Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Y/N (POV):

It's been 21 days since i told Dolores that i'll be courting her.

Truth to my words and action first thing i did was, I asked her parents permission and blessing to court their daughter, next was her whole Familia...

I thought their expression would be so.. I don't know, maybe over protective and defensive? But no.. they totally did the opposite and Abuela even told me that i could marry her granddaughter quickly and discuss the date of the wedding..

Even Mamá Pepa accept me with open arms and immediately become part of their family. Camilo didn't stop teasing her sister all night, making him full of bruises or pinch marks from Dolores and it was hilarious, his arms looks like he got bitten by mosquitos or bugs..

While little Antonio were so excited to call me his sister in-law.. he keep asking questions and making plans a way to help me court his big sister... I smile at his hyper attitude.. and listen to his ideas...

While Dolores quietly watch her family interactions with me, she smile through the rest of the night...

After that Papá Felix suggested that from that night, I should stay and sleep in Dolores room, that surprise the both of us and flushed with nervousness and embarrassment..

Even so Dolores didn't said a words and i let a nervous sigh secretly, stealing glances over to her, I know she can feel my gazes but she ignore me and pretending to be busy..

I just shook my head and laugh slightly seeing her like that.. the night ends filled with laughter inside the Familia Madrigals house.

We had fun, and I get to know each and everyone of the family...and one more thing I can't forget how Camilo and I talk that night and what happend after that..


"Are you excited to be with Dolores not only in the morning but at night too, Y/N?"- Camilo asked with a playful smirk on his lips.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head from his playful statement..

"You really love teasing your sister don't you Camilo?"- I asked back not answering his questions..

"But of course, that's what brother's do, and Y/n."- I hummed and turned around feeling his tone become serious.

"I have only one favor to ask, don't hurt my sister."- he said with a serious face. Woah this is new. I mean he's rarely become serious and always behave playfully.. so I'm really surprised seeing him like this..

"My sister has been hurt from her past relationship, she might not told us how she felt but i know how badly hurt she's been when she caught Mariano cheating on her with another woman, I saw my sister vulnerable side that day, and I don't want her to experience another heart break again. So please make her happy, give her the happiness that she deserves I can tell you're different from that guy, so make her feel the Love again Y/n, I want my sister back, feeling all inlove and happy with the arms of her partner, with you."- he exclaimed, while his eyes filled with gentleness and quickly darted to his sister close door.

"Don't worry Camilo, I am not going to do the same mistake of that Mariano guy did. I will make your sister happy and feel the love again Camilo, Dolores means so much to me and I'll prove my love to her and make her the happiest woman in the world."- I said genuinely and truth to my words while tapping his shoulder, he nodded, we both proceed pulling my belongings to Dolores room..

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