Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Y/N (POV):

I was standing into a bright and quiet ruins, while eyes looking around my surroundings searching for a living person like me... but all I can see were big broken ancient rocks and broken almost naked statues..

This place looks abandoned and i felt a little sad seeing those broken ancient houses and dead trees...

"Y/n.."- a soft voice call out my name, and my body quickly turns and met a beautiful golden haired woman with familiar face standing there, smiling at me..

"W-who are you?"- I can't help but to asked she just stood for a moment then her smile turn into a sad one.

"You were so young, so fragile, so adorable, and so little at that time, so you really wouldn't recognize me."- she stated while she walks closer where I stood and caressed my cheeks with so much tenderness.. I stare at her intently and realised she looks exactly like me but her skin tone was so lighter than i mine.

"M-Mom?"- I stuttered, she nodded and brings me into her arms. So this is how it feels to be embrace by your own mother, she's so warm and i can feel her love for me through her embrace..

"Dear child, your father and I asking for your forgiveness we are very sorry if we couldn't raise you like a normal parents do and have a wonderful complete family, we choose this path just to save you from your horrible faith, your father and i took all of your curse that was pass down by our Ancestors.."- she said softly but sadly... I pull away and stared into her blue eyes.

"What do you mean?".

"Our ancestors made a huge mistake and that's stealing the bride of the underworld goddess.."- she muttered, looking up from the horizon...

"They both fell in love at first sight.. it's quite a long story but i'll cut it short, in the end they end up being together and meet up secretly, their love bloom into a little life a baby and for them it was a blessing, a happy event for the both goddesses inlove..

But those happy days turn into terror, once the father of all the gods and goddess heard the news about them being together he got furious knowing the two goddess sin, stealing a bride from other goddess is a taboos or a terrible sin for their realm and for that both of them hereby punished, a curse to precise, cursing their bloodline, our bloodline, that everytime we fall inlove we and our lovers would end up a tragic death.

That is why through to our family generation all who fell inlove died into a tragic death, you were lucky if you actually live and have a family on your own before the curse take its course and take your life.. your father and i took all the punishment and curse that will be given to you My child, both of my mothers your grandmothers found a way to pass the curse through a family members, you were only in my stomach when we took your curse, your father and i shared this punishment..

and suffer greatly but we don't regret our decision, even said to ourselves it was worth it, and once i gave birth to you the punishment/curse become more worst, all the badlucks comes to our way eventually took our lives, and we accepted it without regrets even welcome it with open arms taking the curse along to our grave. Ending it.. we did that to keep you and your lover safe my child, now you will start a brand new life and we your family would be watching over you here, in this realm.."- with that many male's and female's came out of nowhere and stare at me with pride and happiness plastered into their faces..

Then i saw them, two beautiful woman I've ever seen, their aura were different from the rest, this must be my ancestors.. the goddesses..

"My greatest granddaughter, we finally meet at-last, oh! I have good news for you the people who put you on the spot would recieve their punishment and you my child will live to the fullest!"- one of the goddess said reaches out to me and patted my head.. she must be talking about the town folks huh?

Her Voice (Dolores.Madrigal×Intersex.Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant