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Another Person's POV

Ming rest his head on phana's chest while phana was playing with Ming's hair. They both were enjoying their presence.

"You raise her well...." Phana said.

"She was the only thing at that time which reminds me about our love."

Ming said looking at Phana. The longing in those past seven years and the pain of being apart vanished now.

They both are holding each other in their arms again as they promise seven years before.

"Why did you run away from me in the hospital?" Phana asked him. Ming looked into Phana's eyes hesitantly.

"I saw a dream of you taking Achara for me and that scared me. I already lost you before and seeing you taking Achara was painful. My dreams come true but what's happening now is different from what I expected. Maybe someone played with my dreams."

Ming knew if he saw something that will happen in the future but the way Phana remember him and their marriage there's no chance of them ending up in that way.

"Who would do this?" Phana asked.

"I don't know but they found about Achara now and I don't want to risk her safety Phana," Ming said worriedly.

Phana nods and peck his forehead. He'll do anything to keep his family safe. Now it's his turn to destroy those who have an eye on his family.

"I'll make Lee look into this matter but you need rest now. You're exhausted from all the stress and I don't want you to get more." Phana said and peck on his forehead before getting up from bed.

"Make something for Achara to eat. She'll get hungry soon." Ming said before closing his eyes.

Phana nodes and covered him with a duvet before closing the door of his bedroom.

Achara was having fun with Jongsuk in the backyard. Kimmon was spelling the whole house with magic to avoid any danger.

Phana looked at his daughter and smile. He does regret not holding her first time but he knew his heart knows about her in the past.

"Achara, do you want to cook lunch with Dada..?" He shouts.

She stopped and looked at him with excitement. Phana opened his arms to carry her to the kitchen.

Jongsuk and Kimmon shook their head seeing Achara talking so much with Phana.

"I am happy that she finally find her Dada..." Kim said. Jongsuk pout and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and asked childishly.

"And what about you? Are you happy to find your special one and a perfect boyfriend?" Kimmon smirked and said.

"Do I? I can't see him anywhere."

Jongsuk glared at him and then pulled him for a passionate kiss.


"Dada... Do I talk too much?"

"No, honey who told you?"

"Daddy always says that I talk too much."

"Well, he was the same when we were in college. You just get a talkative trait from him." Phana said while blowing the porridge to feed her.

"Am I ugly?"

"No, never. You are the most beautiful person in my life but after your daddy.." Phana said.

Jongsuk looked at Phana and sit across him.

"Master, Am I ugly?"

"Very much...!"

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