....Ahhhhh..."

He cut off his nails from the skin. Ming smirked and then looked at him again.

"Tell me, why is Nightingale harming other clans....?"

Ming holds his other finger. He looked at Ming in horror and shook his head.

"You fucking jerk...!!"

He peeled off two nails this time. His scream echoed in the whole basement.

"I don't care if you will die here. I could just say that you try to trespass the Witch Clan area. Nobody going to doubt me but if that other know then your image will tarnish and your family couldn't take the shock...... You know that it's really hard if any of your family was killed by another Clan....... Poor you..."

Ming said with sympathy. He looked in between Ming and Kim who's standing far observing everything.

"Don't kill me....!!"

He said. Ming nods and smiled at him. He put the knife down and waited for him to tell.

"He's not direct heir from the Royal Family but......"

"But what...?"

"He's a distant relative of the past King."

Ming frowns and asked him another question.

"Why would your King will make a stranger his successor who's not even from the main family?"

"Everybody question that but the King was promising. Under his care, our Clan grew well." Ming clenches his jaw.

"When did he become part of Nightingale Clan?"

"Eight years ago......"

Ming took out his phone and showed him a picture of a man with a pale complexion.

"Is that man your King?"

He shooked his head and replied.

"Nobody saw the King other than his close accomplice. We get orders from the higher status above us."

Ming stood from the chair and glanced at Kim before walking out of the basement. Kim understood his order and handle all the things.


"What are you doing here, Ming?"

Wayo asked while mixing sugar in his coffee. Ming smiled at him and put an invitation in front of him. Ming smirked and chuckle.

"I want to marry, Phana after two days. You are close to Mae so I thought about giving it to you personally, Wayo."

Ming said. Wayo opened the invitation and smiled seeing the name of Ming and Phana written on the card.

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