Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Dolores (POV):

My eyes fluttered open as i heard Mirabel begin her morning song again from the kitchen first thing in the morning, well Every morning, repeated like this.

I got up and went through the morning routine, I'm a little bit tired from last night because I couldn't fall asleep thinking about yesterday events..

I'm still perplexed as to why my super hearing didn't work from that mountain. I mean, i can hear everyone inside the town and even from miles away, but this is the first time i haven't been able to use my gift to that location.

"Dolores Mija, it's time for breakfast."- I heard my Mamá called from downstairs, so I stepped out and went to the dining hall..

I saw everyone in the family had already gathered and taken their usual seats.

I took my seat next to my brother Camilo and grabbed the tea cup in front of me..

Mumbling thanks to Casita for bringing me my breakfast, despite the fact that i can get my own...

"So.. about yesterday. We must figure out the reason why the birds needed Julieta's arepas and who they were taking or giving it to. Luisa, Dolores, Agustin, and Isabela will accompany me to the Splited Mountain."- Abuela said after taking a sip of her own tea. We all nodded, and then her gaze shifted to me..

"Dolores, can you try using your gift again?"- Abuela asked, hesitantly, while the others just stared at me quietly. I nodded, and just like yesterday, she couldn't hear anything but only birds singing/chirping and flashing waves of the river water.

"Lo lamento Abuela, just like yesterday, I can't hear anything except birds chirping and waves from the river."- I said, shaking my head.. then all of them sigh..

"Don't worry, Mija, we'll figure this out."- Mamá said with a reassuring tone.

I hummed and smiled slightly in response, and we all looked to Abuela, who was silently thinking..

"How about you Bronitó? Did you see any visions?"- Tío Bruno shook his head in response.

"Sorry, Mama, I don't. Even though I took a peek of the future, I didn't find anything. There was something blocking my vision for knowing the future this time.."- he said dejectedly. Mirabel patted Tío Bruno's shoulder, saying it's okay, and all of us became curious and began to doubt...

"Hmmm.. it's okay, mijo. I'm just worried for our family and for the Encanto."- Abuela sighed, we began to eat quietly, then we heard flocks of chirping birds approaching our home.

We all stood up and walked out of Casita,  birds from yesterday, and an additional variety of other animals were also there. I hurriedly covered my ears for the loud noises they were making. Thankfully, it gradually quieted down.

My eyes scanned the area and came across to a White Panther? No.. it's a Albino Panther.. And a Hooded Person riding it?.

Papá quickly held Mama hands to calm her down as Dark clouds started to form above her head.

Antonio began to have a conversation with the animals and nodded before turning to us..

"They says that their Guardian are here to thank us personally for helping her yesterday, and to see the Encanto herself, she meant no harm for the people and us, they also said she's the nicest and most trustworthy guardian they've ever met, so we shouldn't be hostile toward her."- little Antonio said smiling innocently, and we all turned to the Albino Panther and the hooded person who was approaching us..

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